Mischief by Sihara


A little hanyou girl sat in the middle of the floor, her wails thunderous in the small room. Sesshoumaru moved to pick her up, jiggling her a bit to distract her from the sore bump on her forehead. A naughty giggle sounded from behind him and he turned to catch a glimpse of silky silver puppy ears dash around the corner, and the quick patter of little feet before the sound of something breaking reached his ears. Kagome's startled shout, and the sound of another child's crying had Sesshoumaru looking up at the ceiling as if to ask for patience. The brunette hanyou in his armed had quieted, staring after the sound of the commotion. Sesshoumaru set her down and followed as she scurried out the door to join in the mischief. Kagome was tidying up the broken vase while the dark haired girl pulled enthusiastically on her sister's right ear. Exasperated he picked up a girl up in each arm and pretended to drop them-much to their delight. Nodding to his wife Sesshoumaru strode off to the girls' room to put them down for a nap. When they were finally asleep, he sighed. Twins really were double the trouble.

AN: Disclaimer, I do not claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters contained within, this work of fiction is created purely out of my imagination and is not the work of others-it is intended for fan enjoyment, and not for monetary profit. This piece was originally written for the Dokuga Weekly Perfection Challenge