Forgotten by Amai Youkaiko


"Kagome, Kagome" I hear a smooth, deep voice caress my ears, "you need to wake up".

"Why won't 'Gome wake up, father? Did the baby harm her?" A strong but gentle male voice says to the previous man. It's soothing but in a way childish. It is almost calming.

"The baby did not hurt Kagome" the first voice snaps, showing clear authority. "Look, I know you love her but it's too dangerous for her to stay any longer" his deep, baritone voice quivers in sadness.

"No, 'Gome must stay with me in the castle" the child persisted. "We are to become one and have children that are like brother" his voice says layered with inevitable tears. Oh, how I yearn to reach for the invisible boy and comfort him!

I try to speak to the child, reassure him that I was safe from harm but I choke on my words. I cannot speak, my mouth refuses to move. Why can't I control my body? Why am I frozen?

I feel myself amerced in sadness. I just want to crawl up in a ball and cry my eyes out until I run out of tears the way I used to back when I was little.

What has caused me to feel this way?

I wake up with a jolt, shivering despite the warm, summer air. Why am I dreaming of such things? I silently cry, thinking about the tone of the child's voice, so helpless and sad as if his puppy had died.

"Huh? What's going on?" Sango mutters, as she scratches her head in apparent sleepiness. "Kagome" the woman screams in alarm, awakening the others. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I reply, mutely. I really didn't feel like talking about the boy from my dreams.

"Keh" InuYasha's ever appropriate response came. "We all know it wasn't 'nothing' if Sango woke us up with that reaction so hurry up and tell us what happened, wench!" InuYasha impatiently growls.

I moan. "Really InuYasha, it has absolutely nothing to do with you or anyone else for that matter". I am too tired from the dream to bother sitting the male but I smirk at the thought anyway.

As I put away my sleeping bag, I realise something, "oh, I've been here a whole year now."

"What do you mean, Lady Kagome?" Miroku inquires, curious as ever.

I chuckle a bit, "it has been an entire year since I fell down the well for the first time". I hold my breath as I think what my year would have been like if I'd never had fallen down it and met InuYasha.

I'd have probably still had the best grades (something that I don't think I'll ever manage to get back), dating Hojo and relatively safer on a day-to-day basis. Although, I think that'd be a rather boring life. I happen to like beating the bad guys and collecting the jewel shards, even if InuYasha's subborn tenacity makes the whole thing a bit of a pain.

To think, I'm sixteen now. I'm old enough to get married and even drive a car. I wonder if I could fit one of them through the well.

I get up and start to stretch in an attempt to loosen the tense back muscles I'd received from sleeping on the hard ground. I close my eyes as I try to relax during my morning stretches.

I hear gasps from the group, I open my eyes in order to see if I've, once again, failed to sense a demon headed our way and immediately suck in a breathe myself.

Why the hell am I levitating?

Okay, so I'm getting sick of all this weird crap happening to me. Sure, I feel real loved by all the gods out there, great to know they're thinking about me but still, is it so hard to make someone else special for once? Or is this the god's stupid idea for a birthday present? Last year, I got some damn destiny I really didn't and this year I get what: magical properties? Well, guess what? I don't bloody want them!

I have really got to figure out why the gods hate me so damn much.