I do not own Inuyasha.
The lands were quiet, Shikon Jewel and Naraku free. Sesshoumaru was sitting in his study, going over reports and requests from the other Cardinal lords. Now that the fighting has stopped, the treaty that left the borders open for Sesshoumaru's younger half-brother and his little group was being replaced with the normal customs: No crossing unless given permission from the lord of the land they wished to travel to. A clause was added that all who had moved from one land to another must move their families back within 3 years, or face consequences from the residing lord.
Dropping the document to rub at his temples, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, hoping to rid his sight of spots from staring too long. It had been a grueling 2 months, and his paperwork still hadn't been finished. He had greatly underestimated how long his paperwork had been building up.
Deciding that a break was in order, he stood from his seated position at his desk and stretched out his stiff muscles. He would much rather be wandering his borders and lands than sitting in his study doing paper work all day.
He made his way down to the gardens and he found his young ward playing around in the exotic and meticulously kept flowers, bushes and trees. When she spotted her lord, she smiled, and dropped out of the tree she had been sitting in, and ran to him.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, do you want to play with me?" she asked, still wearing her bright smile. He turned to look at his ward, and before he could answer, his retainer, that god awful toad, opened his mouth.
"Why would Lord Sesshoumaru want to play with the likes of you?! You're just a lowly human, not even worthy of residing in his presence! My Lord has far to many things to do for him to do something as degrading as playing with you!" he squaked, and Sesshoumaru growled, and Jaken realized that he made a mistake.
"What I mean my Lord, is that you are too regal to do something so tedious as to keep a young child, a human one at that, entertained!"
Sesshoumaru had enough of his retainer's harsh words to his ward, who's smile had slipped from her face once Jaken started to talk. Realizing that she was upset, he pulled a leg back and kicked his retainer far over the palace walls. At least, he was far enough that Sesshoumaru couldn't hear him anymore.
Turning to his ward, he looked down on her. "Of course" he said, and she brightened back up. "Yay! Come make crowns with me!" she exclaimed, and ran off into the endless flower garden.
Following steadily behind, he watched as she plopped herself down in a patch of small flowers, wild flowers, and began to weave them together. He frowned. "Rin" he said, and she looked up. He motioned towards the larger flowers, and said, "You may use this Sesshoumaru's personal flowers"
She blinked a few times, and then her face lit up so brightly, he was surprised she didn't start to glow. "Thank you Lord Sesshoumaru!" she said, ran to him to hug his legs, and then ran into the rows of beautiful flowers, careful not to crush them.
He sat on a nearby bench and watched her weave white roses together, the full blooms backed up to each other. Part of Sesshoumaru was amazed that she could make a wreath that tight together, and another part wondered if maybe she needed something else to do. That, of course led him to think that maybe he should hire a tutor for her to learn proper manners. She was nearing 10 years of age, and in the next few years, he'd have to find her a suitor so that she could have her own family.
That settled, he focused back on his ward, who was tying off the last rose, and tucking the stem under the first rose that was there, and then she stood, and walked over to him. She gave him a bright smile, and held out her white wreath. "Here, Lord Sesshoumaru! It's for you!" she said, and he picked the wreath out of her hands gently. "Thank you, Rin" he said, and stared at it. She giggled. "You're supposed to wear it, silly" she said, took the crown, and placed it on his silver hair.
She stood back, and smiled. "So pretty" she said, and went back to the flower garden, and began another wreath.
The scent of the roses invaded his nose, and he had to hold in the temptation to sneeze. It wasn't a bad smell, per se, just really strong.
He was just about to sneeze when he smelled something strong coming from outside the walls. He stood, and started over to the wall. He heard Rin call out to him, but he was in a trance, going towards the sound. He vaguely felt Rin cling to his leg, not wanting to be left alone in the flower garden.
All that he could properly focus on was the quickly receeding smell, and he started to run after it. Rin had grabbed onto the back of his armor and was wrapping his Mokomoko around herself to keep her attached to himself.
Loosing himself to the smell, he was flying through the forest at breakneck speed, determined to catch the scent that was tantilizing him so much.
The next thing he knew, he was bursting into a clearing, and the scent completely disappeared.
I watched as my younger brother ran around the courtyard playing soccer with his friends. Mom was inside making food for this evening, since Souta was having a slumber party with his friends, and Gramps was entertaining the tourists and guests about the history of our shrine. Me, I was just sitting on the steps to the bone eaters well. I had a book with me, but I had given up on reading it in favor of watching my younger brother hang out with his friends.
Normally, when a sibling notices that their older siblings are watching them, they get angry, but Souta, after nearly loosing me to the Sengoku Jidai, always smiled and invited me to join them. Sometimes I'd join him and his friends, but today, I was content just to watch him.
I sighed, and looked out at the city of Tokyo. The setting sun was casting a golden glow on everything, The sun was hitting the many windows of all of the sky scrapers, making for a beautiful picture. I saw the lights for the shrine come on, and I saw Gramps closing the shrine, letting the last of the guests take their last looks around before leaving for the night.
I had just turned back to the boys playing when I was bombarded with the most powerful youki. It had been 2 months since the well had closed, and so it was a shock to feel such a powerful youki after nothing for 8 weeks.
I screamed as a familiar youkai burst out of the forest, and I stood as he stopped, and snapped out of whatever trance he was under. Souta looked at me, saw the figure, and then tripped over the ball, making a distraction so I could get our guest out of here. I ran over to the figure, grabbed his wrist, and shot into the well house, snapping the doors shut behind me.
"Lord Sesshoumaru! What the hell are you doing here?!" I screamed, and he looked down at me, gold eyes narrowing. "Where is this Sesshoumaru?" he asked, and I shivered from the cold tone in his voice. "You're in Tokyo" I said, and got an even colder glare. "Lies. There is no place called 'Tokyo'" he said, and I saw his back shift, and then I saw a black head of hair. I smiled. "Hi Rin!" "Kagome!" she said, and struggled to get out of her cocoon.
I saw Sesshoumaru growing agitated, so I went behind him, and helped his young ward escape the confines of Mokomoko. She gave me a hug once free, and then held something up to her protector. "You nearly lost it, Lord Sesshoumaru!" she said, and I saw she held a wind-battered white rose wreath. He took it, and looked at it. "you caught it" "Yes I did!" she said, so proud of herself.
I looked at him, and figured that it was probably for the best that I tell him where exactly he is.
"Lord Sesshoumaru" I started, and he looked back at me. I continued, "I think you should sit down. I have to tell you where you are." I said, and I saw Rin's smile fade. "Kagome?" I gave her a smile. Sesshoumaru leaned on the edge of the Bone Eaters Well, and Rin hopped up next to him. The wood planks over it gave a low groan, but held.
I took a deep breath. "The truth is, I was never from your time. I came from this time period, which is roughly 500 years into the future for you two. The way I got there was through the Bone Eaters Well, which took me just outside of Edo, which is modern day Tokyo."
I saw Sesshoumaru's eyebrows furrow, and then he looked at the wood he was leaning against, straightened, and plucked Rin off of the well. She, too, seemed to make the connection. "So, we just ran through time?" she asked, and I paused, and I'm sure I made some weird faces as I thought about it. "I guess you two did. Why, though, I don't know." "So you're saying we are 500 years from our own time" Sesshoumaru stated, and I could clearly see his distaste at that idea. I nodded. Rin perked up. "So all we have to do to go home is go through the well!" I frowned. "Unfortunatly, the well is closed. And even if it was open, there's a barrier preventing youkai through it." Rin absorbed that, and then a look of terror came across her face. "So we're stuck here?!" she shrieked, and she started to hyperventilate. Sesshoumaru didn't look any happier than he did when he got here.
I realized that their options were very slim on getting back, and that made even me miserable. "I suppose that until you two can get home, you could always stay here." I said, and Sesshoumaru was quick to say no. I got angry. "I can't just let you two wander all over Tokyo! Not dressed like that! You'd both be sent to a mental hospital, and Sesshoumaru to prison for having swords in public!" I yelled, and Rin's panic left. "What is a Ho-Si-Pi-Ta-Ru?" I crouched down to her level. "It's a place you can go to if you're really hurt. It's a place for emergencie. But there are also hospitals for those with mental problems. And with the way you two think, speak and act, someone will probably think you two have some sort of brain injury or mental condition. Honestly, you both are better off here" I said, and stood back up.
Sesshoumaru seemed to take my explanation into consideration, and he nodded. "Very well. We will stay with you" He said, brushed past me, and then walked out of the well house.
I followed him and Rin out, and then shut the doors.
Quick note: There is no 'L' in the Japanese language. That's why Rin said Ho-si-pi-ta-ru, and not ho-si-pi-ta-l.