The Ties That Bind by Snow-inu


A/N: I am a complete sympathizer of Sesshomaru's Mother and hate Izoyai for the way she and Inutaishou ripped Sesshomaru's family apart. This story is loosely based off of the third Inuyasha movie with changes to some scenes and the ages of the characters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the characters only the story idea and names

"Kamane," the beautiful youkai cried. The Taiyoukai stopped dead, his heart skipping a beat with the sound of her voice.

"Are you going to go through with this," she wailed. His long silver hair blew behind him and his mokomoko wrapped tighter around his toned form.

"I have to go," his voice was deep and husky. Blood rolled down his left arm from a long gash that he had received from Ryƫkotsusei.

"After everything you are going to leave just like that," she screamed her sliver hair whipping around her. Her golden eyes filled with tears as she stared at his back.

"I have known since the beginning what you were doing yet I stood by your side and never told a soul," her voice stayed strong, but she thought her knees were going to give out underneath her and that she would fall to the cold earth. Not even the sound of the ocean waves could calm her as they washed over the white sand.

"You have always been faithful, Lirin," Kamane whispered. Lirin glared at him, baring her fangs.

"I wish I hadn't," she snapped. Unseen to her eyes, Kamane flinched. He looked up at the full moon shining high in the sky.

"Are you truly going to leave me, leave Sesshoumaru," she cried. He ground his fangs together. She shook her head.

"That boy wants nothing more than your approval and love. Even against my wishes he started to learn the art of the sword. Do you know why, Kamane? He didn't do it to defend himself. No, he did it to make you proud," she growled. "How do you repay him? You don't even notice. He asked you again and again to come see him spar or even spar with him, but you were always too busy with that filthy ningen!" Lirin's body began to shake and her resolve started to break.

"I have always been proud of Sesshoumaru," Kamane whispered. Lirin snarled.

"Yet you are willing to leave him for that ningen and her bastard child? You will be the reason that he hates ningen," she growled bitterly, crossing her arms over her chest. Kamane shook his head, his silver ponytail swaying back and forth.

"You wouldn't let that happen," he said. "At this point I wouldn't give a damn if he ended up wiping out that pitiful race along with those low-life hanyou," her breathing was ragged, her nails digging into her palms causing blood to drip onto the sand under her feet. Kamane let his head fall and his shoulders slump forward.

"He's your baby boy. You wouldn't let him be filled with such hatred and rage," he murmured. She roared.

"You don't even know me anymore, you unfaithful bastard," she cried. This time Lirin saw Kamane flinch. As much as she wished it would have, seeing her mate flinch did not please her.

"You truly hate me, don't you," he whispered sadly, his voice still strong and slightly proud.

"Yes. The only reason I want you to stay alive is because Sesshoumaru needs you," she growled. Kamane removed Tensaiga from his belt. He looked at the great sword sadly, running his thumb over the sheath. Lirin hugged her mokomoko closer to her body as the wind whipped around her.

"I truly hope Sesshoumaru destroys your cherished ningen when he comes to age," she spat. Kamane turned and looked at her for the first time. Her heart hit her chest and broke into splintering beats. It pounded loudly in her ears and it ached in her chest. There was no denying it. She still loved Kamane. Lirin didn't like the way his golden eyes looked at her.

He gently smiled. "Lirin, will you do me one last favor, for Sesshoumaru," he whispered. The way he said her name made it sound as if this was the last time he would ever see her.

"What," her voice cracked. Her vision became blurry and she could barely see his handsome face, barely hear his soothing voice.

"When Sesshoumaru masters the way of the sword will you give him Tensaiga for me, please," his whisper was soft. Lirin nodded her head and walked up to him almost stumbling into his hard chest. Kamane handed her his sword and kissed her forehead where her crescent moon resided. The hand that held her head was shaking as tears pooled in his eyes and his lips trembled. Without a word, without even looking over his shoulder to see his mate one last time, The Taiyoukai changed into his true form. He released one long, mournful howl before he jumped off the sandy cliff. The sound echoed through the air even after he was out of sight. Lirin watched him run to the ningen that stolen him away from her.

She held Tensaiga to her chest before collapsing to the ground in tears. "Kamane," she sobbed, her long hair hiding her beautiful face.

"Haha-ue," a little boy whispered. Lirin's head whipped up and she saw her little boy. Wiping her tears away, she gently smiled at him.

"Come here, Sesshoumaru," she murmured. He ran to her and held her tightly as she silently cried. Kissing the crown of his head, she stood up. She bit her lip, feeling the blood roll down her chin.

"Do you want to see Chichi-ue in a battle," she asked. His big, golden eyes widened.

"Really," he squeaked. Lirin nodded her head, slowly. Sesshoumaru cried out in joy and jumped around her legs. She took his hand and led him to the palace of Izoyai. The youkai tried to hide the shaking in her body. As they neared the castle Lirin saw the black columns of smoke. Her eyes widened in fear. They ran to a cliff that over looked the palace. To Lirin's horror it was on fire and through the smoking she could smell Kamane. The tears began to roll down her face again as she watched the build collapse on itself.

"Chichi-ue," Sesshoumaru shouted. He was about to run down the cliff when Lirin grabbed him. She held him to her chest as he struggled against her. She fell to her knees and hugged her only child to her chest.

'KAMANE' she screamed in her head, upsetting her youki beyond belief. Her youki began to pace so restlessly that it actually began to race back and forth. Although Sesshoumaru was trying to act brave, tears rolled down his little face.

Lirin's head whipped up and she released a feral snarl. Standing to her right stood her dead mate's mistress. She bared her teeth at the human. Izoyai's eyes widened in fear and she stepped back holding a crying baby to her chest. Lirin took a step toward her.

"You! You are the reason Kamane left us! You are the reason he is dead. You and that filthy hanyou you call your son," Lirin roared. The birds in the nearby trees took into the air, their scents covered in fear as they flew away.

 "I…I told Takemaru to leave, but he wouldn't listen to me," she whispered, her voice small and fearful. Lirin snarled at her. She stepped back once more.

"Thanks to you, my son has to be fatherless, you whore!" Izoyai flinched back from the youki. "And that…that thing," she pointed at the baby, "Shouldn't even be in this world. Do everyone a favor and kill it now," Lirin snapped. Izoyai held the crying Inuyasha closer to her chest. Lirin snarled again and began to walk away with Sesshoumaru.

 "Lirin, Sesshoumaru, wait," Izoyai cried. Lirin's whole body froze before she whipped around. "How do you know our names," she snarled.

"The Inutaishou whispered your names in his sleep all the time," Izoyai whispered, bowing her head. Lirin pulled her lips over her long fangs. "He woke up with tears flowing down his face and your name caught in his throat. I tried to learn about you, but he never said a word. He only spoke of Sesshoumaru and how proud he was of his only son, saying that he would be the strongest youkai to ever live," Izoyai mumbled looking down at Inuyasha.

Lirin roared. "Do not fill my son's head with lies," Lirin released a feral snarl.

"I'm not lying! He loved you and your son more than anything. You were the most important people to him," Izoyai choked out, looking back down at Inuyasha sadly.

"If that is true, then why did he leave us to come save you? Why did he die for you," Lirin snapped. Izoyai flinched. Sesshoumaru covered his ears and shook his head.

"Haha-ue," he wailed the tears streaming down his face. Lirin snarled at Izoyai one last time before she picked Sesshomaru up in her arms, cradling him against her chest.

"You didn't even know his true name," Lirin spat. She hushed her young son before she left the cliff and her mate's mistress standing there with a look of confusing and pain.

A/N: please tell me what you think. I don't mind criticism, it helps me become a better writer. Please review. Thanks.