You're a Woman? by Ash

Your a Woman?

AN- my friend suggested i write like one page with this topic - prisoner - so this is what i came up with. not too bad for a first attempt....

All Inuyasha stuff owned by takahashi-san

Sesshomaru strolled through his home, once again finding himself stopped at the stairs to the dungeon. He growled. He’d found himself here almost every day, stopping right at the stairs.

There was only one prisoner. He sighed. He hadn’t even seen the boy sense he’d stupidly attacked him and  his father all those years ago. He smirked. He could always kill him now, have some fun.

As he strolled down the stairs, a strange smell caught his nose. It wasn’t the normal scent of his dungeon. Once at the bottom of the stairs one of his guards, he wasn’t sure of his name, stared at him in shock before bowing to him.

“what cell is the boy who attacked my father in.”

“b-boy sir?” he raised his head.

“yes. Where is he.”

“uh…the 13th cell.”

Sesshomaru rolled his eye. He’d be dealt with later. The fool was an idiot. As he approached the cell he glared inside. He couldn’t see the prisoner. “hiding?”

“not from the likes of you.” The voice was soft, not at all hard as a mans should be.

“then come out.” He growled.

He heard a chuckle and watched the figure step out into the light. “what do I owe this visit Sesshomaru?”

Surprise showed in his eyes as he stared at her. “your not a man?”

She laughed, draping her hair over her shoulder. “would you look at that!”

“a woman almost killed my father!”

“why Sesshomaru I’m insulted. I went after you first.” She growled.

“what is your name wench.”

She smirked. “Kagome.”