I do not own Inuyasha nor the Folklore of Teke Teke.
A young boy with snow white hair sat in front of his mother for the thousandth time this year. He was always leaving the home to go play outside even though he knew it was against the rules. They have punished him by taking away all his things all the way from baring him in but he would always find a way out. At the moment his poor human mother sat looking sad at the young boy while his father was once again too busy to come see to his foolishness.
“Kenji why must we do this over and over” His mother asked with a small sigh.
“I am not doing anything wrong. I like to play outside and Father keeps the lands safe. Why can I not go out whenever I please?” The boy asked.
“For your safety Kenji, as first born you will take control over the western lands. Also, I and your father love you so much that we couldn’t bear losing you” She replied.
“But mother father does not care” Kenji growled.
The young women bowed her head with a small sigh, one of her slim hands coming up to rub her temples. Kenji knew that his mother was in constant worry about him. He remember once when his uncle Inuyasha said that human women even bonded to Inuyokai need the up most care. He however knew his mother was strong and could handle anything that was thrown her way.
“Do you remember that story I told you when you were smaller?” She asked.
“Which story?” Kenji asked.
“The one about Teke Teke?” Kagome asked.
“It is only a story Mother. I grew pass thinking those stories you told me to keep me by your side was real. I don’t need anyone to protect me from ghosts” Kenji asked.
“Kenji every story has a little bit of truth to them even ghost stories” She replied worriedly.
“Believe what you want mother but Teke Teke is not real” Kenji said before leaving the room.
“Kagome when will you give up on trying to handle the boy and let me deal with it” A rumbled called from behind her.
“He is not ready for such a thing” Kagome said.
“He is old enough to believe he can go play outside at Dusk. I will deal with my first born in the marrow. Come to bed mate” The voice purred.
“Yes Sesshomaru” Kagome said with a sad sigh and followed her mate to the rooms.
Kenji however once again snuck out of the house to go play deep in the woods behind the castle. No one bothered to come back here believing it to be haunted by the many stories his mother told him. Ignoring his mother’s worried voice in the back of his head he began to chase a small rabbit for his night snack. There still was enough light that he would be able to find his way back if he chose. When the little hunt came to an end Kenji noticed how dark it was becoming and started to head back home.
He walked along an old dirt path that was nearly pitch black from the heavy canopy of trees above. He could almost hear his mother telling him about not leaving the house when it was almost dark again. Shaking it off, he continued up the path ignoring the unsteady footing. When he almost tripped he took notice of the dirt beneath his feet. They had what looked like something was dragged through here on the ground. Ignoring it thinking it was some type of predator dragged its prey through here, he took a small path leading away from the unsteady path. When it was taking him longer then he thought it should to get home, he broke through the trees to see a small worn down cabin in the middle of the woods. Kenji was relieved that he could see the tops of the castle not too far from where he was at now. Walking faster towards his home his elven ears twitched at a weird sound. Turning around he noticed a pretty young girl staring at him from the window. She was laid out letting one arm dangle out the window while the other was under her cheek.
` “You shouldn’t be here dad will get angry” Kenji spoke up after a moment.
The young girl only smiled slightly before she disappeared inside the cabin. Kenji stood there for a moment more waiting for the young girl to appear as the rest of the light began to slowly fad. That was when he hear it a small sound followed by another as the young girl appeared laying in the door way. It sounded almost like tekeing. Kenji froze as the young girl turned her eyes to him before she pulled herself out with her hands and elbows. Realization began to dawn on him as the lower half was missing. It was just like the story his mother told him. He noticed her long claws and in front of her making a slight tang sound was a small scythe. Kenji tried to move but his rational mind was stunned into shock. He kept ordering his body to move but it just wouldn’t. He finally managed to move when the Teke Teke was in front of him. Her small scythe turned into a huge one ready to cut him in half. He managed to dodge to the side before running straight home in fear. Behind him he could hear the tekeing sound as the Teke Teke chased him. The creature was catching up to him in a rapped pace and the fear began to become over riding panic.
“MOMMA, I AM SORRY MOMMA!” Kenji screeched out as tears spilled down his face.
Just as he could almost feel the scythe coming down on him he whisked away and placed into his mother arms. She clung to him tightly whispering soothing words as Kenji cried in her arms. Before them stood his father glaring at the yokai who dared to try and touch his son. Before the Teke Teke could defend itself it was wiped off the world by a flick of Sesshomaru’s sword Tensaiga.
Well there it is. Never written a horror story before be gentle DX. This is for the Halloween challenge for MomoDesu. Link is here if anyoune would like to participate :)