The Twin Flames Of Temptation by Axellynne Mori

Ultimate Betrayal

Let the games begin. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you The Twin Flames Of Temptation.



Kagome after finding out her high school sweetheart Bankotsu was cheating on her with her male cousin Jakotsu. Heartbroken she decides to forget about love, but while attending the prestigious University Of Tokyo she meets a girl by the name of Sesshoua Taisho that is there when she needs a shoulder to lean on. So little by little they become good friends, they start getting close to close that Kagome and Sesshoua start to develop feelings for each other. So now Kagome thinks she is in love with her. That's until she meets her twin brother Sesshomaru Taisho.



"Kagome baby, can you go downstairs and ask Lily to give you file 13" asked a sweet womanly voice.

"Sure mom, but can I use the phone first?" asked Kagome.

"Sure honey but don't make it long" replied Kagome's mom Akila

I'm only calling Bankotsu to see how his doing"

"What is wrong with him?”

"Well yesterday I told him I was coming over but he said that he wasn't feeling to well, so I prefered not to bother him.”

"Ok go ahead, tell him I say hi, and I hope he feels better."

"Ok I will" replied Kagome while she walked up to the desk to pick up the phone.

3 rings later...

"Hey" answered a manly voice from the other line.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling today? are you still sick?" asked Kagome.

"Sick? when was I sick?”

"What do you mean? you weren't sick?, you told me yesterday that you weren't feeling so good."

"Shit I'm busted" thought Bankotsu.

"Uhm… oh yes I was, I had a little fever going on, nothing to worry about" answered Bonkotsu.

"Are you sure baby? "

"Yeah ..yeah nothing to worry about" responded Bankotsu.

"Ok… If you say so, I guess I'll just call you back later then.”

"What time are you getting out of work Kagz?" asked Bankotsu.

"I don't know probably late like usual, I think mom wants me to help her with some paperwork, so I'll call you later.”

"Ok baby, don't work to hard"

"I'll try not too, I love you.”

"I love you too" answered Bankotsu



As soon as she hang up the phone she walked out the office towards the elevator.

When she got inside the elevator, she leaned her head back against the elevator wall and started to think about Bankotsu.

"I wonder what's going on with Bankotsu lately? He has been acting weird, we haven't gone out lately. He is always busy. He seems so distant, but what can it be? Is it that he found someone else?.. Oh no it cant be. I mean why would he? I give him everything a women has to offer. I mean everything but sex. But he said it doesn't matter, he said he is willing to wait till I'm ready, but what happens if what Ayame said was true? That men can't live with out sex. No! I will not think that, I love him and he loves me. He probably is sick and doesn't want to tell me because he knows I'm going to get all worried. Yeah that's it" reassuring herself. "Well I'll surprise him and take him some PHO, from his favorite spot. That always makes me feel better.

Kagome stayed in thought I little while longer, but the noise of the elevator doors opening took her out of her thoughts.

She walked out the elevator and turn a slight left which directed her straight towards the file room.

"Hey Lily, mom send me here to pick up folder 13" said Kagome.

"Well hello to you too Kagome, how are you today darling?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"Now that I see you, my day has gotten a lot better." answered Lily flirtatiously.

"I guess that's good to hear”

They stayed there a little while in silence until Kagome started to feel annoyed and broke the silence.

"Folder?" asked Kagome annoyingly.

"What was that?"

"The folder I'm here to pick up" replied Kagome feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Oh yes sorry darling" apologized Lily adding an extra emphasis to the ending ing . She handed the file over to Kagome. As soon as Lily gave her the folder she walked away more like vigorously power walked, not even saying good bye. She looked back and saw that Lily had gotten out her chair and was licking her lips while giving Kagome a I want to devour your ass look.

"Fucking dyke" murmered Kagome.

"Don't be a stranger beautiful” said Lily.

Kagome didn't even reply back, she headed down the hallway into the elevator.

As soon as she got off the elevator, she headed straight to her moms office but didn't see her so she walked out to the balcony, and saw her there smoking a cigarette and talking on her cell phone.

She waited until she finished, and when she did, she handed her the folder.

"There you go mom, the folder you requested" said Kagome while tapping her foot irritatingly.

"Why thank you darlING" Akila responded sarcastically.

"Mom!.. That's why you send me there right? Lily gives you the creeps too?" I knew it”.

"Not really she's just a little weird" answered Akila.

"A little? she looks at me like she wants to kiss me or something" replied Kagome, just the thought made her shiver.

"Oh stop it Kagome, she probably likes you" answered Akila with her all too famous grins.

"Ewww mom, don't tell me she likes to lick it"

"Well yes she prefers girls over boys" answer Akila

"That's nasty how can someone be attracted to there same gender?"

"Well baby sometimes there's something about a same sex individual that's attracts you to them , I have lots friends, that have told me that there same sex partners are more understanding and caring.”

"Disgusting! I would never look at a women that way."

"Never say never baby. You see me? I said I was never going to get marry after your father and I divorce, now look at me I got married a year ago and loving it"

"If you say so mom, I hope everything goes well for you and Onigumo, his a great guy and I know he makes you happy, I also like Naraku he is really cool, we talk about everything, at first I thought he was an asshole, but now that we gotten to know each other, I realized, not to judge a book by it's cover.”

For example every time Bonkotsu and I get in a argument, he always knows just what to say to make me laugh feel better. I adore him a lot" stated Kagome.

"You adore him?" asked Akila while smirking.

"I adore him in a brotherly, sisterly type of way" answered Kagome.

"That's great honey, I'm glad you see him as the brother you never had, but anyways changing topics how's Bankotsu?" asked Akila

"He's fine mom… well he says he's okay but I think his keeping something from me, lately he's been acting a little weird, I think he probably is sick, and doesn't want to tell me, he knows I'm going to get all worried" replied Kagome.

"What could be wrong with the boy? he seems pretty healthy to me" stated Akila

"Well I don't know. That's why I was wondering if I could leave early today so I can take him some chicken soup from Pho75, please mom?" begged Kagome.

"Alright" answered Akila

"For real?" asked Kagome suspiciously.

"Yeah sure, why not I know I been making you work your butt off these past days. I know you have school and everything, so I'm giving you a break you can have the rest of the weekend off, if you don't feel like coming in, it's that okay with you honey?"

"Yes Mom!.. That's wonderful, I could spend my weekend with Bankotsu, we need a lot of catching up to do and this weekend would be just perfect, thanks a lot mom" replied Kagome excitedly.

"You're welcome, anything for my Kagsy.”

"Okay then mom, I guess I'll see you later" said Kagome while getting her purse and heading out the door.

"Don't be late for dinner baby.”

"I won't miss it for the world mom, love you. See you later alligator"

In a while crocodile” Answered Akile while getting back to work.

Ring…ring…ring. Ring..

"Kagome speaking" answered Kagome.

"Hey sexy what's uuuuppppppp?" asked a man on the other line

"Sexy always. But I am here at the store picking up some soup for my BonBon" answered Kagome.

"Your BonBon?  Hahaha, you be coming with the weirdest names for poor Bankotsu, what's wrong with him anyways sick?

"Such a sexy laughter. But anyways. Shut up Naraku stop making fun of mea! You're just jealous, and yes he is sick, so I'm playing nurse for the day" answered Kagome.

"Lucky him, I wish I would get sick so you could be my personal nurse, if you know what I'm saying (grrrl)" responded Naraku seductively.

"Hahaha aren't you the Casanova, you know I'll do it for you too Raku.”

"I know you would “Little sister” " answered Naraku playfully.

"Awe that's so sweet of you to say "big brother", anyways Im here, so I'll see you at dinner then"

"It's a date, bye girl of my dreams" replied Naraku.

"Bye Raku"

Kagome's POV

After I hanged up the phone from speaking to Raku (his pet name) I got out the car slowly making sure I don't spill the soup all over me.

I locked the car and walk to the front of the apartment building, I walked inside and was greeted by Anaya, Bankotsu neighbors daughter (cute kid by the way) . I finish greeting her and walked towards the elevator, I pressed the up button and waited for about a minute or so until it finally got here. I walked into the elevator and press the 8th floor button it took me about, a little less than a minute to reach my floor.

I finally reach my destination. As soon as I got out the elevator, I heard loud music, I knew it was Bankotsu (gosh now that man loves loud music).

I mean, I like loud music but Bonkotsu, now he just never grows tired of it.

I sometimes wonder how we got together. He is just crazy and loud, and I'm calm and quiet, well actually not really, not anymore. Ever since I been with him he had shown me how to live the life, so I guess he is contagious after all, he passed down some of his craziness to me, but regardless of how he is, I love him to death and wouldn't change him for the world.

The closer I got to the apartment the louder the music became and he's favorite song was playing

(Bootsie Collins -I'd rather be with you)

I guess if I was any other demon, my ears would probably explode, but then again I been with him for 4 yrs. A girl has to get use to it.

I approached his apartment door, I was going to knock but I thought against it, he's probably not even going to hear me anyways with all the noise. I took the keys out of my purse and inserted them inside the lock I turn the key and open the door as soon as I stepped in, the smell that hit my noise was so penitrating my nostrils. I had to turn away and cover my sensitive nose it smelled of sweat and I really couldn't quite put my finger on it, I felt like if I was in a pit full of sweaty men, with a hint of something I had never smell before I followed the smell to where it stank the most and it was right outside Bonkotsu's room, I panic. My first thought was that he probably is sick.

I put my hand on the door knob and turned it. (thank god I thought) It was unlocked, I open the door and the site that greeted me was way far from what I expected, what I saw was just disgusting, on the bed was Bankotsu and my cousin Jakotsu having sex… and the look on there faces was pure pleasure.

Fucking gay bastards, they took me for granted. My boyfriend of 4 yrs and my own flesh and blood having sex in front of me.

I slowly walked up to stereo making sure they didn't see me.

I slowly press the off button and they both instantly looked up to my direction.

The face they had of pure lust and pleasure instantly melted into one of pure shocked, they literally looked like two deer's that just got flash by the headlights of my car (if I was in a different situation I probably would of found the humor in it)…..

"Bravo, bravo," I started clapping.


Please Read & Review, but most importantly enjoy. I want to hear what you guys think. The chapters do get better. A Lot Better. This is just the beginning. I really hope you guys enjoy. BTW Kagome is a Demon.