thunder hit the ground as a beautiful woman imerged from within when the light lit up the sky it showed the woman she had long flowing her three inches past her knee's, percing cold blood red eyes with a hint or amder making it look as if they were fire it's self, two blood red stripes on each sid of her face red eye shadow and a body that must have the goddesses burning with envy and the gods with lust she wore torn hakamas and a ripped kosoda on her back hips and hands she carried many things such as hirikoutsu a staff five swords a fan two feathers a mirror a tijia uniform and miko garbs bow and arrows chaincycle and a toy top on her shoulder was a injured black and cream kitten she walked to the house and went in it was empty exept for the faint souns of some one running the sound grow louder till a boy apered he had black hair to his shoulder and blue eyes he was well built for a 7 year old "ka-kagome what happend look at you come on we have to jet you cleaned up now you are to wounded!" she let him drag her to her room and put her in a nice warm bath as he left to go bandeged the kitten she just sat their talking with her beast "MISSTRESS YOU MUST HEAL YOUR WOUNDS" a sinnister voice replied "i shall heal soon calm your self beast we will survive for kilala and sota" she replied her beast left with a flick of its black nine tails and receded into the far corner of her mined she said out loud to knowone "is it truly over is naraku finnaly dead i never did sence that he was truly pirafied in that battle? would seem that i am alone now only sota and kilala are alive we are truly alone" she said i a monatone voice she soon got dressed and was about to sleep when sota and kilala walked in " um..un..sis can we sleep with you?" he questioned as if afraid of her anger she simply lifted up the blankets and they instently are in her bed sota curling up to her chest ans kilala her neck they soon fell a sleep all tree never noticing the cold blood red eyes watching them <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< the figure watched the three ocupants in tbe room sleep "foolish ningen you will never win this is only...the beginning." the figure said sinisterly and with a spiral of red smokemto report to his master hope you like it and if you can figure out who the figure or master is you will get a story/pairing of your choosing its ether yu-yu hakusho kag with any one even a pair of kag/hiei/yus/kurama, vampire games kag/darries, sailor moon kag/momoru or derrian, shougu charas kag/ikuto, and naruto kag/sas,kag/itachi or even kag/sas/itachi i will give you a hint its at tbe beginning of inuyasha he is the master mind and dont worry i hate A/N's so i will have none of that so a'tout a'le here it means see you later in french