Enduring Love by Forsaken Tenshi

Enduring Love

Inuyasha characters do not belong to me but to Takahashi Rumiko.


Drabble/Drawble Night: March 3, 2012

Theme: Colors

Word Count: 100 words each


Prompt 1: Chocolate

He watched intently, ever so intently, as she carefully licked.  Her pink tongue would languorously swipe at the chocolate, her eyes fluttering shut as she savored the flavor.  She hummed in satisfaction, and he felt his mouth dry as he watched her.  She twirled her tongue around the sweet, unaware of the sight she made until she glanced up at him through her lashes with a devilish twinkle in her eyes.

Little vixen, he thought, Kagome knows exactly what she’s doing!

With an innocent smile that resembled nothing of her earlier sultriness, she said, “Thanks for the ice cream, Sesshoumaru!”

Prompt 2: Blood

Kagome finished her ice cream and with a happy giggle stood from the bench she shared with Sesshoumaru.  The balmy late spring afternoon was perfect; low humidity, several puffy clouds, warm sun, and bright green foliage created an idyllic setting.  The young girl skipped down a sidewalk inside the park, relishing being outdoors.  Sesshoumaru followed at a more sedate pace, watching her indulgently.  He took a glance at his surroundings, and heard Kagome gasp, turning just in time to see her sprawled on the pavement, her knee already welling up with blood.

“Itai…” she whispered, hands clasping her injured leg.

Prompt 3: Bittersweet

Sesshoumaru was at her side in a flash, carefully picking her up and depositing her on the bench they had recently vacated.  He sniffed at the wound while inspecting it, occasionally flicking off contaminants without causing more pain for the woman, and Kagome watched him.

He’s such an inu, she thought with wry humor.  Even though he’s hidden his youkai markings, he’s still completely inu.  She nearly jumped out of her skin when he leaned down and licked her wound.  “Sesshoumaru!  We’re in public!” she hissed.

The taiyoukai licked his lips and said with a grin, “Bittersweet.  I like it.”

Prompt 4: Canary

The inuyoukai had taken the miko home, where he had expertly dressed her knee.  Kagome sat in the study window seat with the panes open, overlooking the manor gardens.  Sesshoumaru sat at a desk doing paperwork for his company.  Birds twittered in the verdant world beyond the window, and Kagome smiled at the abundant signs of life.

“Sesshoumaru?  Could we get canaries?” she asked.

“Hn,” he grunted, not looking up.

“Please?  They’re so colorful and sing so well, or so I’ve been told,” she wheedled.

“Only if I can eat them if they get too annoying,” was his deadpan reply.

Prompt 5: Lime

“Sesshoumaru!” she exclaimed, scandalized.  “You can’t eat canaries!”

The inuyoukai looked up at his wife.  “And why not?  They are birds—poultry.  They probably taste good roasted with lemon or lime and a pinch of salt.”

“But… but…” Kagome stuttered, completely boggled by the fact that her husband would eat pets.  “But they’re pretty!” she blurted out, realizing as she said it how absurd her rationale sounded.  A quirked eyebrow from the taiyoukai silently mirrored her realization.  “Oh, shut up,” she groused, folding her arms over her chest and turning back towards the window.

“I didn’t say anything,” Sesshoumaru replied.

Prompt 6: Sky

The afternoon passed in companionable silence, with Sesshoumaru working on paperwork and Kagome reading a book.  So engrossed in the novel was she that Kagome did not realize that the sun was nearing the horizon.

“Kagome.  Kagome.”

“Gah!” she cried, hand clasped to her chest to still her heart.  “What is it?”

Sesshoumaru blinked lazily, bent over so that his face was next to her ear.  “It’s dinner time.”

“Oh, okay.”  She put the book down, glancing out the window to see a riotous explosion of sunset colors in the sky.  “It’s so pretty.”

“Hn.  Not as beautiful as you.”

Prompt 7: Peacock

“You’re still prettier than me,” Kagome grumped.

Sesshoumaru paused to think.  “Well, I am a very handsome specimen of my kind, if I say so myself,” he said with an air of haughtiness.  “I’d wager I’m one of the best looking ones out there.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” was Kagome’s rejoinder.

“Don’t deny it,” Sesshoumaru said with a sniff, “Even you think I’m gorgeous.”  A spark of humor lurked in his eyes, and Kagome stifled a wide grin at the emergence of the playful side of her husband.

The miko snorted.  “Vain as a peacock,” she remarked, lips twitching.

Prompt 8: Plum

Dinner consisted of yakitori, ohitashi, and rice, complimented with plum wine.  Sesshoumaru easily slid the bits of chicken off the skewer, enjoying the flavor of the meat.  “I wonder what canary would taste like,” he commented offhandedly, delighting in the way Kagome choked on her rice upon hearing his remark.

After enduring the ensuing coughing fit, Kagome glared at her husband.  “You did that on purpose!”

He smirked.  “I admit it was quite amusing—I expected such a reaction.”

She glowered at him.  “One of these days I’ll get you back,” she threatened.

“I’m sure you will.”  He resumed eating.

Prompt 9: Carnation

After dinner, the couple took a stroll in the gardens.  The moon was just beginning its nightly climb into the sky, surrounded by a sea of stars.  Sesshoumaru’s home was far enough away from the city where light pollution did not affect their view of the heavens.

“It’s so beautiful out here,” she said, “I miss being in the Sengoku Jidai though.”

“It’s the closest I can get,” Sesshoumaru confirmed.  Plucking a red carnation off its stem, he presented it to her.  “For my Lady,” he said with a bow and a flourish.  Kagome giggled at his old world mannerisms.

Prompt 10: Alabaster

She watched him as he stood in the center of the manicured lawn, gazing up at the firmament.  He had taken off the talisman that concealed his markings, and so they contrasted boldly with his alabaster coloration.  His skin glowed in the cool light of the moon, giving him an otherworldly look.

Then he turned to her with eyes blazing a citrine that rivaled the sun; it was a stark contrast to the cool overtones of the rest of his appearance.  Those eyes scorched her with a passion that took her breath away as they silently said, I love you.