"I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell, and I'll die by your hand which I love so well."
-- William Shakespeare
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Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
How many times had she heard those words, said them to others, and scoffed at their true meaning? Probably as much as the next guy, but she never would have thought about the hardships she'd endure just to cry the river. No, it almost wasn't worth it. Almost.
Life was filled with 'ifs' and here she was looking over them; again. If she hadn't of fallen down the well. If she hadn't of freed him from the tree. If only the Shikon jewel didn't break. If she hadn't fallen in love with him. If, if, if. That was all she could think about. What was wrong with her? Surely she wasn't always so depressed? No, in the beginning she was happy. There had always been a new adventure, and even though it was bound to be tough she knew that Inuyasha would always be there for her.
But fate was a cruel mistress who loved to play with the hearts of others. When Kikyo had been resurrected Kagome's world had been turned upside down. Inuyasha just couldn't get over his first love, even when she was nothing but a walking clay pot. And so here she was again, crying for the heart of a boy who would never return the one which he had stolen from her. The fact was that she loved him- she'd always loved him, and she just couldn't let him throw his life away for a woman who only saw him with hate. He was blinded by his guilt for the past, and blinded by a fake love from the present. His heart was out of her reach, and so Kagome was forced to watch the hanyou her heart yearned for chase after another.
"It just isn't fair!" She cried into the night, her sapphire eyes leaking the tears that would one day become her river.
The only thing that answer her cry was the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of other night time bugs. The trees themselves were still, almost as if the were listening to the distraught miko cry her heart out. As a cloud removes itself slowly from the front of the moon light begins to bath the area around Kagome, adding some feeling a peace. However that peace would go unnoticed for the girl was too lost in her emotions.
Tucking her knees to her chest another sob racks her body. She'd been crying for over an hour now, managing to get herself lost in the woods. She didn't care though, just so long as she could put enough space between herself and the others. Sango was probably looking for her by now, and though Sango was like her sister Kagaome wanted to be left alone. She'd find her way back eventually, and if she didn't that wouldn't be bad either. Atleast then she wouldn't have to face Inuyaha and know that the next time Kikyo appeared he'd go running off again. The ignorant mutt had caused her enough pain.
Lifting her gaze to the night sky Kagaome couldn't help but sigh. Of course she'd go back and forgive him. She had every other time so this was bound to be no different. Her river should be full by now, but it was only a creek. One would think that with all her pain and suffering that her tears would have been a bountiful river, and that the bridge would finally be under construction. Though, no matter how much she wished for that to be true, Kagome knew within her heart that there were alot more tears to be spilled over the Hanyou.
Seeing the full moon shining so brightly in the clear night sky, Kagome felt her heart fill with a false hope. The night was so pretty, even when her emotions were in turmoil. Maybe, just maybe, it was telling her that her own heart would one day find happiness?
A slight breeze ruffling her ebony locks seemed to answer her question. Closing her eyes and inhaling some of the crisp air a smile inches its way across Kagome's lips.
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"Baka!" Sango yelled at Inuyasha as he made his way back to their camp for the night. The fire crackling infront of her adding a new blaze to her dark brown eyes.
"What did you do to Kagome?!" Shippo chipped in, earning him a head bashing from his irate friend. Poor Shippo couldn't say anything around Inuyasha without getting a huge welt on his head, but by now he was used to it.
"Feh. Stop your yelling, and I didn't do anything to Kagome. Didn't even see her." Came the mumbled reply. Plopping himself down by the fire Inyasha lowered his ears to his head when Sango screeched.
"Didn't see her? How could you not see her? She must have seen you with that clay pot because she walked back through camp and left without a word!"
His golden eyes flashing with rage, Inuyasha jumped to his feet, coming nose to nose with the seething demon hunter, and ignorring the fire crackling between them. "Kikyo is not a clay pot! She's a woman to whom I owe my life, so don't go around smearing her her name!"
Snorting at his retort Sango shakes her head, and unbelieving smile present on her lips. "You talk as if the woman saved you from death while all she wants is to drag you into the pits of hell. You. Are. Pathetic." Sango replied calmly, the hidden threat not too hidden in her tone. What was Inuyashas's problem?! How could he not see what he was doing to Kagome by messing around with his beloved corpse?
Of course, Inuyasha being the dimwitt he was didn't interpret Sango's change in tone as a threat. He simply found it as a sign of submission. Smirking at the girl whose brown gaze was penetrating his own Inuyasha crosses his arms over his chest. "I personally don't see your point. Besides, why worry about Kagome? She's probably off in a hot spring or something. She'll be back soon, she always comes back."
Miroku, who had been sitting calmly by the fire with Kirara watching the two squabble over Kagome decided to interfere when he saw Sango's hand inching toward her hiraikotsu. Though he felt that Inuyasha deserved a good head bashing, it wouldn't help them find Kagome any sooner. Standing up and grabbing his staff the monk walks over behind Sango. "Maybe we should think about this. Fighting now won't help us find Kagome."
"Hentia!" Sango cried as she felt Miroku's hand rubbing an area he was going to get punished for, almost as if to expirience an oh-so-scientific feel. Gripping hiraikotsu she strikes Miroku on the head, glarring at the monk as he fell with a thud.
"He deserved that." Shippo chided hobbling over to the monk who now laid unconscious on the ground. Mewing in her own agreement Kirara prods Miroku with one of her front paws.
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Once she finished crying Kagome realized that she had no clue where she was. None of the trees looked familiar, and in the darkness she couldn't see three feet in front of her. All in all, she was completely lost. Bringing her fingers to her temples and closing her eyes she sighs. There was definately going to be a stress related headache brought on by all of this. Beginning to rub her temples as her annoyance began to set in Kagome mentally kicks herself. If she hadn't of been so shocked and hurt she never would have gotten herself into the mess!
'Great, just great Kagome. What have you gotten yourself into now.' Gritting her teach at her thoughts Kagome fought her urge to rip out her hair. That wouldn't help her now. If only she'd left the jewel shards back at camp! She'd be able to find her way back so much easier, but being herself she'd brought them with her when she went looking for Inuyasha. And after seeing him with Kikyo she didn't think of leaving them in camp. No, she had them with her now.
Realizing that the presence of her jewel shards was bound to attract any demons that were nearby Kagome's eyes flash open. Scanning her surroundings in fear she soon realizes that her eye sight wouldn't help her in this case. Casting out her miko senses to pick up on any nearby demons she lets out a slow breath in relief. There were none, so she should have a safe travel on her way back to camp. Which ever way that was though.
Groaning Kagome did the only thing she new that she could count on for choosing directions at this point. Enie-meanie-minie-mo. With her finger landing to the east Kagome sent a silent prayer to the Kamis. Rolling back her shoulders and trying to get a somewhat determined feel in her destination Kagome set off into the woods. Unknowing of the demon who had been following her all along, masking his aura so he wouldn't be detected. The golden orbs tracked her movements through the woods, as uninterested and uncaring as ever.
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Sesshomaru had no real reason to be following his brothers wench, he'd been on his normal border patrol when the scent of her tears assaulted his nose. Damn humans and their weak heart. He knew exactly what had made the miko cry, most undoubtedly she'd come across his brother and his dead miko. Pathetic. She placed to much trust onto his brother when it was evident that it would only cause her pain. It was clear for him to see her wrongs. Starting with the fact that she was human.
All humans, especially females, had weak control over their emotions. They gave out their hearts too often, and when they were broken they would sit around in a slump for days. Humans also harvested a false sense of pride, and an arrogance that got on his nerves constantly. They had to learn their place eventually, whether it be at his hand or someone else's.
An Inu yokai such as himself had no need for such petty feelings. They would only hinder him, decreasing from his power. So seeing the wench so distraught after something so futile had his blood coursing in a slight rage. Once again the word 'pathetic' came to his mind. Yes, that was just the word to describe her presence.
However aggravating the miko was he'd found it quite strange when she'd begun pointing her finger all around her again and again. It was obvious from her actions that she was intent on something, but what that something was he wasn't too sure about. Seeing her rest her finger towards the east he'd allowed the arching of his eyebrow to break his stotic mask. Had she really just been pointing around to choose which way she was headed? Pathetic. He could easily tell that she was heading away from her friends, in fact they were in the opposite direction. It seemed even mikos had no sense of direction.
Watching her begin to wander towards the direction she'd set in her mind Sesshomaru decided to follow the girl. Certainly this would be interesting. He didn't have enough that really surprised or interested him. Well, besides Rin, the girl had a nack for turning his calm days upside down. Currently she and Jaken were at his palace, most likely causing trouble for his servants. He'd deal with that later, right now he had a certain miko to watch.
If she became too boring he'd just kill her. That definately wouldn't go over with Inuyasha that well. Smirking at the thought Sesshomaru flexes his hands. Oh how he wished he could tear his brother to bits, but he was needed in the fight against Naraku. Even if he hated to admit it too himself. Placing his golden gaze on the miko once more his hue hardens. She would be needed too, therefore killing her was not an option. The realization caused Sesshomaru's blood to boil slightly.
His brother's miko was just as annoying as the hanyou himself.
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Yay..... first chapter of my first fanfiction done! I hope you liked it ^-^ I'll try to update this story about once a week, it looks like I'll be having alot of school work so put up with me and any typos. And remember: Reviews are an author's friend! If you have any words to share with me let me know.
Ta~ta for now, MR
*Disclaimer: I do not in anyway own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the manga/anime. All rights are reserved to Romiku Takahashi for this beloved serries. *