Broken Promises by momo

Not all promises are broken

Hey everyone this is my first story so please be gentle. I would also like to say that I don’t own InuYasha or any other characters from the anime, except for the characters that I have created so...Let’s get this thing started. Oh and just to as a heads up the song belongs to Frankie J I in no way shape or form own it.


 “Lady Kagome dinner will be served soon wou...” the maid stopped talking as she entered Kagome’s room and looked shocking scene in front of her. “My Lady what are you watching?”Kagome's eyes stayed glued to the screen “High School of the Dead... It’s cool right!” Kagome said grabbing for a hand full of chips but came up empty. “Maya can you get me some more chips? Oh and I won’t be eating dinner tonight. I'm not really all that hungry.” Kagome said as she handed her the empty bowl.

Right as Maya walked out of the room a commercial caught Kagome's attention.



'Have you ever had a dream and felt that there was no way to pursue it.'

A woman walked on screen and into a class room “here at Shikon Academy those dreams are founded. From Music, Art, Business, Accounting and let’s not forget basic studies that all are children need to achieve their goals in life. At Shikon Academy students with special talents are embraced along with kids who just want to attend a school with a fun learning environment.”

Musical instruments showed up on the screen and Art brushes.

“Here at Shikon Academy there is no such thing as no way, there is always a way here at Shikon High.

For more information or enrollment information please call 1-800-718-2000 or go online at

“Where waiting”


**End Commercial**


As the commercial ended Kagome quickly grabbed her cellphone off the table, so she could add the schools number and website. She wanted to further her music and art skills, and this school could be a good opportunity ‘I'll look up the school tonight.’ Kagome thought as she stared off into space.


A seven year old Kagome sat next to her mother in the music room on the piano bench. “Kagome, will you sing for me.” Kagome looked up at her mother and smiled “Yes Ma'am” Kagome got up to walk over to the book shelf and grabbed her music book.

“What are you going to sing Kag,”

“I just started writing this song for you. do you want to here what I have so far?”

“Yes baby let me hear it.”

Kagome started playing a soft tune on the piano as she started to sing.

'He drops his suitcase by the door

She knows her daddy want be back anymore

She drags her feet across the floor

Tryin to hold back time to keep him holdin on

Kagome's eye's started to water as the memory flooded her mind. As the tears began to flow down her cheeks her youkai started to rise and surround her making her mother stand from the bench and look down at her in shock.

'And she say's daddy, daddy don’t leave

I'll do anything to keep you

Right here with me

Can you see how much I need you?

Daddy, daddy don’t leave

Mommy is saying things she doesn’t mean

She doesn’t know what she’s talking about

Somebody here me out'


“Kagome stop... is... is that how you really feel?”

Kagome’s emotions were becoming overwhelming, her little hands were curling in to tight fists, and she was beginning to lose control of her powers. A small nod was the only reply given to her mother.

Kagome's mother walked over to her and wraps her arms around Kagome. “I'm sorry that you're going through so much pain Kagome.” She said looking down at her daughter. They stayed that way embracing each other for a long time. As Kagome started to calm down, and her powers  started to fade,  the tears stilled flowed freely down her cheeks.

Suddenly Monica pulled back from her daughter to look in her eyes “Promise me that you will always follow your heart, and don’t let anyone control your life, also don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” she said as she wiped a tear from Kagome’s eyes.

Kagome pulled away from her mother to get up and leave. She was half way to the door when a soft knock was heard.

Maya entered the room with a small bow “Lady Monica your things are packed and the car is here” she said before turning to leave. Kagome stopped at hearing that, she turned to look at her mother with question filled eyes. Monica looked away not wanting to see the pain in her daughters’ eyes. All that could be heard was a soft whispered “I promise” that floated on the wind as Kagome raced from the room. Monica turned her head in shock as she heard what her daughter said ‘I Promise’ she thought, as a small sob broke from her lips. Monica pulled herself together and headed for the waiting car.

Kagome sat in her room looking out the window watching as her mother’s things where put into the trunk of the waiting car.  The tears where flowing harder than before as Kagome watched her mother get into the car.  Her mother never even looked back. “You made me promise, but you just broke your promise to me.”  Kagome's heart broke in that moment as her family was now split into two.

In that moment unknown to Kagome, her mother and her father, her eyes changed just like her life. Her youkai and goddess powers combined for the first time since her birth making her whole.

~End Flashback~

‘Mom, I wonder if you still remember me let alone love me' Kagome thought. She remembered that her mother as a tall curvy woman with long hair that flowed to her knees, with Bright pink eyes that where a door to her soul, her nose that seemed to fit her thick lip and a voice that could talk her out of just about anything. Kagome thought her mother was the most beautiful women on the face of the planet, and she still did.

Since that day Kagome had changed a lot in appearance and in attitude. Kagome stood to stretch her tired muscles and as soon as she was up she decided to go to her study. On the way to her study she decided stop by the kitchen. “Hey Tommy, Maya can you give a message to my father just in case I can’t or don't see him tonight.”

“Yeah let me get you something to write with.” Maya said.  Kagome stood in the Kitchen for a good five minutes before Maya handed the pen and pad to her to write her message.  Once she was satisfied with the message, Kagome gave it to Maya to give to her father.

“Goodnight you guys” Kagome said walking away and heading for her room.

“Our young lady is falling into a depression again, Tommy do you think she'll be okay?” Maya said as she looked out the window. Tommy looked up from his plate and stared at Maya “No” was all he said as he continued eating.

“How could you say something like that this is serious. Kagome is a great kid, she's sixteen Tommy and she sings like a God...” Maya said as she jumped up from her chair.

“She is a demigod.” Tommy said interrupting Maya.

“You know what I mean. Her voice is like something I can’t explain, it's beautiful. She should be out hanging with her friends.  She shouldn’t be worrying if her father's going to abandon her like Monica did, and master Kai can’t see it. He's blinded by his business and she's suffering for it.” Maya put her plate into the dishwasher “Between master Kai and Monica there killing her and they can’t even see it... I'm going to bed.” with that Maya opened the door and walked past her lord not even caring if he heard her or not.

Kai stood in the hall way in shock at what he had just heard. Tommy finally sensing his master’s youkai got up and greeted him. Tommy stood and looked at Kai he was a very powerful Black Inu and stood at least seven feet tall with a muscular build. His eyes were electric blue eyes that are as cold as ice when dealing with anybody, but his daughter. His Long black hair was in a low ponytail.

“My Lord” Tommy said bowing low catching his masters attention. “Tommy... am I really hurting my pup.” Kai asked staring at Tommy. “Yes” was all Tommy said as he got up and began to walk away, but stopped when he remembered the note.

“Here I have a message it for you, it’s from Kagome. Maya was supposed to give this to you but...” Tommy said handing the note to Kai, and with that he walked off to find his mate.


Well that the first chapter and I hope you like it the second chapter will be coming soon. Please Review