A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That by Grumiibear

Well, that's a No No!

Hello :)

This is my first upload of fanfiction onto this site. Constructive critiscisms are always welcome. Flames are not.

This is just a collection of drabbles that have nothing in common except that the stars are Kagome and Sesshoumaru related. Hence it's not in chronological order so you can random a chapter and it'll be fine. Anyways hope you like it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Inuyasha that credit goes to Rumiko Takahashi.

Well, that's a No No!

She stared hard into him.

He glared right back.

Tension was quickly filling the air surrounding the pair. Amber clashed into sapphire, a perfect mix. Her nostrils flared, his eyebrow twitched.

Eight pairs of wide eyes were directed towards the couple. An audible sound emerged from the throat of only one. White ears flattened, eyes redirected, widening further for heightening the tangible tension.

Her flashing orbs belied the controlled smile she held. One hand akimbo, the other holding a wooden stick with a white cloth aloft on the end.

‘Sesshoumaru-sama,’ she bit out through clenched teeth. ‘What may I ask is this?’

As to emphasise her point, Kagome gave the small white linen a rough shake in his face.

He trained his gaze to the young woman beyond the material in his vision, a delicate brow arching in response.

‘Hnn. You know the answer. Do not ask silly questions.’

‘Yes, but what did you expect me to do with it?’

‘Wash it’

‘As if!’, she exclaimed, and with a huff she flung the cloth towards his face. Turning on her heel she stomped towards the river with a flourish, a clear yell following her wake.

‘Wash your own damn underwear!’  


Prompt: Gulp [WP#181]

Word Count: 200