Practice Makes Perfect by NicolasRaine

Travel Companion

Chapter Forty – Travel Companion

Kagome, who hadn't been listening to most of the conversation, finally caught what was being said.

“Wait,” she butted in. “I'm supposed to travel with him?!” Her finger shot to the taiyoukai.

He turned to her, face indifferent. “What is wrong with this Sesshomaru?”

Her cheeks blushed as she remembered the butterflies from earlier, but she covered her embarrassment with anger. “Everything! It's your fault Inuyasha left me here.”

He was suddenly close, and she... caught by golden eyes.

“Are you implying that the half-breed's company is preferable to this Sesshomaru's?”

The nervous tumble returned to her stomach.

“U-um... maybe?”


Authors Note: Entered into the Weekly Perfection Prompt [#197] - Shot

Second Place Winner.