When immortals grow old by kir-chan


I'm not a writer in any way and English isn't even my first language, feel free to critique and even flame <3.  The chapters are short because I can't write so much at a time :c 

Inuyasha and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.  I own nothing but this fic and the clothes I'm wearing c:

Chapter 1

Polished black shoes echoed noisily down a white sterile hallway. Sesshoumaru doesn't usually walk so swiftly in his human shape, preferring to stroll quietly with stealth and elegance. No, the almost run was more associated with his easily excitable human mate, much to his continual chagrin. Despite the hundreds of years she had lived, she still lacks the poise that is expected of her age and station. At the thought of his mate Sesshoumaru gave a snort of irritation and mild amusement before he realised he had arrived at his destination.

At the end of the white hallway was an innocent wooden door. It's simple wooden handle worn and ancient looking. It looks completely out of place in the pristine white hallway. The door, in fact doesn't belong, the spells weaved into it prevents it from ageing with the world around it. The door and everything beyond the door was from the past. A time of a hanyou pinned to a tree, where the dead walks, and where a priestess destroyed a spider hanyou. The time of ruling youkai.

At last. Sesshoumaru had waited over 200 years for this moment and not even his usual dead pan expression could hide his excitement. As if sensing his impatience a pulse of power surged from behind the door, blinding green light can be seen as the door slowly swung open from the force of power. 

Sesshoumaru smiled.

Finally, finally things are going to be the way it's suppose to be.

He closed his eyes still smiling.

Half way across the world a tearful pair of eyes also closed. Cold fingers reaching up desperately before falling..falling.

And the world changed.



Once upon a time...