The Hunt by inuforlyf

The Beginning


The Hunt

Rated: M for visual aids and language

Summery: Kagome and Kikyou's mother is gone, kidnapped. Their father hears this and asks three Inu youkai, his friends, to look for the lady of their village. However, a deal is made. For the youkai to look for his wife, one of the sons of the eldest youkai must wed with one of the two daughters, who are Miko. Miko are known to purify the demons and hold nearly no nice feelings for the youkai kind. Unfortunately they learn a secrete that can very well ruin there life if they are to mate with a demon. Hearing they must wed with one they run, thus beginning the hunt.

A young girl was sprawled out on her bed. Her hair was covering her face. Her hair was thick, long, and dark. Her face was a tad plump but still had an innocent look.

Another young girl, same age as the one on the bed, entered the room. The two shared much resemblance, though Kikyou had a thinner and longer head shape. She always had her hair together with a ribbon. The other girl, kept her hair loose most of the times.

“Kagome, it’s time to awaken. Father says guests will arrive soon.” Kikyou spoke like a true lady. However, Kagome knew something was off. She rose in bed.

“Where is mother? She always wakes me.” Kagome asked feeling something bad had happened. It was true. Kikyou never woke Kagome, it was always her mother, shaking her gently then yanking the covering cloth off of Kagome’s person.

Kikyou would argue with her mother to not wake Kagome, for in the morning Kagome was grumpy.

Kagome stared at the sister that came out a minute before she had. She stared at the sister who was to be the lady of the large village after mother and father leaves this world. She stared at her sister who was now looking at the ground, afraid to look Kagome in the eye.

That was rare. Kikyou usually stared into her eyes and try to intimidate her, at this moment she knew something was wrong. “Kikyou, answer me.”

“Someone took her.” Her voice was soft and it scared Kagome. She seemed like a lost kitten. “What do you mean?” Kagome asked not believing what she had just heard.

“Someone took her.” Kikyou hissed out pulling her unshed tears in. They fell silent.

After a while Kikyou spoke again. “The visitors coming are here to make an agreement to find her.”

Kagome got a tad happy but then Kikyou continued to speak. “They are three Inu-youkai.”

Her world came crashing down. “Youkai, I knew father would never push away his heritage. He’s probably hired them to eat humans!” Kagome flapped back on her bed, “I can’t believe him.” She said.

“Whether you believe him or not,” Kikyou began, “you must get out of bed, get dressed, and help me greet the monsters.” And she pulled on Kagome’s ankles, yanking her off the bed.

“Sister, just kill me now! This information is too much for me to bear!”

“Oh, stop it and get dressed.”


The two sisters walked down the corridor. Both were fashioned with a pink and white lady’s dress, having their breast pushed high up, only to be covered with cloth that went to the chin, choking them both. Kikyou’s hair was nicely dressed with a net and many stones, pulling it back from her face. Kagome had hers down and simply brushed.

They both walked silently down the foyer when they were beckoned by one of Kikyou’s hand maidens. They followed her to the room before the main entrance. There they were greeted by a man in black silk. “Father, why are Kagome and myself dressed in English fashions?” Kikyou asked after she and Kagome bowed to their lord.

“We need to make the impression that we are well rounded people. We know other cultures.” He explained looking over his daughters and did a small frown. They looked so much like their mother.

“Why must we impress the youkai?” Kikyou spat asked spitting out the word, showing her much distaste for the kind.

“Did you forget that I myself was once youkai? I will not tolerate my daughter disliking her father’s kind.” He hissed at Kikyou. It was then Kagome spoke up.

“But you changed for your love of mother! Youkai is your past and you should not have it in your future. Grandmother would not approve!”

“You grandmother has been dead for three years now. I don’t care if she would approve or not! I may hava made my youkai dormant but I was surly not happy I did. It was the only way thy mother would marry me.”

The three fell silent until Kikyou broke it with her logic. “Your youkai is dormant? So it isn’t gone? You are still a demon!”

Kagome stepped away from her father. The mere thought of her father being a youkai churned her blood. For Kikyou it nearly boiled it.

“Does mother know? Did you keep that information away from her as well? I am sure that-”

“She wouldn’t care. She would love me no matter. She fell in love with the youkai still in me and in power. It was her family that did not approve. She loved me so, as I did her, still do mind you. However, I had to be human to marry her. And so I became.”

“But you’re not! You’re a demon, father! You’re a monster. No one in this household likes the creature and yet you are one! Father, why did you choose now to reveal such information?” Kikyou questioned enraged.

“You were not even to find out until you have reached your adult age. It was to be kept secrete until I insured my place in her and your hearts. Believe that I-”

“Does that make us youkai also?” A soft sound came from a far. Onigumo, their father, turned to look a Kagome as did Kikyou.

“No,” Kikyou whispered. “No, no, no. I will not allow it! I am not-”

“Yes you are. The youkai lays dormant in you two as well until you mate since you were conceived from a father with dormant youkai.” Onigumo told them.

“Mate? What in the world! Do you mean rut?”

“In the youkai way, yes I do.”

“That’s disgusting father!” Kagome shouted. “You have to mate with a youkai to be turned into one. If you mat-”

“Rut,” Kagome said.

“If you ma-”


“If you rut with a human, you will stay a human.”

Kikyou’s eyes threatened to fall out. “No! I and Kagome are miko! We are not-” There was a knock and a servant came to open the door.

“Milord, m’ladies, presenting lords Inu no Tashio, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha.”

Both Onigumo and Kikyou straightened them selves.

First entered was a man in beautiful blue silk. It was a bit sheet like having the fabric of his hakama flow with every step he took. The deep blue bottom and sky blue haori really did look majestic, for a demon that is.

The beautiful embroidery showed wealth and power. His hair a white snow that showed bits of silver when the lighting was just right. His eyes were a pool of gold that was absolutely mesmerizing. There were two purple strips on both cheeks. With rosy lips and dangerous claws, not to mention having strips also on his hand, there was no doubt this man was a demon.

Following him was another that resembled the first. Both being very tall and graceful told the girls they were related. However, the one just entering had a colder, much younger face. On his forehead laid a crescent moon. His strips were more refined and sharp. Everything about him gave the girls chills.

He, on the other hand, gave off more power then the first man. He had white silk a nice red, blue and white armor which had spikes on it. Going over his shoulder and down his back, which looked like a tail was a pure, fluffy white pelt.

Lastly, a younger one had no strips, moon or grace. The only resemblance was his hair, eyes, and possible youkai abilities. He had ears sticking out of his head. Though not the pointed ones that the other two had in the correct places. No, it looked like cat ears but seeing as they are to be Inu youkai, the ears were white fur outside, pink skin inside, dog ears. They truly fascinated Kagome. “Bow daughters,” Their father said.

“Why should we bow? They might chew our heads off like they dogs they-”

“Bow!” Onigumo shouted cutting Kikyou off.

Kagome rolled her eyes and bowed but kept her head low to speak. “Know this now, I do not like monsters. Kikyou and myself purify monsters so keep you distance.” She shot her head up and her hair smacked the coldest of the three. “You were warned. I am not one to be reckoned with.” She snapped her head away as she turned, showing them her back and smacking all three with her raven hair. “I am quite unpleasant.” She walked away.

Sure Kagome was outspoken and an odd child but she never went looking for a fight. Her doing that was searching and she would sure win. That act told the last five standing there that.

“Where is she going?” Her father asked her.

“Kagome is perhaps going to the libraries, father.” Kikyou answered.

He nodded and sent Kikyou away saying the three youkai and he had business to attend to. So Kikyou went to the back to practice her aim with bow and arrows.


Kagome on the other hand had rushed to her room.

She pulled some ragged clothes she enjoyed wearing so much, just brown, dark gray in color and skin from fur animals. and a similarly colored hat. She was naturally slender; she had an hour glass shape but constantly covered it with layers of clothes. When she was alone, she covered it with highly baggy clothes.

She bound her breast down, which was not an easy task. Kagome’s father’s side was known for the woman had large breasts. Sadly both she and Kikyou inherited them.

She dressed and looked like a peasant boy. Everyone knew this peasant boy and no, not even her father knew it was her, Kagome. His name was Akio.

She could walk around they’ll just greet her as such. She smiled and went to her bed. She pulled it away from the wall and on the floor was a sheet.

She pulled it and there was a hole in the ground. She reached her hand down and pulled out a brown box. Inside said box was filled with charms. There was the no scent charm, no aura, no sound, invisibility charm, discipline charm, cloning, clouding, and much more, seven for each.

She took a hand full and put a lot in her pockets. She slipped on a no sound charm and an invisibility one on to her bracelet.

She walked out and walked towards her father’s study assuming that was where what ever deal her father was planning, they would seal it there.

She walked to the door and saw that is was cracked open. She sat crouched to the floor and saw the three demons standing in front of a sofa. They weren’t even sitting. As soon as she though that, the youngest dropped himself onto the seat. She smiled. The other two followed suit but sat down gracefully.

She rolled her eyes and the one named Sesshomaru looked at her. Yes there eyes met but it was impossible, he couldn’t see here. She was invisible. He turned his head and brought his attention to her father.

She did a sigh. She listened carefully.

“We spoke by letter, I suppose we do not have to discuss what, all that has to be done is choose.” Her father spoke in an even deep voice. Her father was always nice looking. He wasn’t gorgeous but he could pass a lover man.

His hair was deep black as was his eyes and his hair was constantly cut to stay at his shoulders. His frame was a thick wide one compared to her mother’s slender body. He would always spar with others. He was a great warrior in many eyes.

“I’m not mating anyone.” The youngest boy huffed and crossed his arms over the red male kimono.

“Inuyasha, if you do not mate then Sesshomaru will, one or the other.” The eldest spoke.

“Father, I will not disgrace myself with such infuriating brats. Did you not see the one with the unruly hair? She had the nerve to hit me with the stringy thing. It took every ounce of control to not kill her.”

“My, Sesshomaru, I do believe that’s the most I’ve heard you speak, ever.” The one called ‘father’ spoke. Kagome supposed he was Inu no Tashio.

“I do hope you choose one. You’ll have powerful heirs, and we need something to seal the deal.”

“Yes, an alliance and a powerful heir, all we are to do is find his wife and we receive one of your lovely daughters.” The father said.

Kagome gasped and Sesshomaru looked at her again. Their eyes met, once again. He couldn’t see her nor hear her, why was he noticing her.

“Where are the facilities?” He asked her father while standing.

“I’ll have help-”

“I’ll rather find it myself.” Her father nodded and told him “turn right, down the foyer and turn a slight left the door will be straight ahead.”

Sesshomaru nodded and walked out closing the door behind him, tightly. Kagome shift on the floor. He crouched and looked straight at her. “Your scent and aura is noticeable. Human’s may not have found you but they are inferior, it is expected.”

She didn’t say a word instead she backed away from him and stood, getting ready to run.

“Show yourself,” He stood and stared into her eyes not knowing he was staring into Akio’s.

Kagome turned and ran to her room; Sesshomaru did not even bother to run after her. He turned and walked back into the room sitting next to his father.

A servant came through another door across the study and told the Onigumo something important has just happen.

When he left his father looked at him with a smirk, “I see you’ve taken a liking to the Kagome girl.”

He received silence from Sesshomaru and Inuyasha was waiting to hear what happened. He hopped that Sesshomaru didn’t mate one because then Inuyasha wouldn’t get to. Inuyasha knew who would probably never get a mate on his own due to the fact that he was hanyou, having it arranged would mean he would be shot down to anyone else.

“Well, she is fiery though I thought you to pick the older one, she has a more reasonable head on her shoulder, or so Onigumo says.”

“Oi, Sesshomaru, are you going to pick one of them?” Sesshomaru didn’t say a word. He found these questions fairly stupid.


Kagome ran to her room and grabbed her lucky dagger. Yes, she did adore that dagger, so sharp and loving. She always held it when she became nervous. She took off her charms and placed them with the other’s in her pocket.

She ran towards the fighting area where she knew Kikyou would be. Running down the foyer she saw the open door leading to outdoors.

When she reached the door frame a pink lit arrow flew by causing Kagome to shriek and quickly backed away.

When it was gone she poked her head out to look towards the area the arrow cam from. “You could have killed me!” Kikyou didn’t say anything.

“Hello, to you also.”

“Akio, you must learn your place, so disrespectful to those in a higher rank.” She said and took another arrow from the bag at her foot.

“Kikyou, you or Kagome are to be sent to wed a youkai.” Akio said causing Kikyou to lose concentration and the arrow made a tree yards away to burst in flames.

“How are you to know, that can’t be true.”

“I happened to hear-”

“You eavesdropped on a conversation?”

“Your father and the Inu’s conversation. They spoke. It is a great deal. Either your hand or your sister’s hand in marriage, in exchange they become allies and they look for your mother.”

“Ridiculous!” She shot another arrow. It hit a flying bird and it blew up.

Far away in the forest a dark figure was listening to it all. This was not going according to plan. If one of the girls were to mate with one of the strongest demons, he would never get power.

He let out a growl. Their father was to tell the girls that the mother left the girls, as she did, and that was supposed to break the girls spirit letting soul capturers an easier access to their souls and the two girls will be under his wing.

He was to be in all power, this was not going according to plan.

Kagome, a.k.a Akio, Stood next to the fuming Kikyou. “Don’t waste all your arrows,” She said in her Akio voice. “Kikyou!”

The two turned to see her father coming with the three Inus. They all looked at Akio with a funny look. She shoved her hands in her pocket and felt her way for a no scent charm. Those charms were sharp and had the shape of a two leaves clover.

She found one and slipped it on to her bracelet having the Inus all raise their eyebrow. “Go home boy, there is nothing here you should hear. Akio looked at her father and just nodded. She began to leave but then she heard a voice, “Why did you tell your own daughter to leave?” Damn him to hell.

Kagome turned and saw her father staring at her. She took off her hat and her hair fell down.

“Young lady, you are getting on my nerves!”

“Is that the real reason you want to send me off!” Kagome shouted back. “Yeah, I heard it all!”

“So, it’s true father?” Kikyou said when she recovered from the shock that she was starting to have a crush on her own sister.

“How did you-”

“Does that matter?” Kagome shouted. “You just told us that we would turn into youkai if we mated with one and now you’re saying you want us to wed with one and someday have an heir? That requires mating! You want us to be a demon!” Kagome shouted.

This was news to the dark figure in the shadows of the forest. He did not know they would turn youkai, and it seemed that they did not want to wed the Inus. Perhaps there was hope after all.

“Cease your screaming!” Her father said and he went to her face. “You will stop acting as if you are possessed.”

She narrowed her eyes. She felt something in her throat and she brought it up, she threw a wad of spit into her fathers face and turned running in to the forest.

“Kagome!” Kikyou took some of her arrows and ran after her sister, into the forest.

The youngest of the three inus began laughing.

“Have you no control of your daughters?” Sesshomaru asked.

“Children, perhaps the girls know the way of the Inu youkai.” The eldest said, “Perhaps they want to be dominating in the relationship you will have. They ran, they have just started the hunt.”

Inuyasha quieted down just to shout, “I hope you’re kidding.”

“You two will go after them tomorrow, you need to rest if you are going to chase two mikos.