Memoirs Of A Femme Fatale: The Black Widow by Axellynne Mori


My name is  Natsumaru Kagome, and story like mine has never been told.

My life was supposed to be plain and simple. Seduce, and kill. All for honor, power and respect.

You see, I wasn't always like this. I once dreamed, I once Loved, yes you heard right. I once loved, but my fate was not to Love.

I was born to a society of Youkai that seduced men then kill them. I believe that, until I met him, and I knew I couldn't.

It was wrong no one of my species was supposed to love, but I did, I knew my family wasn't going to understand. Especially mother, she never mated In her life, matter of fact no one in my clan ever did. Even if she did, she knew It was hopeless, Her instinct would take over and she would kill her mate, And so was I. That's why I never let him mark me, because I love Him too much, To kill him.

You see I'm a Black Widow, we don't Love. We just Seduce and kill,

I wish the rules of my species were different, but they are not. It's fate, my fate, to not fall in love or at least not to have the pleasure to enjoy that feeling, that strong feeling that has nothing but been a cursed to me. I cursed that brought me happyness.


I wish I had never met him. I hate him for making me love him so, that's what I'm trying to convince myself. But I love him with all my heart. Those short years I experinced, thanks to him, were the best of my long life that was put to an end.

I wasn't killed. I had to die, for him to be truly rid of this world. I didn't have anything to live for anymore. My child was now dead. It took me nearly three hundred fifty years to get my revenge, but when I got it. It was sweet revenge.

I sacrificed everything to see him live, to see everyone live. To make this world a better place. To give all the children in this world a future, a future that was denied to my own. One that was taken from me, when that vermin Naraku killed my son.

Was is worth it? I ask myself when in doubt. Yes it was. I got live and enjoy the pleasure of motherhhod, it was shortterm, but it is something I will hold dearly in my heart. All that I have left are memories of so long ago. Memories that have kept me sane. When I took That evil vermin with me, to Hades. Now It's all over, now I have to live my life in hell for all eternity. That's what i thought until I met someone down here..

Well people.. This kind of the intro to my new story, I hope you all like this little Intro of mine, as of right now im editing my 1st chapter. And by the looks of it this story is going to be really, really long. So bare with me please. Read and please reviem and tell me what you all think about it so far, and like always most importantly enjoy.