The Last Shard by Mad Hatter

Incomplete Jewel

Disclaimer: A non-profit fanfiction, by a fan for the fans. All known Inuyasha characters belong to their original owner.

Greetings: Mad Hatter, at your service. First fanfiction to be published. I accept only /corrective/ criticism. If there are any issues, grammatical, spelling, plot flow, or any other concerns, I ask you privately contact me and express it in a mature fashion, I will then fix the problem. As for the rating, it will start of slow, but there will be explicit material in later chapters, so just a fair warning before any become too engrossed into the story but are not mature enough to handle such adult content. Anyway, I will leave you to the first chapter of The Last Shard, enjoy.

Edit: I'd like to dedicate this story to my Grandfather, A.K.A. Papa who died at 5:50 in the morning of October 20th, 2011. You have always supported my choices in life and gave me the confidence to stick with and be proud of the things I do. You will be missed by those you've left behind but I know you are in a better place, free of pain and decay. You are cherished and loved and please watch over your family until we can join together once more. May your soul rest in peace.

A flock of birds soared towards the sky as a loud 'thump' echoed the once silent meadow of Inuyasha's Forest. A few moments passed and another 'thump' was heard, soon followed by another, and another. The cause of the noise was a woman clad in traditional miko garb. A bow and arrow in position. The string of the bow whined as it was pulled taut and released with skill. 'Thump', dead center along with the previous shots.

Arrow after arrow was released until the hand reached back to the quiver only to grope at air. The woman heaved a sigh as she lowered her bow and dropped to her knees. Chocolate eyes swam with unshed tears as they turned toward the mutilated target ring she had fired upon. Her skills had greatly improved from all the years she spent in this era. A painful smile tugged at her lips as she recalled all the past events that led up to her current state.

There were many good times and just as many hardships, yet as a group, they all prevailed. Sango, the strong female. Shippou, the comic relief. Inuyasha, the muscle. Miroku, the tactician. Kirara, the assist and herself. Kagome, the once thought of glue and heart of the group. She chuckled at that notion. Some glue she was.

Naraku had been defeated. A week straight battle that had caused a vast amount of casualties. Many had come to the group's aid in the final battle. All wanting to lay down their lives to help them for all the group had done. It touched them, made them battle harder. Unfortunately, they were all lost due to Naraku's underhanded tactics. Surprisingly with the help of Sesshoumaru, they prevailed. His battle experience combined with their knowlege of Naraku worked in their favor.

The final blow had been delivered by Kagome in a brilliant display of miko power. It shocked them all, including herself as the wounded Naraku had been swallowed in the bright petal pink light and was reduced to ash.

On shaking legs, Kagome hauled herself up and stumbled towards the pile of ash that had once been the great menace. Atop the pile was the uncompleted shikon no tama, blackened with malice and death. Everyone watched with baited breath as Kagome reached down and it purified into a shimmering pink before she even touched it. Her hand clasped the sphere and lifted it to her chest to rest against her rapidly beating heart.

A wind swept over the battle field and carried with it, Naraku's ashes. She glanced at everyone, accessing the damage. Inuyasha was propped up by his sword, reverted back to the rusted katana. His left eye was closed to prevent the blood that dripped from his head getting into it. His clothes were torn and bloodied, matching cuts decorated his body. 

Sango and Miroku were holding eachother up. Miroku had broken his leg and suffered mass poisoning that was being purged by the antidote Sango had brought with her. Sango had minor cuts and bruises but her arm was sprained when she got hit mid throw of Hiraikotsu, which lay broken in pieces a few yards away. Kirara was by their feet, licking her wounds.

Sesshoumaru came out relatively unscathed. His armor had been broken and from the look of it, he did not seem to care in the least. A few tears decorated his clothes but not a drop of blood could be seen. If there had been any, everyone knew it did not belong to Sesshoumaru.

Shippou resided in the barrier Kagome had erected around him to prevent the kit from being killed. Rin resided with him, they shielded their eyes from the sights of the battle but now watched everyone wide eyed.

Other than having been tossed around like a rag-doll and feeling as though she had been hit by a truck, Kagome was fine. She had stayed on the outskirts of the battle, firing arrows to cause for distractions to let everyone get an opening for their best attack.

She shook her head, time for the task at hand. Opening her palm she revealed the jewel and removed the pieces she had from her jar. The silence was deafening as everyone, including Sesshoumaru, waited to see the jewel become whole once more. Clasping her hands together, Kagome closed her eyes and fused the pieces together. Smiling at everyone with triumph, she showed them the jewel.

"We did it.." Her voice was hoarse from screaming so much as well as just being battle worn. "I can't believe we finally did it." The relief in her voice could be seen and felt by all.

"Kagome, are you going to make your wish now?" This came from Sango who still held up Miroku as he swayed on his feet.

"I-" Kagome began.

"No way!" Everyone turned to look at Inuyasha who had spoken up. "I was supposed to wish on it!" His protests caused nearly everyone to glare at him.

"Inuyasha, any wish you make would be a selfish one. To give you any sort of wish would put what everything we have done be in vain." To everyone's surprise, Sesshoumaru had spoken up, silencing Inuyasha who was more surprised than everybody.

Kagome chewed on her bottom lip, unsure of what she would wish for. She had given it a lot of thought but had yet to come to any decision. She felt like any wish she would make, like Inuyasha, would be selfish. "Give me some time to think about it.. we should head back to Kaede's place and heal up."


As Kagome finished reflecting that vivid memory, she released another sigh. Standing from her kneeling position she went to the tree she used as target practice and retrieved her arrows one by one. "If only I had looked harder... maybe we'd all be together again.." She said the words with such sorrow and she let her forehead rest against the rough bark of the tree. Closing her eyes she recalled the rest of the memory.

-Flash back-

The group, including Sesshoumaru, who only decided to come back to Kaede's in order to have the elderly miko check and make sure Rin was in good health. However, Kagome had a slight inkling that maybe, just maybe, Sesshoumaru had begun to care a bit more about the rest of them. After all, they had been working with him on and off for over a year now and half a year straight in the final stretch search and battle of Naraku.

"Kagome, I have something to tell you.." Sango said to her sister-like friend. Her smile was small, bittersweet.

Kagome merely blinked in surprise by the tone and nodded as Sango pulled her out of the hut, not missing the knowing stares from Miroku, Shippou and Inuyasha. "Sango, was is this about?" Somehow she got the feeling she wasn't going to like what she was about to be told.

"Miroku and I are going back to my village. Now that Naraku is defeated, we can be together and we want to build a life together once its finished. Hopefully, someday we can make the slayer clan successful once more..." She trailed off and turned her glance away, unsure of how Kagome would take it.

The deep sting of hurt crushed her heart but Kagome wrapped her arms around her sister figure. "Sango, I knew this would come at some point!" She managed the best smile she could. "It hurts to know I won't see you or Miroku but.. you two deserve all the happiness in the world, I won't stop you!" They both cried together and hugged tightly for a long time until they were able to collect themselves and return to the hut.

"Keh, 'bout time you two returned, I'm getting hungry." Kagome rolled her eyes at Inuyasha's classic response to almost anything.

"Fine, fine, we can eat." The group then set out doing their part of making a meal together, unknown to Kagome at the time, it would be their last.

The next morning Sesshoumaru and Rin had departed. Taking it upon herself to thank him one last time for all the help he had given them. "Lord Sesshoumaru," deciding to be respectful, "thank you so much. I know you didn't have to stay with us for so long but I wanted you to know, I really appreciated it." She flashed him a bright smile.

Sesshoumaru shifted his feet enough to give Kagome an amber colored side-long glance. He took his time hoisting Rin on top of the two headed dragon mount, at the reins was his ever faithful toad servent, Jaken.

"Hn." Was her gifted reply as he turned and walked off into the grove of trees  that was the start of Inuyasha's forest, heading West towards his territory.

She blew air up towards her midnight black bangs, brushing them away from her face. "Well, at least he didn't call me a filthy human or decapitate me." She laughed and skipped back towards the village, to Kaede's hut with a smile on her face.

Once she entered she saw Sango and Miroku heaving their bags over their shoulders, Kirara was outside, saddled with other belongings and supplies for the long trip back to the decimated slayer village. "Leaving already?" Her smile began to fade at the sight.

"I'm sorry Kagome, we just want to get as much done before winter comes." Miroku smiled at her in an apologetic manner.

Sango was too distraught to say much more as she rushed past Kagome and mounted Kirara. With a sigh, Miroku joined her but not before giving Kagome a final comment. "We will miss you Kagome." Then he, too, left and she heard Kirara give a roar before taking off to the skies.

Shippou came to give her company, his small arms wrapped around her leg and he gave her the best hug he could. "I'm leaving, too." His voice sounded so pained, his whole body was shaking.

Her chocolate hues widened. "Leaving? Shippou, where?!"

"That village of kitsune sent me a letter.. they offered to train me.. and shelter.. K-Kagome, I don't have to go.." He shook his head, he had decided before it would be good for him, but seeing Sango and Miroku leave, and with Kagome being like a mother to him, he wasn't so sure anymore.

A tender smile touched her lips as she knelt down and placed her hand upon his head. "Shippou.. I love you so much, what kind of adoptive mother would I be if I didn't give you a chance to grow.." Though she was speaking wisely, she wished she could tell him to stay, to not leave her. Yet she knew he needed this.

"You'll be a great kitsune demon!" She stated proudly and hugged him, causing him to cry. Once he settled, he gathered his things and set out to the village of mirage.

Alone with Kaede, who sat poking at the fire, looked up at the figure before her who she had seen grow from an awkward teen of fifteen to the stunning, battle hardened miko of eighteen. A bit of pride swelled in her chest, she considered Kagome like a grandchild that she never had. Taught her all she knew about herbs, healing and being a miko in general. Even helped her with her archery training.

"Ye need not worry about them, Kagome. They all have ye to thank for who they are today." The elderly woman continued to poke at the fire.

"I know Kaede.. but it still hurts to see them go, Miroku and Sango will have a family together and Shippou will finally get the chance to become what he was supposed to be.. and Inuyasha.." She blinked as something dawned on her. "Where is Inuyasha?"

Looking to Kaede for some insight, she watched as the wrinkles around her lips pursed before she spoke. "Inuyasha left well before any of ye awoke."

She was shocked she didn't realize it sooner. "What?" Was all she managed to say. She was too busy making sure Sesshoumaru was properly thanked early this morning, she didn't bother seeing if everyone was still in the hut and then with the send off of Miroku, Sango and Shippou, Inuyasha must have slipped her mind. 'No wonder it was so quiet..' She mused to herself. "Where has he gone?"

Kaede simply shook her head. "Inuyasha has gone in search of Kikyo."

Kagome froze, her heart sinking into her stomach. 'Kikyo... of course he would search for her..' She turned her head away and closed her eyes tightly. 'Figures..' Kikyo had been M.I.A. for a few months now, apparently Inuyasha wanted to be with her in any form and in any way since he was not being given the wish he felt he was owed.

Speaking of wish. Her hand went to the jewel that rested at her throat. "Seems I am the only one left, then.." Her voice was wistful, speaking to no one in particular. She turned her attention to Kaede. "I'm going to take a walk." All Kaede could do was nod.

As she walked the pathway towards the Bone Eater's Well, she couldn't seem to hold back the tears. The well had been destroyed some year or so, she had lost count of the days after she could no longer return to her time, 500 years in the future. She had long since come to terms that she would live out the rest of her days in the fudal era, but it still hurt to see the broken clumps of wood and dirt that was once her portal home.

Sitting in front of the ruins, she fingered the jewel, finally giving it her full attention. "Wish.. wish.. wish.." What kind of wish could she make that would be considered selfless? She knew in her heart that she wanted to be able to return home, but if she did, she would miss this place so much. However, that would be selfish, no doubt. She realized she could not have things go both way.

She winced as she nicked her finger on something sharp. In turn, it made her drop the jewel as she looped at the single drop of blood that came from her digit. Placing it to her mouth, she cauciously reached for the jewel to see how a smooth marble like sphere could cut her. Turning it over a few times, her eyes widened to near saucer like proportions at what she saw.

There, barely noticable to the eye, was a fine crack in the pink gem. She brought it closer to her eye and sure enough the crack was not just a crack, it was a chip! Her heart began to race as a cold wash of panic rushed over her. "Th...there is a shard left!"

-End Flashback-

So there she was, five long, grueling months of traveling all across fudal Japan in search of the final shard.

A/N: I thank you all for getting this far, that means you have read the first chapter of my story. I can not promise when the next chapter will be up, life as you know it, is quite mad. I do, however, check the site multiple times a day and I hope to hear your reviews. I do ask you follow the guidelines. No foul language, please. Also, any chorus of 'you suck' or some such will be reported. If you do not like it, a shame but no need to tell the world about it. Before I ramble, I bid you all farewell and until next time in chapter two of, The Last Shard.


Mad Hatter