Monsters by Ejunkie

The Devil makes three

AN/ the ‘Devil makes Three’ have a song, called 'Old number seven'. I am in love with it. The rating is for language in later chapters, and adult situations. The next chapter is written, and will be updated in the next few days; this won’t end up being too long (unless I get carried away...) but will be uploaded in full chapters! 8’D


Part one: the devil makes three.

Out of the frying pan, and right back into the fire.


The Devil makes Three

She was only a few miles away from the well when it happened. Her friends' last words hung in the air, comforting her with their friendship – but also leaving her with a warning. It had been a long journey, a long few years, which she knew had attuned them all keenly to each others’ emotions – but despite her best efforts at masking her edginess, the long, dark stare of the monk had lingered as they had parted. Concern danced in the fading light across the expressive lines of his face, the definitions clear. For the last few, long seconds, their gazes held.

“Come back soon, Kagome. Some need you… more than most.”

It seemed ridiculous, now, her teenage anxiety at returning to their company.

The earth rumbled beneath her feet, the temperature of the small space increasing until the stone behind her cracked, and she was out of time. Holding her breath in a vague prayer to whatever god was listening that this would work, she counted three seconds before she rushed out, arm raised to shield against the flare of the flames.

Her lungs burned, and she counted one step; two steps, before the onslaught of heat paused, and her feet broke into a desperate run, gaze narrowed on the next rocky outcrop as her arms moved to pump at her sides. Please, oh please, if she could just make it to the next outcrop- The cries of her friends crested in a wave in the brief pause, one sharp yell cutting across the maelstrom of sound before it was lost in the next snarling roar: “Kagome!”

Somehow managing a dive that skimmed the skin off of both her knees and elbow, her body rocketed into the cave, the fire blinding in the corner of her vision. Heart racing, her arms tucked in tightly, frantically patting down her clothes, her hair, anything that could be on fire, before her quivering limbs gave out on her, sending her collapsing into the cavern wall.

One glance back confirmed her safety -the entrance was narrower than the demon’s jaw, and if Sango’s information was anything to go by, it preferred to roast its victims alive, and individually. Her shudder was smothered by a flood of intense relief, lightening the heavy weight of her fear; she was safe, for the time being.

Her hands trembled in her lap, the heat flushing into her cheeks as her face pushed into the steady solidity of her knees.

It seemed it didn’t matter how many times she had dealt with these situations, the repercussions were always the same. After the first rush of adrenaline, she crumbled, dissolving into this mess.

Gasping in air – as if it was going out of fashion, a small voice sounding remarkably like her old school friend Ayame, commented- she waited, back tensed, the pounding of heart steadying gradually into a more normal rhythm.

After several long moments, the small, keen eyes of the young woman blinked upwards. Her gaze was assessing, scanning the surroundings from her seat, the muffled silence calming her. Her initial glean of her environment wasn’t far off; the cave was small, cone shaped, and tapered at the end. Empty, and safe.

Ignoring her shiver at the idea of what would have happened if it weren’t, she made a few hard breaths, nudging a knee farther forward into the darkness. A stop, a quick glance made backwards to the small bright circle behind her –nothing. Glancing back forward into the darkness and stone, she hardened her nerve, in preparation for what she had to do next. Safety was at the back of the cave, if she could only just reach it.

The small shuffled motions edged her closer to the darkness, moving blindly as the light faded and her eyes closed - it was too faint to make anything out, anyway. Raising her bruised arm, she reached out her hand forward to touch the cool stone at the back- and colliding with a softer, warmer surface.

Startled eyes shot open immediately, shooting up into a fiery, burning amber gaze.


The hiss was low, and filled with such hatred, that the burn of tears rushed her eyes before she could recognise it happening, her shattered nerves crumbling under the sudden pressure. Heart skipping into a mimicry of the rhythm it had sustained earlier, the air of the cave seemed suddenly thin around her halting whisper.


“You will leave here.” Neither the tone nor expression changed, a dark, deepening tension saturating the air, sending a shimmering tremble across the hairs of her arms.

Mutely, her breath caught in her throat, her head shaking slowly, numbly, incredulity licking the edges of her expression for the fact she'd be returned to this situation – there was no turning back. The dark tension increased, anger flaring in the unseen aura, and flinching, she watched the gold narrow brilliantly, the distance between them closed easily in a blur of shadowy movement. Sharp fangs gleamed briefly in the darkness, delicately sculpted lips curling in a thin snarl. “You will leave.”


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