Of Savages and Beasts by Shimyra

Of Savages and Beasts

DISCLAIMER: Though I don't own Inuyasha and gang (That belongs to Takahashi-sama) I do own this lovely plot line.


Author's Note: Hey y'all. Just here to let you know that this is a oneshot for the ages! O_o No seriously...I ain't kidding! Ok so I'll let you decide for yourselves then :'(, but just to warn you...I have lots of Lemony Goodness *mouth starts watering* and for those of y'all who don't like rape, violence, domination, angst, and steamy uncontrolled responses....Well sorry, this ain't your cup of tea then. As for the others that are willing to brave my twisted and warped imagination....ENJOY =^_^=



Naraku loved being evil. He loved causing others pain and anguish. It was an art really. Not everyone could just up and awaken one day and decide to make others lives completely miserable and actually succeed in doing it. No, just a select few were really able to reach into the depths of a person's soul and rip it to peaces in one agonizing and decisive fell swoop, and Naraku was at the top of his class. As with most connoiseurs of despair, he couldn't stand the thought of competition. So what did spoiled evil geniuses do to their competitors? They wiped them out of course, and Naraku planned on the ultimate destruction for his most feared competition Sesshoumaru.

"Ku ku ku, how the mighty will have fallen after I am finnished with them all! I am certainly an evil genius!" To bring Sesshoumaru to his knees and destroy that wretched hanyou in one perfect tactical maneuver would be one of his greatest victories! "Kanna, Hakudoushi. I have a job for you."




"Dammit wench! Can't you do anything right?"

Tears welling up in her eyes, Kagome straightened her back. I will not let this baka see me cry anymore! "I may make some mistakes Inuyasha, but at least they're not as grandiose and utterly foolish as yours. And I would never be so uncouth as to make a person feel as you've made me feel today and every other day I do something you deem imperfect." With that she stiffly turned and headed in the direction towards the Western woods.

"Oi! Bitch! Where do you think you're goin'?"

Turning slightly to look over her shoulder she simply stated. "Away from you."

"You ain't goin' nowhere Kagome! I won't allow it!"

"I will go where and as I please and there is nothing you can do about it."

Growling, Inuyasha went to stop her. "Why you..."

"Osuwari." With that simple word of subjugation, Inuyasha crashed to forest floor. Seeing the beads work to her satisfaction, Kagome headed in the direction she had originally intended.





"Y-yes Sesshoumaru-sama!"

"Take Rin back to the castle."


As the tall enigmatic dai-youkai made to walk away he paused to deliver one last threat. "And Jaken.."

"Y-yes mi-lord?"

"If anything should happen to Rin..." Turning away he allowed a small smirk to grace his elegant lips, ignoring the pathetic driveling mess that was his trusty retainer. Pushing Rin and Jaken to the furthest corners of his mind, the mighty Western lord headed toward the steady pulse of what his senses told him was wrong. Continuing on his quest to quinch his curiosity, Sesshoumaru gracefully began his trip to the desturbing aura, wind caressing his silver locks gently.

Unbeknowest to the stately aristocrat, Kagome was traveling towards the enigma as well, with Inuyasha steadfastly on her heals.




When Kagome entered into the small clearing in the Western forest the aura of wrongness hit her senses immediately, but before she could do more than groan her annoying (and resently deserted) companion burst into the clearing after her.

"Wench I told you you couldn't leave! I am Alpha of this fucking pack, and when I say you're gonna listen....!"

"Shhh." Kagome shushed at the ranting hanyou.

"Don't fucking tell me to be quiet bitch! I am..."

"Inuyasha shut UP! Don't you feel the wrongness of this place? Or are you so arrogant that you don't think it's necessary to pay attention to your surroundings anymore?"

Stopping his tirade, Inuyasha sniffed. Eyes widening he yelled out. "Stupid wench! What have you gotten us into now!?" Before another word could be spoken, however, Sesshoumaru also stepped into the clearing. "Did you do this you bastard!?"

"Silence little brother. Your stupidity is vastly annoying. This Sesshoumaru isn't concerned with your petty problems."

At hearing this Kagome giggled. Sesshoumaru has always been perfect for putting that baka in his place. Speaking up, Kagome bowed low showing the proper respect. "Forgive me Sesshoumaru-sama, but what do you make of this aura?"

Grumbling Inuyasha interrupted, "Oi, what are you asking ice dick over there for!?"

Ignoring Inuyasha's outburst, Kagome waited patiently for the tai-youkai's response. "It seems miko, that we have walked into a barrier. Whether or not we can leave, I am not certain." Turning to leave he was once again rudely detained by none other than Inubaka.

"Hey ice prick! You think you are so smart don'tcha!"

"Silence filth, before this Sesshoumaru is forced to put you in your place."

"You bastard! You're gonna pay for that!" And Inuyasha drew tetsusaiga and charged. Not even deeming Inuyasha worthy enough to use his sword on, Sesshoumaru simply threw him over his shoulder into the barrier. At Inuyasha's electrified, pain filled yelp, Sesshoumaru turned and looked at Kagome with one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised. "It seems we cannot leave." As soon as the Western lord uttered that sentence it was as if the barrier and it's evil intentions were activated. Vines wound around Inuyasha's still twitching form, holding him captive and turning him to face the two still unbound captives unable to look away. Paying no attention to the hanyou's snarls and curses, Sesshoumaru stiffened at the smell that assaulted his fine tuned senses. No! It couldn't be! But it was to late, the trap was set.

Woman! Such a delicious sent! Must. Have. Woman!

Sesshoumaru fought his beast and hard, but the chemical in the air was just to powerful and his beast wanted out. Chillingly, the tai-youkai began to laugh.

"Um, Sesshoumaru?" Kagome squeaked. "Are you okay?" With every laugh and every pulse the demon let out, her fear grew. Not knowing that it was the worst move a prey could possibly make, the miko began to run and the beast began the Chase.

In a voice deeper than what was normal, Sesshoumaru taunted. "Come little miko, you'll never escape this Sesshoumaru." As he stalked his prey the demon took his clothing off one slow agonizing peice at a time. After all, he wasn't in a hurry because no matter how hard she tried, there was just no escaping him when he wanted something. And Lord Sesshoumaru always got what he wanted.

Hidding in the bushes at the edge of the clearing, Kagome tried to regulate her breathing. From her place behind a particularly thick bush, the miko watched in fear as Sesshoumaru leisurely stalked her. Even though she was terrified, she still took notice of his features. He was extremely handsome. With his silver white hair and red demonic eyes, he was a sight to behold. Feeling unbidden arousal the little human blushed a bright red. Oh my God! He's getting naked! Kami, if you are listening to me right now..please, please help me! But it seemed as if the gods were otherwise preoccupied because before she had a chance to run again, the Western lord pounced, grabbing her tightly by the waist. "Please Sesshoumaru-sama. I know you don't want to do this!" As the words spilled from her mouth his eyes lost some of its redness. It seemed Lord Sesshoumaru was trying to fight the overwhelming effects of the unknown chemical. Looking into his face, she took all of him in. His jaw was firm and his body muscular and rock hard. Unwittingly, Kagome became aroused. Hearing a hissing intake of breath she began to quake. His eyes were captivating in their pure unadulturated, red hazed lust.

"Stop," He growled out. "I won't be able to hold back if you keep that up."

"Keep what up?" Kagome asked trembling in her aroused fear.

"The aching for me. The looking at me like you would like to devour me. I won't be able to stop from fucking you if you keep looking at me that way!"

The Shikon-miko gasped. "I-I don't know what you are talking about!"

His lips quirked up in an almost painful smirk. "So you don't want me?"

"Don't be ridiculous! I don't even know you!" Kagome blushed prettily.

Depositing her in the middle of the clearing, Sesshoumaru said seductively. "We can rectify that quite quikly I believe."

The beast was back in control. Gasping in aroused terror, Kagome attempted to stop him again. "Wait! Whoa! Hold up! Remember me? Kagome? Nasty, disgusting human? You don't want me. Not really. It's just the effects of whatever is in this barrier. Don't do something you are going to regret afterwards!"

Snarling, Sesshoumaru spit out. "Don't you dare presume to tell this Sesshoumaru what to do! I caught you bitch, and you are mine to do with as I see fit!" With demon speed, he reached down and tore her clothes from her until the only things that were left were her virginal white panties and bra. Looking down at the contraptions in confused consternation, Lord Sesshoumaru shrugged his masculine shoulders and used his deadly claws to rip them away as well, knicking her skin in the process. Breathing in her delicious blood the demon hardened more.

"P-please, mi-lord, don't do this!" She wrenched out in a strangled whisper. But secretly on the inside his forcefulness excited her. What is wrong with me!?

Quietly laughing Sesshoumaru's beast replied. "I can smell your deceit little onna. I can fairly taste your arousal on the air it is so thick. I know you want me." Taking in a deep lungful of air and scent he continued. "Your pussy is dripping with your want. Come miko. Be a good little bitch and take this demon cock inside that tight virginal cunt of yours."

In one last heartfelt effort, Kagome reached back and slapped the tai-youkai with every bit of strength she posessed. Her bracelet catching his skin, she stared in morbid fascination as a dark drop of blood welled up at the corner of his mouth. Laughing huskily Sesshoumaru spoke. "Come miko, taste what you have won." Grabbing a handful of her hair he pulled her up and forced her mouth to his cut flesh. Struggling against his hold was futile and when his demonic blood touched her tounge she was in ecstasy. She began writhing and sucking on his mouth trying desperately to get some more. Kagome didn't know if it was him or her that groaned and she didn't care. His life was ambrosia on her starved pallet.

"Enough." He ground out. But she was unable to stop. Kagome was so thirsty and he was her salvation. "Enough I said!" And he jerked his face from her grasp. Panting and feeling more alive than she had ever had in her whole life, she licked the last traces of his blood from her lips. When she looked up at him Kagome was still slightly afraid but more than a little aroused. His eyes were a sparkling amber with his pupils dilated, and in the middle a bright red was bleeding back through. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, and she wanted him now.

With lightening speed he crosssed the distance between them. Grabbing her up he captured her lips in a searing, sensual, fuck me now kiss. When his lips touched hers, lightening bolts slid down her spine and she arched in need. "So my little onna likes it rough. Good." Kagome moaned and with a growl Sesshoumaru slid down and latched onto her nipple hard enough to draw blood. "Mmm my sweet little miko. You taste devine." Her nipples instantly hardened. The thought that if he didn't fuck her now, and hard, she would explode crossed through her mind, and she made a small whimper. Rearing back, Sesshoumaru flipped his now willing participant over onto her hands and knees. Taking his hand he began to brutally and yet tenderly spank her. Fire shot through Kagome, and if she had been standing her knees would have buckled. Oh Kamis! This hurt but felt so damn good! "Do you like this bitch?" Kagome nodded her head in agreement. "No! Say it!"

"I-I like this!" Kagome gasped out as his hand came down again.

"What do you like bitch. Tell this Sesshoumaru what you like."


"Say it!"

Shuddering with tears leaking out of her eyes. "I like it..no love it, when you spank my ass!"

Stopping abruptly, Sesshoumaru started lovingly rubbing her posterior. "Tell me, do you want me to continue?"


"Tell me."

"Yes I want you to continue spanking my ass!"

Sesshoumaru brought his hand down in another brutal swing. "Who am I bitch?" He growled.


"NO!" Another slap.

"P-please tell me what to call you so that you might be pleased!"

The beast growled in pleasure. "I am master!"

"Y-yes master!" Kagome wailed in pain and pleasure.

Leaning down until his hot breath caressed her ear Sesshoumaru purred. "I'm going to fuck you now bitch. Would you like that?"

Gasping in white hot arousal, Kagome managed to respond to her glorious master. "Y-yes my master!"

"Yes master what?" He growled.

"Yes master, please fuck me!"

Squeezing her lovingly abused ass he said. "That's a good little bitch." Not giving her any time to prepare, uncaring of her virgin passage the tai-youkai rammed his rock hard cock into her tight cavern. Kagome screamed out in pleasure/pain as she was ripped away from her innocence and made into a woman. Giving her no time to adjust, Sesshoumaru began moving. He slid in and out of her tight sheath, his nails peircing into her flesh as he grabbed her shaking and convulsing hips. It hurt like hell, but Kagome didn't care. The pain only heightened her pleasure, and the now woman screamed out in her release. "That's it whore scream for your master." Flipping her over from the traditional Inu mating style, he wrapped her legs around his waist and slammed into her once more. Again Kagome screamed out her release and she looped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he sped up the pace. Snarling and growling, Sesshoumaru began to near his completion. Wanting to bring Kagome over the edge with him for the last time he began to gyrate his hips and he viciously pulled her head back where the flesh of her throat at the juncture of her shoulders was bared to him.

Sending her over the edge in his beautiful violence, Kagome screamed his name in her release. "SESSHOUMARU!"

At hearing her scream his name as she came his demons balls tightened in preparation and his cock exploded hot burning semen into her spasming and welcoming snatch. "MINE!" He snarled. Feeling his fangs elongate he sunk his massive canines into the juncture of Kagome's neck forever marking her as his.

Coming down from her amazing orgasim with her legs still wrapped around the demon lord and his cock still buried deep inside and pulsing, Kagome looked up and gazed into the shocked and pain filled gaze of her one time companion and love, Inuyasha. Smirking, she never took her eyes off of the hanyou as she responded. "Yes Sesshoumaru, I am yours." And she bent down and bit her once rapist and marked him as hers.

Looking over in complete satisfaction at what was behind his new mate, Sesshoumaru said smugly. "What say you now, half-breed?"


Naraku was pissed to say the least. All his well laid plans backfired. He was supposed to break Kagome's spirit by her getting raped so savagely. He was supposed to bring Sesshoumaru to his knees by having him commit the very act he hated his father for...mating a human. He was supposed to utterly shatter Inuyasha's soul by having him watch everything and be powerless to stop it. But nothing went as planned. In this competition, round one went to Sesshoumaru.

"FUCK!!!!" Naraku screamed out in pissed off agony.


There you have it folks. Please review and let me know what y'all think okay! I was thinking about doing a series of one shots all revolving around this one, but before I do I must have the opinions of you the viewers. (Yes, I am a review whore and I am completely shameless) Thanks for reading!
