Disclaimer: All rights for Inuyasha are reserved by the brilliant and wonderful Rumiko Takahashi.
To be Noted: This is going to be another story with some short some long excert like chapters, mostly written for prompts and then thrown together. I don't know how deeply involved plot will or wont get, But I still hope you all enjoy.
Chapter 1: Cooking is Art
Dinner time was a peaceful moment among the Inu-taichi; it was a time that they all worked together, winding down from a long and trying day of travel or battle.
They had a very close-knit and set tradition, each working together like a well oiled machine.
Miroku would gather the fire wood. Inuyasha would hunt down any game or catch fish. Sango and Shippou would clean the catches. All was over seen by a diligent Kagome. The others could cook, with varying degrees of success, but it was Kagome with her futuristic herbs and delightful magic tools that ruled the cookery. It was she that took the title of Head Chef.
She made sure hands were clean, water didn't boil over, and that just the right amounts of seasonings were added; Along with a pinch of tender loving care.
Of course it was also her job to remember what everyone liked. For Inuyasha it was Ramen, and he had a violent adversity against anything spicy. Though his lack of interest in her other more personally prepared exploits bothered her immensely, it went completely unappreciated; the young woman had learned to deal with his picky eating.
Everyone one has their own tastes after all.
In contrast to Inuyasha's hate of spice, Sango loves it. Seriously the Taijiya had a motto of 'The hotter the better.' It was a bit at odds with her demure manners, but Kagome was merely here to please, not question, and so she often added more than temperate spices to Sango's dishes.
Miroku, loved onigiri. Though he often leaned more to the plain, lightly salted type- she sometimes mixed it up with umekaka or just umeboshi for filling. It was rather amusing actually, since he often times bordered on the edges of sinful gluttony when it came to the simple treat. It was impossible to argue with him on the calorie intake though; when Sango had tried to make him cut back, he'd merely said it could be considered a spiritual food and thus there was no issue with consuming it in an effort to cleanse his body. The more, the better, in Kagome's opinion; that man needed all the purifying of his lecherous tendencies as he could get.
Shippou, being young, ate anything but veggies.
Well used to her friends and their unique food nit-picks, Kagome could successfully appease each member with relative ease – as well as smuggle vegtables into Shippou's diet unnoticed.
Unfortunately, their easy routine had hit a bump.
The problem had started a few weeks ago and it was mainly about Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshoumaru. The western lord was a bit of a vagabond; roaming here or there, where ever his whimsy might lead- Kagome wasn't really sure what motivated the stoic demon, or that anything could. He was a mystery. As such the Inu-taichi had begun to take his random appearances amongst them in stride.
Kagome only had one issue.
You see, The great and terrible Sesshoumaru-sama, son of InuTaishou, brother to the Hanyou and her best friend Inuyasha, and awe inspiring heir of the Western Territories, THE Killing Perfection- was perhaps Japan's hugest picky eater ever.
No matter what technique she tried; no matter the dish she bribed him with, he never ate a single bite.
She wasn't mad per say, though to say she wasn't marginally insulted would be a lie, mostly what bothered her was the failure. She's a bit of a sore loser in things like this. And so when every night they gathered around the fire to tuck in, he was always very obviously shunning the event over beyond the firelight, her lips would thin just a little more.
Rin didn't mind her cooking. The little girl half the time stuffed her face with even more alarming speed than Inuyasha. Even Jaken seemed to have a soft spot for the way she roasted rabbit.
What on earth was wrong with her cooking?
As she brooded over her dinner, prodding the savory meats with her chopsticks, Kagome struggled to find a plausible reasoning.
Could it not be flavorful enough? He was nobility after all. Perhaps it wasn't up to his gourmet standards? Sudden inspiration struck. Maybe it was too flavorful? Dogs were known for having sensitive taste buds. Sure, it didn't bother Inuyasha over much, but he was half human! While Sesshoumaru was…well…all dog.
Determination burning in her eyes, Kagome decided there was only one thing left to do; after all when all else fails you always return to the source!
It was time to have a chat with her hard to please customer.
AN: Okay! So starts another adventure. :) This piece wasn't written for a prompt. It acutally wasnt the first piece to this story I wrote either. Haha Chapter Two was actually written first, as odd as that sounds. Anyways I hope you all like this and will continue to read. I dont know if I caught all that should be caught during the read through so If you see any mistakes feel free to point them out, so that I can fix them.