The Intern by Mallie-3

Chapter One

The Intern

Chapter One

By: Mallie-3

Summary: Kagome Higurashi's college career is coming to an end. She applies for a secretary position which every business major in Japan could hope for in an internship, even though she is warned against it. She realizes quickly her new found boss is a rude, controlling, perfectionist and even knowing this she wishes nothing more than to please him. This story is not suitable for people under the age of eighteen.

Author's Note: This is only my second shot at writing anything that has to do with Inuyasha. This is completely A/U, but I thought it would be fun to write it anyway. The reason for this piece was because I happen to come across a rather naughty fan art, which an artist by the name of Zeyphen was commission to create because of another author's request. Anyway… so I saw this particular fan art and I was like, I am so writing a smutty one-shot about this particular scene. I then began to write this story and realized it couldn't be a one-shot without having loose ends. I will not show you the art I was planning on using until the chapter is posted with this scene.

Please be kind…I am trying my best. R&R


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it, end of story.



Kagome placed a folder upon her lap, careful not to disrupt any of the papers being held within it. It wouldn't look good if her resume was crinkled before she had a chance to show it to her possible employer. She cleared her throat and glanced to the side seeing two other women seated beside her in the same uncomfortably plastic chairs. She lifted her arm slightly and glanced at the hands of her wrist watch. She had been waiting forty-five minutes.

She huffed and blew some of her bangs from her rich brown eyes. Finally working up enough courage Kagome leaned over and smiled at the blonde haired woman beside her.

"Gosh, we sure have been waiting quite a while, huh?" she combed her nailed through the dark locks of hair, cascading over her shoulder, softly pushing some behind her ear.

She blonde's blue eyes lifted to see who was taking to her, and just as she did the woman pursed her red lips and nodded once, "Yes we have, but this is an interview. Mr. Takahashi wants to be sure he is selecting the best candidate for this job." The woman said as she raised a brow and looked Kagome over carefully before ignoring her completely.

"Um, yes of course. I only …" she paused and decided not to say another word. The woman obviously was annoyed. What was with that look she gave her? Sure, they were all competing for this job, but was small talk really that big of a deal?

Kagome's fingers tapped lightly against the manila folder in her hands. She bit her lower lip softly, letting her dark eyes scan over formal sitting room. She honestly didn't know why they had such cheap seating outside. The rest of the place was extravagant, with largely spanning windows, rich colors painted on the walls, and light fixtures and furniture that would be defined as classy and in style.

She was in her last semester of business school and she was told by her counselor to get accepted on as an intern, which was her last step. Of course this was a requirement for graduation. She was required to have at least a full semester of experience within a business field, and Kagome's sights were set on Takahashi Corporation. It was a multi-million dollar industry and people would kill just to be allowed to complete an internship with Mr. Takahashi. She was so glad to see that the owner of the Corporation was looking for a new secretary.

That very same day she applied online, and submitted her current resume. Less than a week later she received a phone call from the Corporations office asking her to come in at nine a.m. sharp to be interviewed. Her mother was excited for her, her little brother was too wrapped up in his high school life to care and her grandpa well, she wasn't sure he even knew her major. Though she couldn't help but feel a twinge of uneasiness when her friend Sango decided the day before to tell her every single rumor about Mr. Takahashi.

"Kagome, are you mad? That guy has some serious issues. He goes through assistants every other week. They say he does nothing but complain and he is rude, and just awful. I had a girlfriend work there once. She was fired." Sango said as she stuffed a piece of sushi into her mouth, chewing the large piece carefully.

Kagome frowned and paused just before she could get her chop sticks around the piece of sushi she was after, "Wow, thanks Sango. I am glad you are telling me this now. Do you want me to have an anxiety attack in his office?" she rolled her eyes and finally placed the roll on her plate, dabbing a small amount of wasabi next to it.

"Oh sorry…" Sango chuckled obnoxiously, "It is only cause I care, you know that Kags." She winked playfully at her.

"Well, you have an odd way of showing it." She raised a brow and began to eat even though her belly began to cramp up thinking about the interview.

"Though on the positive side, I hear he is extremely good looking. Oh and did you know he is a Tai-Youkai?" Sango wiggled her brows, "Oh and he is extremely…extremely…dream…" Kagome picked up a sushi roll and stuffed it in her friend's mouth.

"I get it…thanks. That still doesn't help me. I really need this job Sango that is the point of my last semester. I have to get this stupid internship done otherwise I can't graduate." She slumped against her chair.

Sango pulled the sushi roll from her lips and placed it upon her square plate. She raised a brow and tilted her head to the side, "Oh that's right you graduate this winter, right?" Sango's hazel eyes wandered the room as her lips pursed.

"Yes, and I was stupid and waited till that last minute to apply anywhere. I didn't want to be rushing around at the last minute, but hey I still have a couple weeks before I have to report back to my counselor. Now it seems I have other things to worry about." She huffed and placed her cheek to her palm, leaning into the table dramatically.

"Oh, it will be alright. Mr. Takahashi couldn't be all bad…" Sango shrugged, taking the straw to her water glass between her lips.

Kagome blinked a few times and ran her hand through her hair glance to the side as she heard a door being flung open roughly. A small stout woman with short brown hair emerged with glistening tears streaming down her cheeks. In her hand was a folder, which most likely carried her resume. Well, what was left of it anyway…

Her eyes widened seeing what was written in bright red ink upon the top of the girl's folder.


As the girl exited the waiting room, small shreds of her resume fell free from her folder as she walked out of sight. Kagome's lips parted slightly. She could feel her bottom lip trembling as a wave of fear slammed into her chest, causing her breathing to become irregular.


Oh gods…

Her mind was spinning with horrible scenarios of what could possibly happen when it was her turn. This guy seemed like a royal jackass. How in the hell was she supposed to get the job? No, how was she going to survive the interviewing process without looking like a complete and utter knit wit. Kagome sunk in her chair feeling her legs tremble. She jumped as a woman with a tight bun upon her head and square glasses emerged from the back offices and called a name.

She looked up and watched the women's lips move. Who would be next? Was she next? Did her hair look alright? What about her clothing. She knew she should have worn her high heels. Kagome moaned, hiding her simple black flats under her chair, tightly clenching her knees together.

"Um, is there a Kagome Higurashi present…I will not call again. Mr. Takahashi doesn't take kindly to those who make him wait. He doesn't have all day." The older woman pursed her lips and folded her arms over her chest.

Kagome clenched the material hugging her thighs and swallowed hard. The other two women sitting next to her were looking at one another and then quickly leaned over and watched Kagome with knitted eyebrows.

The woman let her arms relax and quickly let her finger skim over the names listed upon the clipboard she was just hugging to her chest, "Well then, I guess the next person is…"

Kagome shot up and gripped the manila folder tightly in her grasp, lifting it above her head and stood confidently before the older woman, "I am Kagome, Kagome Higurashi." She stated with a sudden burst of energy, forcing a smile on her lips. A soft blush appeared on her pale cheeks as the woman glance up from her clip board. Her green eyes blinked once as she looked at her from over the frames of her glasses.

"Are you sure…?" the woman asked placing her hands upon her slim hips.

"Oh yes, here look at my file if you…" she paused seeing the woman wave a hand in irritation and turn to lead her toward the offices, which lie behind the door she came out of.

"That won't be necessary. Please follow me." She said calmly.

Kagome walked across the grey carpeted floor, letting her eyes scan into each individual office. Many of the men and women were on the phone and working vigorously in their small four sided rooms. Her heart slammed against her chest as her eyes zoned in on the large double doors at the end of the hall. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but no matter what she did it just wouldn't go away. The woman finally stopped and waited until Kagome was standing before her just outside Mr. Takahashi's office.

"Now, do not speak unless spoken too. Do not ask stupid questions and I would refrain from any sort of small talk or ridiculous jokes. He hates them." She narrowed her green eyes, letting them scan the girls face, "Do you understand?" she asked.

Kagome's lips parted slightly as she looked to the ground.

Do not speak unless spoken to? Is this guy for real? What did I get myself into?

"Yes, I understand completely." She whispered, lifting her dark orbs to meet the intense stare.

"Good, you may enter. He is waiting." With that the woman knocked twice and opened one of the double doors a crack, allowing the woman to enter on her own free will. She then left to her by herself, heading back to her own office.

Kagome felt the blood drain from her face as she gripped the handle of the door and opened it a bit wider, slipping into the room and closed the door behind her. It was dark upon entering the room. The shades were drawn, not allowing a spec of light to enter. She let her eyes scan over the room quickly as she took baby steps toward the desk. The walls were plain, only adorned with a few pieces of photography. There was an oak wardrobe tightly pressed against one of the wall, and a table which had a couple clean glasses setting upon it and a glass bottle of alcohol.

"Please have a seat…" a deep silky voice came from the large oak desk, placed in the center of the office.

Kagome's eyes shifted quickly, gasping to see a man seated in a black leather office chair. His head was down as he concentrated on whatever he was writing upon the many different papers, which were set in their own individual stacks upon his desk top. Her eyes widened slightly seeing how vibrantly white and silky his hair looked. Too bad it was pulled back into a low ponytail. She wondered what it would feel like. Kagome blinked and cleared her thoughts immediately.

She sat in a small chair that was placed in front of his desk, and thankfully this one was padded. It soothed her aching rump since she did spend almost an hour sitting in a plastic chair. She licked her dry lips and settled upon the chair, resting the folder upon her lap.

A few moments of silence passed by and all Kagome could hear was the harsh scribbling his pen created as he worked through the papers place neatly upon his desk. Finally the man paused and then lifted his empty hand, palm up. He made no attempt to look up. Kagome looked around a bit confused as to what he was asking, but then it clicked. She gasped softly and leaned forward, placing her folder into his hand.

He closed his long fingers around the file and placed it next to him. A few more moments went by and he said nothing, nor did he make an attempt to look at the papers within her folder. Kagome looked down and straightened her grey knee length skirt and watched the man curiously. She took the time to take in his features.

He was wearing a blue tie, upon a plain white button down dress shirt. She could tell by the outline he had well-toned muscles hiding beneath it. Both of his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms. Her eyes scanned higher noticing a pair of fuchsia streaks upon his cheeks, which she also noticed he had a pair on each wrist as well. His skin looked smooth and was pale. Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw a pair of golden eyes staring at her. They were emotionless, but beautiful. She loved the dark rim around them and the small specs of yellow inter mixed with that brilliant gold.

"Kagome is it?" he asked in a plain tone.

Kagome blinked a few times, reaching up and brushing her hair behind her ears, "Yes Mr. Takahashi." She answered him quickly, feeling a blush form on her cheeks.

"Age twenty-four?" he spoke clearly, as his golden eyes skimmed down the sheet, "You are looking to be employed here as an intern for the purpose of a Business Degree." He raised a brow and then let his eyes lazily scan to the nervous young woman before him.

"That is correct." She nodded and then bit her lower lip.

"Have you had any type of job that was in an office setting before, Higurashi?" he set the file aside, going back to other papers and began writing on them once again.

"Um, no sir, but I know if…."

"No, you haven't had any experience than." He cut her off, "How do you expect to satisfy my needs and requirements as my personal secretary if you are completely ignorant?" his voice was dull and never one rising.

"Um…I… well I learn quickly, sir. It may take me a week to get everything down and find a good routine, but I know I can succeed." She answered leaning forward slightly, trying to find her confidence, which wasn't easy.

"A routine you say? Well, I am afraid I need someone to learn how to get around this office quicker than a week, and quite frankly I need someone a bit more educated. Sure, you are obtaining a Business degree, but you don't use everything those college professors teach you. It is all obtained by experience, Higurashi." He lifted those golden orbs once again, meeting her dark eyes.

"Of course, but…"

"I am sorry, but I think I will pass. Thank you for coming in shut the door on your way out." He tossed the folder in her lap and waved his hand to dismiss her.

Kagome sat in her chair confused and angry at how he continued to cut her off, "You didn't even hear me out!" she stomped her foot as she shot up from her chair.

"You are right I don't have experience, but everyone needs to start off somewhere. I am a great employee, ask any of my previous employers, and I exceled in all of my classes. I am pretty sure that this won't be a problem, but I am sure you have already made up your mind. I am sorry that I was such a waste of time. Thank you for your time, Mr. Takahashi." Her voice was quivering and filled with rage as she drawled out his name in a disrespectful tone. She gripped her folder and roughly threw it in the trash. She gripped the door handle and flung it open, glaring over her shoulder. Sesshomaru sat in his chair with a blank look upon his features as he watched her carefully.

"Oh, and good luck finding your dream secretary, I hate to burst your bubble but no one is perfect. Jerk." She added as she slammed the door and quickly made her way from that god forsaken office.

Sesshomaru was still sitting and had not uttered a word during the entire rant. He raised a brow and slowly stood up from his chair, moving to the trash can near the door. He reached down and gripped the folder and opened it once again. He skimmed the page for the girl's number.

"Kagome…" he let the name roll off his tongue.



"Seriously I don't want to talk about it. It makes me so angry. You should have seen the way he looked at me." Kagome let an annoyed growl escape her lips as she latched onto the straw of her margarita.

Sango stirred the straw in her own drink as she listened to her friend, "Well, at least I warned you ahead of time. Look Kagome, there are other jobs out there. I am sure one will turn up soon. It isn't the end of the world. Plus that wasn't the only job you applied for." She smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks, I sure hope you are right. Gosh, I am so embarrassed. Oh, I called him a jerk. I kind of feel bad for saying that now…" she sighed and finished off her drink, and then topping it off with the pitcher they ordered.

"Why? What's done is done. He wouldn't allow you to at least stand up for yourself. It seems to me that he took one look at your resume and dismissed it right away. I think everyone should have a chance to prove they are worthy." Sango pulled the straw free from its frozen contents within the glass and licked it.

"Whatever, I just want to enjoy my damn drink and get over it. I know I am going to be bummed for a while though. I really wanted this job." She let her head drop to the table.

"Oh stop, like you said lets enjoy our damn drinks. Screw 'em." Her friend shrugged.

"Yes, agreed." She placed her lips back upon the straw and drank greedily.

Kagome shifted her eyes to her phone, which was buzzing on top of the table. The screen was brightly gleaming and flashing a number that wasn't saved into her contacts. Her eyebrows knitted as she hesitated a moment to answer it. Finally she picked it up and decided to answer.

Please not another telemarketer.

"Hello?" she spoke a bit unsure.

"Higurashi?" A rich voice shot through her ear and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

"Yes, this is she." she lifted her dark eyes to Sango who watched her with curiosity.

"You start Monday at eight in the morning. There is a café at the corner near my office building called 'The Bean', I wish you to pick me up my morning coffee. They know me by name, and they know how I take my coffee. That will be your first assignment. Don't be late." He spoke quickly and before she could answer, the call was swiftly ended.

Kagome's eyes grew wide as she slowly let her hand lower to the table. Her hand released her phone, letting it drop to the wooden top. She shook her head and blinked a few times, not being able to hide a smile.

"What, who was it? Hello?" Sango waved a hand in front of her friends face.

"I got it…" she whispered softly, not making eye contact with her friend.

"You got what?" Sango raised a brow looking down at the phone.

"The job…" Kagome said softly. After a moment of silence both women squealed in excitement.

"Oh my gosh, this is exciting. I am so ordering another pitcher. We need to celebrate. I think we are going to have to call a cab." Sango chuckled softly and poured more Margarita into both of their glasses.



Monday morning came quicker than she expected. Her alarm went off promptly at 5:30, which she quickly jumped into the shower. She dressed in a tight fitting black skirt, which ended right above the knee. Kagome straightened her light blue blouse and put a pair of her favorite pearl earring in her ears.

She blow dried her hair and combed it up into a nice pony tail, brushing some of the bangs from her eyes. She applied a light amount of make-up and spritzed herself with her favorite body spray.

Kagome slowly made her way to the kitchen and made herself a small lunch. She glanced up at the clock seeing it was quarter after six. She grabbed the small box, which contained her lunch and placed it in her bag. She grabbed her keys and prepared to make her way to the train station. She parked her car in the designated parking area and quickly boarded the train to the city. The ride into the city was quick, and she was thankful to be able to get a small amount of shut eye on the small journey. She exited the train when the doors opened.

Many pedestrians crowded the sidewalk, which was proving to be rather difficult for Kagome to make her way to the coffee shop. She looked down at her watch seeing it was already seven thirty. She gasped as she ran into the back of a large man, who was walking in the opposite direction as her.

"Watch were you are going, Lady." He growled, looking down at her with menacing eyes.

"S-Sorry." She waved and tried to smile, side stepping him and hurrying away.

She finally arrived at the coffee shop and opened one of the doors, stepping inside to see a large line of customers. Kagome's shoulders slumped letting her bag thump to the ground.

"Are you serious?" she whispered to herself seeing there were only two people working and about fifteen eager customers waiting to be served.

Thankfully the line dwindled down rather quickly and the people working actually knew what they were doing. They most likely were used to the morning rush. She walked up to the cashier and offered the lady a smile.

"Um, hello, I was told to give you the name, Mr. Takahashi." Kagome said hesitantly as she tilted her head to the side, hoping the lady knew what she was talking about.

"Sure, man it seems to be a new person getting his coffee every time I am scheduled to work the morning shift." The girl chuckled and rang it up. Kagome's eyed the girl, not participating in the laughter. She didn't find it funny at all. She quickly paid the girl and waited for the coffee to be up.

Kagome tapped her toe on the tiled floor, and bit her lower lip nervously. She glanced down at her watch seeing it was seven forty-five. She was supposed to be in the office by eight. Gosh, she really wanted them to hurry up with the coffee. She peeked over the counter watching them placed the cap upon the cup and sliding it toward her.

"Thank-you, have a good day." She smiled kindly and hurried out the door, bumping the door open with her behind.

Kagome hurried down the sidewalks with the coffee tightly in her hands. She prayed that she would get there safe, without spilling the coffee on herself, or anyone else that was walking in her direction. No one seemed to care that she was even there. This was the city after all. They were all trying desperately to get to their destination, it didn't matter how many people they collided into in the process.

Kagome finally made it to Takahashi Corp. and extended her hand to the revolving door, carefully making her way through the entrance. She looked around seeing many people going to different floors of the building. It was crazy to think this many people were employed here.

She walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor. She stepped inside, barely finding a place to stand comfortably without touching another person. The doors finally opened and she stepped out, making her way toward the door which just days before she was sitting in waiting to be interviewed.

Her wrist watch read 8:01 as she stepped into Mr. Takahashi's office. He glanced up at the woman before him and frowned slightly.

"Your late." He said plainly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Takahashi; I did bring you your coffee though." She said softly walking over to his desk, extending her arm with the coffee in hand.

Sesshomaru took the cup and placed it upon his desk. His golden eyes shifted to the nervous woman standing next to his desk, "You will never come to my office in the morning and offer me coffee unless you have placed your things at your desk and property and sighed into your computer. Here is your user name and password." He replied offering her a small notecard with information typed upon it.

Kagome glanced down at the small card and took it from his long fingers, clutching it to her chest, "I am sorry, Mr. Takahashi." She said softly glancing around, wondering if her desk was outside in the hall. She took a few steps toward the door and reached down to grip the handle.

"Higurashi, what is on your feet?" he asked in a drawled out tone.

She paused and looked over her shoulder, "These are called flats. They are quite comfortable." she said as she wiggled her toes within the shoe.

"They are hideous, I expect you to wear something different." He gave her a look of disgust shifting his eyes to the laptop, which had been added since the last time she was in his office, "Oh and that perfume you are wearing is irritating my nose, don't wear it in the office." He arched a brow and shot her a look of disgust, watching her expression a moment before turning his eyes back to his brightly lit screen.

Kagome's lips parted slightly as she looked down the length of her body. She gripped her bag tighter to her frame, feeling an overwhelming sense of insecurity overtake her. Wasting not a moment more, she gripped the door handle and exited his office. Her eyes shifted to a decent size desk in the corner, which was placed right outside Mr. Takahashi's door. She sat in the softly padded office chair and put her things away.

Kagome placed the notecard on her desk top and turned on the computer, which was neatly placed on her desk. Everything was straight and tidy. The only three pencils upon her desk were even aligned perfectly. She raised a brow and looked up at the closed door of her boss's office.

Once her computer had completely turned on, the screen loaded to a user name and password page. She bit her lower lip and began to type in the designated slots. The screen then changed, offering her different tabs to click on. She sat motionless in her chair as she watched the screen.

Now what?

Just then the door to Mr. Takahashi's office flung open. He immerged and locked eyes with her. He had a small stack of papers in his grasp. He gracefully made his way to her desk and looked down at her. Kagome's eyes widened as he carefully laid them upon her desk.

"I would like you to type these business proposals up for me. I have written in what I wish for you to type in the blanks. They need to be sent out soon, bring them to me when you are finished." He said calmly, running his fingers over the top of the stack. Her dark eyes stared at that elegant hand. She scanned her eyes over his amazingly built body and of course that beautiful face of his. Gods, why couldn't she find a man like this. She shook her head and closed her lips feeling that her mouth had been gaping slightly. She blushed feeling a bit foolish.

"Yes, I will get them done for you." She said softly gripping the stack of papers in her hands, letting her eyes roam the text.

She had a lot on her plate that was for sure.



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