Disease of Genius by Shadow Dreamer

Eight and It’s a Date

Eight and It's a Date

Dear Diary,

I've been told that writing about ones problems often helps ease the mind. I'm not sure I shall ever be at ease again. He's outside this small room as I write, pounding on the door and I'm not sure I'll make it this time.

It wasn't always this way; I remember how perfect it all used to be. I suppose I should start at the beginning; how we met. My god he was so gorgeous, full of life, youth, and eventually love. I never thought someone like me could win someone like him.

It was my first day at Harvard. I had dreams of becoming a great lawyer. I wanted to be the female that dominated a male dominated field. Striving to make an impression, I boldly took a seat in the front row. The handsome, middle aged, professors' eyes focused on me and then he smiled and I knew this would be one of my favorite classes. I could tell he was the type that would enjoy being talked back to; he would like to be kept on his toes. But his eyes spoke of arrogance, as if he had yet to meet someone to do so; well I'll show him I thought.

The bell rang and the teacher; who I now knew to be Mr. Casteele got right down to business. But I came prepared; I had already read the entire text book, Advanced Law for Beginners for the class. He began to drill us on what we knew, shooting out questions as if they were fire burning inside him.

"Michael Thomson. Who was the 'father of the constitution' so to speak?"

"Uh I dunno sir" Said a boy in the back row who looked as though he had stayed up all night partying.

"My dear boy you are allowed to dislike my class, look like crap for my class, but come ill prepared for my class? I think not, out now! Who else can answer my question?"

My hand shot into the air, the excitement thus far was brimming off of me and I could hardly contain myself from shouting out the answer.

"Ahh, yes, Ms. Kagome?"

As he said my name the class room door opened and I looked up and froze. There before my eyes was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. It was like something out of a cheesy love story. The light shined behind him making him appear to glow. His hair was short, spiked and snow white; further exploiting the angelic image. Perfect pale skin gleamed with youth; his cheeks were rosy from the fall like chill out side. His lips were a soft pink and perfectly full. He was about six feet tall and the promise of taut muscle could almost be seen under his white tee-shirt and beige kaki pants.

"Class it seems my dear protégé has finally arrived. This is Sesshoumaru; the boy is a genius in his own right. If any one has any problems he is the man to see, but his time is valuable. So don't wait till the last minute because he is not obliged to help you the day you as him to. Now back to where we were Kagome we are waiting for you."

I was still distracted by what should have been an illusion, by all rights no one that good looking should be allowed to be in a school setting. My mind was a total and utter blank and I could not return to Casteele's voice.

"Ms. Kagome, I thought you were smart enough to not be distracted by a pretty face. What will you do if the prosecution has a pretty face? Stare dumbly at him instead of protecting your client? This is unacceptable, get out of my class room until you can stop gawking at boys, this is not high school anymore girl." Soft anger and sarcasm dripped from his voice like oil. Mr. Casteele never did like being outdone by Sesshoumaru.

Finally I snapped out of it, slowly, my voice drunken even then I replied "the answer is James Madison sir".

"Oh have you finally decided to rejoin the class Ms. Kagome?" He smiled at her. "I suppose you may stay since your answer his correct."

I blushed at my own stupidity. How could I have done that? I had never reacted that way to a pretty face in my life.

When the class ended the pink in my cheeks hadn't dulled in the least. Then the angle of my thoughts approached. I was afraid to look up from packing my books in my bag. Hoping he would ask me out and at the same time dreading it. Finally I found the courage to look at him. His golden eyes held a hint of amusement and something else that I couldn't name at the time.

Then he spoke "Kagome, right?"

"Yes" Wow Kagome don't lay on the wit to thick.

"Kagome are you busy this weekend?" The way he said my name made me want to melt; I felt like his voice was ravishing my mind. Everything about him screamed sex and desire, just speaking to him felt like sin.

"I don't think so, why do you ask?" I thought I hope I don't look like a complete imbecile.

"Well it only seems fair that I make amends for being the cause of your trouble." The arrogance in his voice sent flames through me, beautiful or not he would pay for that one.

You aren't shy at all are you? You think that I got in trouble because I was looking at YOU do you? Well I'll have you know that I was looking to the left of you at the boy in the third row. So if you don't mind I'll be on my way."

I scooped up my books and began to walk away. The nerve of him, I thought. Though the whole boy in the third row thing was completely false, the only reason I even knew he was there was because he had been picking his nose in such an obnoxious manner that I couldn't help by notice. I was nearly out the door when he called my name.

"Kagome, wait, please? I think we got off on the wrong foot. Please let me make it up to you over dinner?"

He smiled down at me in such a delicious way that I knew I couldn't really say no, but I could make him sweat a little. I waited a few more second, hoping that my face was the picture of debate leaning towards rejection.

"Well I suppose it couldn't hurt, how about Saturday at Seven O'clock?"

"Eight and it's a date." He replied, smiling mischievously all the while.

Well R&R please. Also anyone who as any info on law please let me know. Seriously let me know if you guys like this so far.