The Way Her Body Moves by Axellynne Mori

Chapter 1

Hey Guys, this is my new story. It has been bugging me for the longest so here it is “The Way Her Body Moves.”

Disclaimer: I don't not own Inuyasha. Also the lyrics to this song are my the genius Marc Anthony. The name of the song is Valio La Pena.

To give you an Idea of Kagome's eye color, dress and make up. Just copy and paste the links below. Remember to remove the spaces. They are worn by the beautiful Barbara Mori. My favorite actress of all time. Who happens to be half Japanese. Just incase the links don't work. Google Barbara Mori red dress. Go to images and click on the second one. That is her dress. But for her make up find the photo that says GATOPARDO. Should be the 61st one.

Http :// img . / wp-content / gallery / barbara -moris -latest-red-hot -photoshoot /Barbara – Mori . jpg

http : // img . / wp-content / gallery / barbara-moris- latest -red-hot - photoshoot / Barbara-Mori-3 . jpg

http : // 2 . bp. / - oqL8aUsxkho / Tz4fUDutQjI / AAAAAAAAEt4 / ZmnS _YIIT4g / s1600 / barbara - mori-pink-dress- hot5474894039 . jpg

For Sesshomaru life was the same everyday. He woke up early, showered, got dressed, went to work, came home, and went to bed. That was it for the once mighty Lord Sesshomaru of the West. For the past centuries, he has taken different careers. His current position C.E.O Of Taisho International. It is a Multinational computer hardware and electronics company. The company started with mainly developing motherboards for computers. Now ten years later it develops it's own products like Laptops, Tablets, Desktops, Video cards, Servers and Mobile phones. It was the first company to introduce touchscreen gadgets to the world. Now lets just say it is the leading company in the world when it comes to electronics.

The only time he had free time was on weekends, and he usually spend it with his preteen adoptive daughter Rin. He rescued her when she was only 4 years old. He was driving home one day from work, when the sight of fire caught his attention. Till this day he doesn't know what made him do it. But when he heard the faintly cry of a girl inside the burning house, he ran inside and rescued her. Her only family was her mother, She died from severe burns to her body. They were going to place her in a orphanage, so Sesshomaru decided to adopt her.

Sesshomaru sat silently in his office, typing away on his laptop, when his doors burst open, and in came his annoying half-breed half brother strolling in, like if he was the king of the world.

“Hey, Sesshomaru, what you doing?” asked Inuyasha.

“What does it look like half-breed?”

“Hey no need for the insults. I just came by to invited you out tonight.”

“What makes you think, I want to be seen with you?”

“Keh! Consider yourself lucky to be seen with me” replied Inuyasha, all too cocky.


“Come on Sesshomaru, you never do anything. When is the last time you actually just hanged out and relaxed a little?”

“Unlike you, this Sesshomaru has to keep this company running. I have better things to do, than to go to a human infested place, where it smells of smoke, sex, and desperation.”

“No Sesshomaru. This place is brand new. The grand opening is today, I heard there is no place like it.”

“What type of place is it?”

“It is called Shikon Palace.”


“Is that a yes”

“I can't believe I am agreeing to this” thought Sesshomaru. “Before I agree half-breed, What about Rin?”

“I already took care of that, just before I got here, I called Kaede and made some arrangements, and she said yes.”

“Fine. It better be worth it, and don't think for one moment, that I am going to baby sit you or any of the guys.”

“Don't worry big brother.”

“Half brother” corrected Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru for the first time in years, was having a dilemma.

“What do I wear to a place like this?” Going over to his massive walk-in closet, he started to concentrate. After about one hour off growls and murmuring death threats, he finally had his outfit ordeal sorted out. He was now wearing a nice fitted dark crimson red dress up shirt. That showed off his biceps perfectly, dark gray perfectly fitted dress up slacks, and black dress up shoes. His hair was pulled back in a loose braid.

He was putting on his black leather jacket, when he heard beeping outside. Coming out the house he heard “The Guys” which consisted of Inuyasha,Koga, and Miroku. They were making cat calls and at him, and somewhere in the background he heard someone yelled “How much for a piece of that fine aristocratic ass, I bet it is nice and tight.” Followed by laughter.

“Why did I agree to this again?” he questioned.

From the outside, the club seem decent. Huge pink neon lights in the front, that said“Shikon Palace”. Two huge bouncers stood at the front of the doorway, and a huge line that went around the building was to the right. Inuyasha led them to the front.

“Name please” asked one of the bouncers.

“Taisho, Inuyasha”

The bouncer found his name, and let them in. Once inside, the place was huge. There was a huge dance floor with a stage surrounded by tables, chairs, and three bars. They were seated in the vip section and shorty after, all the lights pointed to the stage, where a tall raven haired man with crimson red eyes introduced himself.

“Ladies and Gentlemen I Naraku Onigumo, Welcomed you to the Grand Opening of my new nightclub Shikon Palace. I guarantee you, that there is no place like this in all of Tokyo. So with great pleasure, I would like to introduce to you, all the way from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil “As Pérolas De Janeiro”(The Pearls From Janeiro) let the show begin.” Applause were heard through out the room, when they died down. All the lights turned off, and when they turned back on again six girls wearing barely anything, but sequin bathing suits, with big fluffy colorful wings came out. As soon as the music started, they began to dance to the beat. They were dancing a famous Brazilian dance called Samba. All the men seem to be lost in trance, everyone but Sesshomaru. He seem bored as usual. He looked over to his companions who were whistling, and giving out cat calls to the dancers. It was obvious that they were already past tipsy.

“Pathetic” murmered Sesshomaru under his breath.

The show lasted for about thirty minutes and then Naraku got back on the stage.

“Everyone, please give a hand to our performers” Applause were heard again. “We at Shikon Palace,would like to thank you for taking your time, coming out here and showing us your support. So as of now I would like to officially open the dance floor to all of you. Come on guys don't be shy. There are so many sexy ladies out here waiting to be asked to dance,” laughter was heard in the background. “So not to take more of your time, with all my babbling. Have a great time and enjoy your stay here at Shikon Palace.”

When Naraku walked down from the stage, a band came out and started playing music and everyone immediately filled the dance floor and started dancing. It seem like Sesshomaru was the only one not dancing. Not because no one wanted to dance with him, In fact every few seconds a poor girl would come with her hopes up, asking him to dance. Just to be turned down by him.

Some where else in Tokyo.........

“Come on Kagome, open this door!” exclaimed a very irritated Sango.

“I can't, I feel naked with this dress on” answered Kagome.

“If you don't hurry up we are going to be late.”

“Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a bunch.” Said Kagome, as she open the door.

Sango's face was in utter shock. Her jaw literally dropped open.

“Wow, Kagome you look so beautiful”

“No I don't. You are just saying that. to make me feel good.”

“No I am not. Kagome if you could only se...I mean If you only knew how absolutely beautiful you look.”

“If you say so” Kagome sighed tenderly.

“Trust me you do, I can't wait for everyone to see you.” she stated before she yelled.


“WHAT!?” was heard from downstairs.

“You have to come here.”

Foots steps were heard followed by gasps.

“Kagome you look amazing” voiced Kikyo in awe.

“Yes you do” agreed Ayame.

“I am so jealous, I should of worn that red dress instead” Said Kikyo as she cross her arms.

“You have to have Kagome's body to get the same result Kikyo” joked Sango.

“I know, lucky you Kagome” teased Kikyo.

“So are we ready?” asked Ayame.

“Almost, let me just get the curlers out of Kagome's hair, add some lipstick and we are all set.”

“Alright, hurry up. Jakotsu is almost here, and you know how he gets when we are late.” said Kikyo as she went downstairs.

Sango pulled the curlers out of Kagome's hair and finished doing her make up. Sango was putting the finishing touches on Kagome's hair, when Jakotsu walked in. A squeal was heard which startled them both.

“OH MY GOODNESS! Kagome you look so beautiful. If I wasn't gay, I would make you my women.” stated Jakotsu as he went up to Kagome and spun her around. Kagome felt her cheeks warm up.

“You guys are just exaggerating.”

“BooBoo, you know I don't lie. You really are going to be the talk of the night.” said Jakotsu as he happily danced around the room.

Kagome was wearing a sleeveless red dress that went off her shoulders. It was just above her knees or a bit shorter. It really did fit her form like a glove. It was tight all the way down to her mid thighs, then it ruffled out a bit. She had on silver crystal open toe stilettos. Her hair was styled in old fashion curls, like back in the golden era. She truly did look out of this world. To complete her look, Sango had only applied eyeliner to bring out her beautiful gray eyes, a bit of blush and rubi red lipstick.

When they got to the club the owner Naraku had just finished introducing the dancers and the show began. Once it finished he got back on the stage, and then the dance floor was open for the audience.

Everyone was having fun. Kagome was relaxed listening to the beat of the music. How she loved to dance. She was Jakotsu's partner, they entered a lot of competitions. But nothing major. Mainly because Kagome wasn't ready for it. She felt bad, she even told him to find another partner, but Jakotsu refused to. He always said that Kagome was the best partner he has ever had.

Kagome was having a conversation with her friends, when she felt someone tap her shoulder. When she turned around, and she heard a gasp.

“You're even more beautiful, than I thought” said a mans voice.

“Excuse me, I didn't catch that.” She replied.

“I asked, if you would like to dance...”You are doing it all wrong Inuyasha,” interrupted another mans voice “Who asked you, you mangy wolf” responded Inuyasha. “Who are you talking to like that mutt” growled Koga. “You both are doing it wrong.” A third voice interrupted, he got on one knee, and grabbed Kagome's hand tenderly.

“M'Lady would you do me the honor of dancing with me, and then afterwards having my child?”

“MIROKU!” yelled the other two voices in unison. A loud slap was heard.

“How dare you say that to my friend, you PERVERT” yelled Sango hotly. After that everything turned into chaos. It wasn't until Kagome slowly stood up with the help of Jakotsu, and demanded everyone to stop.

“Look I am not dancing with any of you, so just zip it” she heard them whined and she soon felt bad for them.

“How about you dance with my friends” she gestured towards Sango, Kikyo, and Ayame. They looked over each other. “What's the worst that could happen.” said Ayame and the group of six headed towards the dance floor.

“So you're just not going to dance?” asked Jakotsu.

“No, I don't want to make a fool out of myself.” she answered meloncholy.

“Kagome, we been through this. Don't let your condition stop you. The sky is the limit.”

“You don't think I know that? It's just hard for me to open up, as much as I try, I can't see life the way you do.”

“Don't feel bad Kagome, you have friends that truly love you.”

“I know Jakotsu”..

Soon after Naraku got on the stage again.

“Alright, I see everyone is having fun. I would like to change the mood right now, and call out all my Salsa dancers to the floor. Everyone started to walk away slowly.

“What is happening Jakotsu?” asked Kagome.

“Everyone is leaving the dance floor, I am guessing no one here knows how to dance Salsa. That is everyone except you. This is your moment to shine Kagome.” as soon as the words lefted his mouth. he pulled Kagome up by the waist and led her towards the dance floor.

Jakotsu went up to Naraku and requested a song, soon after all the lights turned off and the sound of the bongos filled the room.

Sesshomaru sat quietly observing the area, looking from one person, to another with disgust in his face. He really wasn't in the mood anymore, not after the little charade Inuyasha and company pulled several tables away, and over a human girl, pathetic he thought. Even though he hasn't able to see her face, he was sure it was some ordinary onna, with pale skin, brown eyes, and skinny body. “The Usual plain Jane” he thought.

He was getting ready to go find the guys, when the lights turned off. He sat back down to see what Naraku had up his sleeve this time. The first performance was actually very entertaining. It's not something you often see in Japan.

The sound of the bongos playing followed my other instruments filled the room. When the lights turned back on someone caught his attention.

When the beat of the music started, Kagome began making her way towards the center of the dance floor, her hands seductively caressing her body from her thighs towards her neck, when the words started to filled the room, she broke off from the trance she didn't realize she created in the large room. Everyone's eyes were glued to her, especially the golden eyes of one very handsome Daiyoukai.

Mirándote a los ojos se responden mis porqués

Me inspiro en tus palabras y mi casa está en tu piel

Que tierno amor, mi devoción, viniste a ser mi religión

Mi dulce sentimiento de nada me arrepiento

Que vivan los momentos en tu boca y en tu cuerpo


She spun herself around and started swaying her hips, her legs being in total control of her body. Ever since she can remember, all she wanted to do was dance.

Everytime she did, she truly felt free.

Valió la pena lo que era necesario para estar contigo amor

Tú eres una bendición

Las horas y la vida de tu lado nena

Están para vivirlas pero a tu manera

Enhorabuena, porque valió la pena

Valió la pena....

She spun herself again. Her long slender legs moving to the beat, her hips dancing with her invisible partner called music. She felt so free. This was the only time she truly felt happy. Giving her heart and soul to the beat of the music, knowing that it was never going to break her heart.

Valió la pena lo que era necesario para estar contigo amor

Tú eres una bendición 

Las horas y la vida de tu lado nena

Están para vivirlas pero a tu manera

Enhorabuena, porque valió la pena

Valió la pena, valió la pena

Valió la pena, nena....

She spun herself again, and that's when she felt a surge of energy sparkling within her. She had never felt like this before. She felt like she was being watched. She turned around towards where she felt the pull calling her. Very faintly she could see the outline of someone, her heart started to beat a bit faster. She felt a connection when she looked that way.

Te veo y me convenzo que tenías que llegar

Después de la tormenta aquí en tu pecho puedo anclar

Y ser más yo, de nuevo yo, y por bandera mi ilusión

Y mira si te quiero que por amor me entrego

Que vivan los momentos en tu boca y en tu cuerpo


Sesshomaru couldn't get his eyes off her, he was hypnotized. Her body of an angel calling to him. Calling him to go up to her, to dance with her. To hold her and never let her go. To make her beg for him, as much as he was begging for her, for her touch, for her love. He has never reacted like this before, not for no one. Especially no human onna. She was different. She had an aura of pureness around her. He had to have her. She turned around and looked straight at him. It was like if she was looking straight through him, her big gray eyes giving him all her attention. He saw the way she blushed, a small nervous smile complementing her delicate features. She was far beyond beautiful. She didn't belong here. She couldn't be real, he thought. He blinked his eyes, doubting himself. As if on Q the world slowed down. It seemed like the world froze, and it was just them two unaffected by it. She was dancing for him. She seductively caress her small fingers through her hair, letting it slowly fall down, cascading her angelic figure. In that moment he realized that she belong to him. He was born for her and her for him. His thoughts were interrupted when two arms wrapped around her waist. How dare he touch what was for him only.

Valió la pena lo que era necesario para estar contigo amor

Tú eres una bendición las horas y la vida de tu lado nena

Están para vivirlas pero a tu manera

Enhorabuena, porque valió la pena

Valió la pena, valió la pena

Valió la pena, nena....

She was shocked when she was suddenly spinned around. “It's just me Kagome.” whispered Jakotsu. To the world her and Jakotsu danced together like feathers in the air. Everyone was in awed, they danced like if they were floating in the air. It was beautiful.

Porque valió la pena amor

Sí que valió la pena

Vivir a tu manera amor, ay enhorabuena

Valió la pena

When the song ended, they were both out of breath. The crowd started to applause and they both bowed. Sesshomaru broke from his hypnotic trance. His legs finally got the courage to move and just as he started to walked towards her, a loud crash was heard. He looked to his right a fight had broken out. When he looked back towards where she was, she was gone and nowhere to be found...


I hope you like it. It's going to be a short story. I just have to get this story out of my mind. Please read and review if you enjoyed it. Thank you.