The Path to Healing by Kessa

The Attack

Standard disclaimer applies: I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters.


One: The Attack.


The village of Edo was in a state of chaos.  Buildings raged with fire, smoke filled the air, bodies and blood covered the ground.  Within it all, an impenetrable barrier protected the surviving villagers from harm.

A demon attack, then, cold gold eyes noted dispassionately those cowering behind the barrier were mostly women, children and the elderly.

At his appearance, several cried out in fear, resulting in a young man to rush out followed by a familiar neko, ready to defend.

However, he halted swiftly.  “Sesshomaru-sama!”   He bowed quickly.

The daiyoukai narrowed his eyes.  “Kohaku.   What happened?”

The taijya looked angry, and worried.  “Inuyasha.  He went mad.  It came out of no where, his demon blood took over and he started attacking.”

Sesshomaru flicked a warning glance over as he listened, surveying the villagers, hearing the small hesitance in the young males voice that told of information he was withholding. “Who did he attack specifically?”

“…The women.”  Kohaku replied reluctantly, his knuckles turning white on his weapon.

Catching the rising distress on the boy, the inu scanned the villagers again.  “Where is the miko and Rin?”

Loosing some of the colour to his tanned features, Kohaku merely stared at the dangerous lord, unable to reply.   Through the scent of smoke and blood, Sesshomaru came to understand his silence, and a snarl emitted from him, causing the villagers to moan in fear.

“Did Inuyasha attack them?”  He demanded coldly.

“He had left the village after his first attack,” Kohaku whispered.  “We didn’t know he had backtracked around.  Kagome got to him first.  He…he forced himself on Rin.  Kagome…he turned on her after, there’s so much blood on them.”

Eyes turning red in his fury, the Western lord spun away and cast out his youki, pulsing to find the familiar reiki.

He felt a response, faint…and fading.  Instantly he was running.


Please tell me what you think
