It Comes To This by Reminiscence


I don’t own Inuyasha


Implied Adult Situations

AGAIN WARNING: Not for those who can take the reality of life. Chapters get darker as it goes. right it's getting a basis.


She wasn’t seeing the world, she was just being. The pain had faded hours ago, now it was just her soul. There she was, in an unknown part of the forest feeling alone. She was not aware of how long she’d been lying there, sobbing softly. Inuyasha had left the moment he realized what he’d done. However she didn’t care, he even told her what was happening before he turned. She only wished he’d come back to her, however she doubted he would. Everyone else was Kami knows where.

          As she laid there she thought about what would happen if she went in search of her friends. In the end she decided she didn’t want to face them, she wanted to leave a good memory of her with them. She didn’t know if she would return to her family, she didn’t want anyone to know what happened to her. She vowed to keep her grievances to herself. As she resurfaced from her world her heart rate sped. He was there only flashing his aura for her, and from what she could feel he was staring.

          Stiffening she rose off of her side facing the opposite side of the forest away from him. She felt the adrenaline pumping in her veins along with the fear. She didn’t care if she couldn’t tell which direction the village was, she was ready to run, to get away from it all. As she was about to jump and dash she felt him suddenly behind her as if he knew what she was planning. Before her powers could rise she felt a silk covering drop onto her shoulders.

“Miko, to your left if you keep going for 30 minutes is your well.” He watched her run with all her legs could with her increased strength. After with all that happened, his honor dictated he only mad sure she made it home safely and come up with a payment for her family to compensate. Hiding the rest of his aura he followed in the shadows.



          Waking with a groan Miroku awoke to the sight of an upset Shippou clinging to Sango who was awakening as well. The events of what happened that evening came crashing down. Suddenly panick filled him, looking around the small hut they were in he figured they were back in the village they came to investigate after hearing of a jewel shard.

“Miroku?” Turning he looked her over and found that really she had no injuries.

‘So why did we all pass out, and who brought us here.’ “Sango are you alright, where are the others?”

          Looking around noticing at least 2 members from their original group were in fact missing she said, “I don’t know, I remember two strong demonic auras growing so strong I passed out.”

          Shippou who had stayed quiet up until then spoke. “I managed stay conscious enough to see Sesshomaru and Kikyou take out Naraku enough until they managed to get the jewel.”

“What about Inuyasha and Kagome?” Once he saw Shippou stiffen he feared the worst. Shippou then had a rack of shivers and sobs go through his body as he tried to scrape images to his memory.

“I….I..I saw Inuyasha.. and he looked feral. He was pounding his head into the ground and yelling about something! And…and kagome was trying to help but he kept pushing her away!” with that said he started sobbing and muttering about hearing her screaming and seeing a dull flash of pink. Now it was Sango’s turn to fear for her sister.


He followed her as she ran to a small hut outside the village. He heard her pacing around the small hut, as if she was thinking of her next move. Waiting in the forest for her to gather her things and run to the well never to return. However he remembered he honor required him to issue a gift of apology as much as he loathed it. While he thought he felt his beast awaken from within.


‘Dear Kami,’ he thought. ‘Don’t tell this Sesshomaru  you marked her?’ At first while thinking of removing the mark he heard his beast purr in delight of not being alone anymore. Then as both he and his beast caught a distinct smell of the miko’s blood in the air, his beast howled in rage and clawed at its cage.

‘Mate! No!’ His beast for the first time in Sesshomaru’s life gained control without permission. In a blink of an eye he was at in the frame of the door watching kagome trying to gash her other lefg only to try and move on to her wrists before Sesshomaru caught her hand.


          Kagome couldn’t be helped as images from the other night came to her mind. She couldn’t take the pain in her heart and her mind as they screamed and filled her with depression, Picking up a knife from her homemade cabinet; she decided to end it all.


Inuyasha couldn’t get the guilt and sadness out of his head as he remembered what he woke up to, so he ran. When he went full demon he didn’t know what over took him. All he could of was getting Kagome a safe distance from and his brother as he realized they were both going into full demon. Although he did remember being knocked on the back of his head and being thrown into a tree. When he came to only by scent and sound did he realize what he and his brother had done.  Kagome lying there sobbing on her side while he could faintly scent and sense his brother looking down at the scene from a tree. He couldn’t fight this battle, at least not yet, and for the first time in his life he ran. Now here he was following the trail to Kagome to check on her, later he’d try and find Kikyou.


Kikyou left the scene after the battle with Naraku which she noted even if she had the jewel the war was far from over. However at least she could relish in the fact that her and naraku’s plan had gone smoothly on her end. The deal was to make Inuyasha go full demon with a simple spell so that he could kill Kagome. However Naraku had been too caught up in hiding from Inuyahsa and watching the scene unfold, that he did not sense the older brother. Kikyou had planned to kill Naraku later on but did not want to look suspicious in front of the elder brother.

But again she felt that he might blame her for the strange occurrence and so silently placed him on the same spell to distract him from her. When Naraku was distracted she let her arrow fly, freeing it from Naraku’s pouch. Picking it up she summoned her soul collectors to take her out of the clearing after becoming weary from the emitted Youkai. However before she could get far off the ground she saw Naraku disappear in his Miasma fleeing death by the hands of Sesshomaru. Her only worry was that if Sesshomaru had fought with his brother. She was the only one who should have his attention; she was afterall carrying his cchild.

Finally after more than four month of being human and traveling with Inuyasha, she was making progress in her ultimate plan.


Please review for the first chapter because I would like everyone’s opinion on whether or not this could be successful.