A Typical Halloween by Kirai


Kagome stood at the end of the driveway, watching her young daughter. Little Kida was dressed up as a princess. She wore a pink ball gown and a pink cone hat with a long veil hanging from it that was tied under her chin. She boldly ran up to the stranger’s porch with her bag.


Kagome stifled a giggle at her daughter’s loud voice. She smiled as her daughter thanked the man dressed in a prisoner’s white and black striped suit. Kida didn’t just say thank you, she yelled it. Then she came running down the steps her long hair and the hat’s veil trailing behind her.

“Mommy! Mommy! Look what I got!” Kida reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of Cheetos.

“How wonderful hon. Those are your favourite.”

“Can I have them now?” Her daughter’s amber eyes widen with excitement at the idea.

Kagome shook her head. “You know the rules. After we get home we go through everything. Then you can have them.”

“Aww, mom.”

Kagome pulled her daughter close for a hug. “Those are the rules.” Kagome switched to a Transylvanian accent. “And they must be obeyed.”

Kida giggled. “Can I go to the next house?”

“Go for it.” Kagome let Kida go and watched as she ran up to the next house.

Glancing across the street, Kagome swept her eyes around looking for her husband. He was in charge of the other two children. Her oldest was a year older than Kida and was determined to get more candy than his sister. Her youngest was barely a year and was more interested in naps than in trick or treating. She spotted her husband a couple houses up with their boys.

Sesshomaru was hard to miss. He was over six feet tall and was dressed like a demon of old, in baggy pants and a light armour piece over his shoulder. He had two cardboard swords tucked into his wide belt. In his arms he held their youngest, Sasuke. Sasuke was dressed as a package with stamps and fragile written on him. Beside them with a giant grin on his face was Itaru, their eldest. He had decided to dress up as a clown this year.

She watched as Sesshomaru and Itaru walked up a driveway to a house. As they knocked and called out Kagome watch in fascination as they received their candy and walked away. Once at the end of the driveway, she faintly heard her husband.

“HA! I told you I would get more!”

“Not fair!” Itaru cried out.

“All is fair on Halloween!” declared Sesshomaru triumphantly.

Itaru stuck his tongue out at his father and ran for Kagome. “MOM!”

Kagome opened her arms and caught her son in her arms. “What happened?”

Itaru managed to mumble a garbled explanation against his mother, but Kagome still could not figure out what happened. Eventually he pulled back long enough to ask his mother. “Mother, can I trick or treat with you?”

“Of course you can. Go run up to your sister.”

Kagome fixed her eyes on her husband and glared. Sesshomaru looked away quickly before walking over to her. “What did you do?” she demanded

“Nothing.” Sesshomaru adjusted Sasuke in his arms, deliberately putting the baby between them.


Sesshomaru looked down and mumbled something unintelligible then looked up again. Seeing Kagome’s death glare he cleared his throat. “It is not my fault your son cannot take a little competition.”

“So you got more candy than him and rubbed it in his face?”

Sesshomaru raised his chin. “I did not rub it in his face. I pointed out he could not compete with the cute quality I possess.”

“I see,” Kagome reached her arms out to Sasuke, who immediately abandoned his father in favour of his mother. “Alright, why don’t you go with Kida and Itaru and see who gets the most candy now?”

Carrying her son, Kagome walked away from her husband with the half empty pillowcase her children had been emptying their candy into.

“No fair! You took the cute quality!” Sesshomaru called after his wife.