Brother's Love by Nyghtyngale

Chapter 1

A/N: I don't own Inuyasha for the characters. The storyline is the only thing I am able the claim. This is Chapter 1 so hopefully it’s getting better. Sorry for the wait guys but the story wasn’t turning out how I wanted it to so im reworking some things. Some chapters will be recycled and something will be new. Thank you for being patient and please R&R.


Sesshomaru walked into the house where there was a distinct smell of blood coming from. He rolled his eyes at the idoiticy of his younger brother. There was no honor in beating your wife. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha never got along in the first place, so he had no qualms with correcting his behavior to the human wench. Don’t be fooled into believing that Sesshomaru cared about the human girl. In fact, he hated everything about her. From the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed or smiled to her long raven colored hair and how it swayed with her movements. Yes the hated everything about her. He just happened to hate Inuyasha even more. Following his nose, the stench of blood became stronger as he crept up the stairs the predator he was. From the burning his sensitive appendage was experiencing, there was a lot of the life liquid flowing freely from the body.

Reaching the 3rd floor, Sesshomaru walked down the hall trying to refrain from growling. He was definitely going to kill his brother when got his hands on him. The closer he walked to the room at the end of the hall, the more devious of ways he created to kill his younger sibling. The door was closed but there was blood leaking under the door. Steeling himself to prepare a funeral, Sesshomaru pushed the door open.

Laying in a heap on the floor, was Kagome Taisho, Inuyasha Taisho’s wife and Sesshomaru’s sister-in- law He mentally sighed and walked to the slip of a woman on the floor. From The amount of blood loss, she was definitely unconscious. Sesshomaru could hear a faint heartbeat, eliminating the idea of death. ‘Filthy Half Breed never could control his temper. Father must be turning in his grave’, he thought. Sesshomaru shuttered at the thought of getting his pristine white shirt soaked with ningen blood. However, he picked her up and laid her on the bed.

            “Hm she’s pale but skin is soft and warm imagine her beneath us screaming in ecstasy”

            “You will keep your mouth shut; this Sesshomaru will never partake in mating a human wench.” His beast chuckle and resided back into his mind but, left with parting words

“We shall see. You must remember that it you that is dreaming about her every night. Imagining it’s you and not that half-breed that she beds with.”

            His beast quieted down giving him time to think. He could not deny the words that were said but he refused to admit it. “It is simply lust. Even for a human she is more than homely but nothing else.” Disgusted with himself, he walked out of the room leaving her to recover on her on. He could not remain in the same room with her and fight his instincts to lick her wounds close, bring her body close to his and holder until her heart beat was regular. His beast wouldn't allow him the pleasure of peace of mind for long. 

“She is our mate. Go heal her, then kill that whelp for hurting what is ours to protect.”

“AWAY WITH YOU.  She is nothing to me and you will keep silence or you will be forced to submit. I will never allow someone of inferior birth grace my body or my bed, let alone my blood. Be gone!”

            Of course he knew he was lying to himself, but his pride was always a problem. The woman his beast craved was on a bed bleeding, possibly to death, but his damned pride wouldn’t let him help her. Kami help him, Kagome was going to be the death of him. He had to get out of the house and away from her delectable body and blood, as well as a way to quiet down the growling in his head


“Silence you ingrate.”

            Damn he had to shut this irritating thing he called his base instinct. Suddenly he had an idea. ‘Nothing better to quiet your instincts than to use them’, he thought. He lived in a manor with acres of land. A hunt would shut his beast up, if only for a little while.