Winter Wonderland Surprise by Phoenix89

Day One-Snow Globe

A/N: Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

Chapter One: Snow Globe

It had been a long day and she was beyond exhausted. Her feet were swollen, her back ached and all she wanted to do was take a long hot shower and curl up on the couch to some romantic comedies. Yes, some chivalrous and handsome men were definitely on the menu tonight.

It wasn’t until she was settled on her couch with a steaming cup of cocoa, her DVD player loading a two hour long movie of nothing but Darcy and Bingley, did she notice the silver box and envelope lying innocently on the table.  

She reached for the strange pair and opened the envelope without a second thought. There was something about the elegant way her name was written on the front that wiped all fear of trespassing from her mind.


  From the moment I met you, I knew there would never be another woman for me.

Inside this box you will find a clue to my identity and for every day leading up to Christmas you will receive more gifts from me in some unique fashion, each carrying another clue. If you succeed in guessing my identity I will come to you on Christmas morning and if you fail us both will forever drift in wonderment.

Keep your eyes open and let the game begin.

Kagome sat back in shock. Once the confusion passed, her eyes moved to the silver present. She bit her lip in contemplation before deciding to throw caution to the wind and tore open the box. She pulled out a glob of tissue paper and peered inside.

Nestled inside, surrounded by white foam padding was a large glass snow globe. Carefully, Kagome reached inside and picked up the globe, holding it up to the soft glow of her table lamp. Sitting inside the glass dome was a perfect miniature version of her childhood home back in Tokyo. Tears clouded her vision. She hadn’t been home in over four years and the guilt weighed heavy on her heart.

Kagome set the perfect present down on her coffee table and curled up beneath warm blankets on the couch. She pressed ‘play’ and settled into watching Mr. Darcy act like the perfect gentleman, all the while wondering if such a man really did exist. However, when her eyes drifted over to the snow globe and her heart fluttered, Kagome knew she had her answer.  

Word Count: 398

Prompt: Snow Globe

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