Lady of the Lands by DementedLies

The Universal Mother.

Hello my name is DementedLies and this is my first fanfic and I am excited about it but at the same time terrified because even though I read a lot of the amazing stories on the site I’m still shaky about things but I will push on and do my best =D. I’m going to tweak things here and there and horribly I do not own InuYasha he belongs to another :(
Well here it goes and if anyone would be helpful and point out my mistakes in some areas I would appreciate it

Millenniums ago the kamis ruled and the people bowed in respect for the kamis, they flourished happily watching their human and youkai. But with the differences between the two species it caused a strained on the kami. They wished for balance between them so they turned to Kishi-Mojin, the goddess of childbirth, fertility, balance and compassion to help bring balance.

Of course the goddess agreed, she felt the pain when the wars started and the people suffered, mostly the children. She was the Universal Mother whereas Izanami was the Divine Goddess and Earth goddess she wasn’t the one who helped many women bring their children into the world. Or crave to be able to do the same. She may represent fertility but she never bore her own child so each child, be it demon or human or hanuyo born to the world she considered each one her own and held them close to her heart.

So it started, she began to look for a specific soul that called out to her, filled with purity and need to protect others and put itself last. Kishi-Mojin found her, she felt the child’s soul tug her heart, she knew the child would die at birth but she would not allow it. She appeared in the birthing den of a wolf youkai and presented herself to the struggling she-wolf.

“Do not fear me wolf, I have come to help your cub” Kishi-Mojin said in her soft comforting voices that stilled all within the den.

The youkai were sisters within the pack and they had been shocked when they felt the shock of power of when the strange woman appeared. She had wavy pitch-black hair, high cheek bones and a small button nose that went nicely with her heart shaped face but it was her eyes that pulled them in, they were so blue and bright they sparkled with life and joy and complete compassion that made the woman want to be closer to her since they all felt she understood them and would never judge these females. Her kimono was a deep green, when she moved the silk fabric seemed to take on the appearance of fresh grass swaying with the breeze under the bright sun.

The panting mother to be clenched her fists as a fresh wave of pain ripped through her rounded belly and she whimpered and then sighed when the porcelain white smooth hands touched her belly and took most of the pain. She looked the goddess in the eyes with her own deep brown eyes.

“I am losing my cub.” it was not a question, but a statement. She could almost feel the underworlds minions waiting for her cub’s soul.

Kishi-Mojin’s eyes flashed and all the she-wolves shivered from the intensity of the goddess’s aura rolled over them all.

“The underworld’s minions will have to come another day to claim our daughter from us,” She said with so much authority all the wolves believed and let out a sigh of relief, but the mother-to-be’s sigh turned into another whimper as a contraction rippled through her.

Kishi-Mojin moved the she-wolf who had been between the mother’s legs and took over her position, all the while never taking her hand from her belly. Her hand had begun to glow blue as she used her kami abilities to keep the child with her and create a connection the once dying child who would have shown the same personality treats like herself.

“What is your name she-wolf?” She asked as she checked the mother’s progress. She ignored the looks and the low whispers and whines of the wolves who believed that she didn’t hear or understood their speech. She was a Kami, she knew all the languages of her children.

“My name is Chika” She gasps out after the contraction ended but it was soon followed another and she frowned, her contractions were now much closer than they had been, then it clicked for her. The goddess was speeding up the birth so the child would be able to born alive.

“It is an honor to meet your Chika. I must tell you before this is all over, I shall also be this girl’s mother as well. She will bring balance to the lands and help bring peace to the four lands.”

Eyes widen and gasps were heard from the proclamation of the goddess, but none would question her or tell her no, especially the mother who smiled and nodded and said “It is an honor to share my child with you”

Moments later that seemed like hours passed and the howl of a mother’s pain could be heard and the wail of a new born cub entered the world. Outside the den the rest of the pack could be heard as they celebrated the life of the alpha’s child.

The cub was cleaned and handed to the radiant mother who cooed at her daughter who had diamond points on her forehead and silver slashes on her cheeks proclaiming her taiyoukai. The proud mother looked to the goddess and handed the child back smiling.

“I wish for your to name her Kishi-Mojin-sama”

The goddess smiled and whispered the first name of her ‘daughters.’

“Chou, my little butterfly”

And so the line of the Lady of the Land’s started. When she came of age each of the Lord’s of the land were told of the female and were told by her mothers that the only way to mate her was to fight and show her that they could provide and protect her. A ritual started to awaken the daughter’s dormant powers so she may rule and care for all in the lands and when she mated her Lord she took on his mark and still carried a diamond for the other three lands.

For centuries peace reigned in the land, there was jealousy for those who won and alliances created and broken after the mate was chosen. Tenses ran high at times but peace won out most of the time. The title of the lady was not passed on by blood, but chosen by the mother goddess as she helped her daughter into the world. None were related by blood by the soul and heart bound they all shared with their mother so many different kinds of youkai were chosen to be her daughter.

The next daughter was a Sun Inu-youkai of the east. She had pure golden wavy hair, her eyes blue like her mother-goddess and her compassion for all was passed to her as well.

Everything seemed to run smoothly, the competitions were held and the strongest won. The Moon Inu-youkai’s of the west won their Lady of the lands and went to the palace that was built where all four lands connected so they could start to work on peace with all four lands.

But something ugly made it way into a dragon youkai of the south, angered that he was outsmarted by a dog. So in the shadows plans were formed, he had hoped he could claim his mate before she was pupped, but it was too late when he received news from another lord that she was expecting her child. He waited till late in her pregnancy so she wasn’t able to run from her and she was weak from feeding her pup her youki to settle him and calm him and build his strength.

He launch an attack on the palace of the Lands and distracted the Lord and went in search of the lady. Her guards killed quickly and she stolen because she was weak from caring for her pup.

Hideous things happened to her, he took his anger our on her for loosing her in the first place and tried to dominate her and demand she accept him as her new alpha. But she refused and fought hard and long until her mate, bloody and weary arrived and found his beloved violated in the worst ways. It caused his beast to come out and the battle was on. As the blows were exchanged and youki running high, the Western soldiers arrived to help their broken Lady to safety, but they were not able to get far when she went into early labor.

Her screams of pain fueled her mate to finish the dragon off with his poisonous fangs and went to her and held her hand as she tried to give birth to their child who was tearing at her womb.
“Love…… you must cut him out!” the lady screamed from the pain and arched.

The lord shook his head, “No, we need your mother here! I cannot, it will kill you.”

Her blue eyes, filled with pain and love for her mate turned to her mate and shook her head, “She can’t come.. Something…or…. Someone is blocking her from me. You need to take our pup from my womb. It is the only way!” She cried out and held his hand tightly.

Sick to his stomach he pulled out his dagger and looked deep into her eyes with his golden-amber eyes and they hardened as she nodded. He tried to make himself deaf as he lowered his blade and cut through the flawless skin of his mate, he tried to block her screams of pain, he hardened his resolve as he put his hands into his mate and pulled their child from her and cleaned him and did what she whispered to him until his pup wailed.

He looked at his son breathless and looked to his mate whose inner light was dimming as she died, “Please… noo.” he whimpered and looked to the heavens and screamed for Kishi-Mojin to hear him.

But she was unable to hear, she was held prisoner by Emma-hoo, the ruler of the underworld. He wanted revenge for the souls of her ‘daughters’ she saved. She felt and heard her daughter and she screamed and pleaded with him to not hurt her baby. But it was too late, with a smug grin he released her and returned to the underworld with Kishi-Mojin’s daughter’s soul.

She arrived hours too late for her child. She found her on the ground covered and her daughter’s mate holding his son while both cried their hearts out. Tears rolled down her cheeks and sahe fell to her knees and she took her daughter’s bloody hand.

“My poor poor Hana” She whimpered and kissed her hand and her eyes went to her grand-child and more tears flooded her eyes, “Never again”

She stood and her power swirled around her, the other lords and their mates arrived and their skin turned gray from the scene and trembled from the fury of the goddess who was known for her compassion.

“I will never allow any of my daughter’s to suffer this! Never will you find my other daughters… I must keep them safe” the last whispered and the goddess faded away but before she did she looked at the western lord and looked sadly at him, “Take care of her pup please” then she faded from this world, Hana’s injuries gone but she was still gone from this world.

The western lord stood holding his son and told his men to collect his mate as tears rolled down his tanned cheeks. He trained his amber eyes on his son, “Touga…. I am sorry you will never meet your great mother”

The Western lord returned to his home, the lords tried to use the ritual to awaken the next Lady but true to her word Kishi-Mojin, she hid her daughters and none would be found.

For years Kishi-Mojin didn’t have to worry until she finally had her own baby from her own womb from her lover. The tricks she used on her adopted daughters wouldn’t work on her baby so she sent her to another time to protect her from the harm of being the Lady could bring.
So what do you think? Should I keep going or not try…. =) would love opinions. I might rewrite this maybe or not. But who knows