For The One I Loved Part One by SesshyLover092012

Chapter 1

For The One I Loved Part I

Summary- What will Sesshomaru do when a near dead Kagome is brought to his doorstep? Will he turn her away or will he be able to make the required sacrifices to save her? rated M just in case

Chapter 1


"Lord Sesshomaru, the hanyou is waiting for you downstairs. Will you see him?"

The taiyoukai turned from the window to face the servant.

"Do you know what it is that he wants?"

"I'm sorry milord; he refused to tell anyone but you."

Sesshomaru turned his icy stare back to the window. "Very well, send him up. I assume he is alone?"

"Yes, we made it known his human companions were not welcome on the grounds."

"Very well."

The sparrow youkai left the room quickly, fearing he would anger his master.

Moments later Sesshomaru heard his half brother coming towards the door, cursing and yelling the entire way.

"Look here you, I'm not some piece of trash you can throw around!" The door burst open and in came a fuming Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, it would be wise of you to refrain from insulting my servants. I would not stop them from harming you."

Inuyasha scoffed. "Feh, I wouldn't even need Tetsaiga to take on your staff. Anyway, I didn't come here for a fight so don't tempt me to start one."

Sesshomaru smirked. "I think you are the one that should not tempt me."

He turned around to face the hanyou. Inuyasha did not look much like his usual self even if he was trying to sound like it. His hair was dirty and matted, there were scratches all over his face, and there were holes in his clothing. Dark circles had made their home under his pain filled eyes, even more visible against pale, patchy skin.

"Whatever Sesshomaru, I do not have time for this. I came to ask for your help."

"Help? Why would I help you?"

"Because if you help me, I can tell you where Naraku is."

Sesshomaru's eyes squinted with suspicion. "How is it that a low-life hanyou and a group of weaklings have found Naraku, when I haven't been able to find a trace of him for months?"

"My friends don't know about it. Only I do."

"How did you come upon this knowledge?"

"You have to say you'll tell no one. Our family's code will hold you to your honor."

"I will tell no one."

Inuyasha took a deep breath. "It happened the last time we battled. Every one else was off fighting other demons while I fought Naraku. When one of his tentacles went through my chest, so did some kind of poison. I can look into Naraku's mind and see where he is at any time. If I do it he does the same. He knows I'll do whatever it takes to find him. If the other's knew they wouldn't want me to use it."

"You are willing to endanger the humans for my help? Would you need some kind of help with the undead priestess?"

"No, it's not for Kikyo. Besides, I'll be away from my friends when I tell you."

Sesshomaru looked over his brother again. If he was lying, Sesshomaru would not hesitate to kill him.

"What do you need help with?"

"It's Kagome. I think she's dying." Inuyasha bowed his head, ears flattening on top of his head.

Sesshomaru held back his look of disgust. This hanyou not only loved on human miko, but two.

"The weak human girl that travels with you?"


"Why not take her to the sister of the dead priestess? I can not cure disease, especially not in humans."

"It's not a disease; at least I don't think it is. I just know that it is hurting her."

"What happened to her?"

"Kikyo came to take the rest of their soul from Kagome. She didn't get all of it, but she got more. Now Kagome's life is hanging on a thread. I thought that because you know so much ancient history, you might know about this. A soul is the same no matter is human or youkai."

Sesshomaru of course didn't agree with this, but went deep into thought instead of pointing this out. He knew there was probably nothing he could do for the wench, but even if she died, he would know where Naraku has been regaining his strength. Giving him the perfect opportunity to strike before Naraku could plan yet another escape.

"Bring her to the southern border of the castle tonight. Mention to no one that she is here. Take your other friends away, so you can tell me Naraku's location at that time."


"Here Kagome, drink this." Sango said. She tipped the cup to help Kagome drink.

"Thank you Sango. Thank all of you for taking such good care of me."

Sango squeezed Kagome's frail hand. "We'd do anything for you."

"Lady Kagome, you've done so much for all of us. We are merely doing the same."

"Still I thank you. Is there any sign of Inuyasha yet?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"I just wish he would have said where he's going."

"Get some rest. We'll wake you when he returns."

"Alright." Kagome snuggled into her sleeping bag while the others remained sitting around the fire.

Sango ran her hand over Kirara's soft, furry back.


"Yes Shippou?"

"Will she really be okay?" Sango looked into his worried eyes, and then she glanced at Miroku who nodded.

"We're not sure Shippou. All we can do is hope that Inuyasha can find a way to save her."


Later that night Kagome felt someone gently shaking her. She opened her eyes to find Inuyasha with his finger over his mouth, signaling her to be quiet.

He lifted her into his arms and road from the camp not stopping until he was a safe distance away.

"Inuyasha, what's going on?" She asked when they stopped.

"I found someone that might be able to help you. But you'll have to stay with him for a little while."

Kagome's eyes filled with tears. "And what if he can't? What is I spend the rest of my time away when I should be spending it with all of you and with my family?"

"He will find a way to help you. He has to."

"But what if there is no way?"

"Then at least we will know we tried."

Kagome leaned up and kissed Inuyasha softly on the lips. "I love you Inuyasha. You are and always will be my very best friend. If I don't see the others again, tell them they are all like family to me and that I love them."

Inuyasha fought back his tears. "I love you too Kagome, and I will tell them."

Before she could speak again Inuyasha was already moving.

Kagome drifted off to sleep opening her eyes only when she was sure they had reached their destination. They seemed to be at a kind of fortress.

"Where is he?" A cold voice asked through the night. It was dark and the person was too far away, so she couldn't see, but she knew she had heard the voice before.

"He is underground. Beneath the Great Root Forest. I don't know where the entrance is."

The stranger came into view and Kagome was put into his arms.

"Good, you won't find him before I do."

Inuyasha looked at Kagome. "I'll be back soon."


Inuyasha kissed her forehead then left.

"There are rules you will learn to follow while staying at my home."

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru, I understand and thank you."


A/N: Hey everyone, hope you enjoy my new story! You know how to let me know, review please!