The Twisting River of Destiny by Tengoku no bara

The End. The Beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and company.


Naraku had been defeated and the jewel completed.  All that was left to do was to make a selfless wish, one to rid the world of its existence once and for all.  Would Kagome stay in the Feudal Era or the future, did she even have a choice?  Where or when did her destiny lie?

 Kagome sighed as looked around the bottom of the Bone Eaters well, having just come through time back to the Feudal Era.  None of them knew what would happen when she wished upon the jewel so she decided to say goodbye to both her families just in case the well closed forever and she was stuck on one side or the other.  Her mother had taken it well considering and now it was up to the Kami to decide what would happen.  Souta had held her trying hard not to cry, she tried to comfort him but the unknown was a powerful thing.  All she could do was tell her family that she loved them and if possible, she would be back tonight.  However if she didn’t make it back she told them not to worry, Inuyasha would keep her safe.  Now she just had to talk to her pack members.

Slowly she climbed out of the well and sat on the rim.  Gazing around, she took in the peace and general beauty of the Feudal Era.  It felt so much like home and the future just a dream, her family the only real reason she would want to stay.  Squaring her shoulders and shaking her head to clear it, Kagome walked with determination to Kaede’s hut and her friends.

“Oi, Kagome how’s your family?  Did you tell them?”  Inuyasha asked while walking across the clearing to join her.

Kagome smiled and answered, “Yeah Yasha I told them.  They’re doing as well as can be expected. Is everyone at Kaede’s?”

He looked at her, worry darkening his eyes as he said, “Yeah, they’re there waiting for you.  You sure you want to do this today, we could wait.  I could help you keep it safe and I’m sure that Miroku and Sango would help too.”

A sigh escaped her lips and sadness bled into her eyes, “Yasha, I’m sure.  The jewel will bring danger and the possibility of more evil if it ever got into the wrong hands again.  Plus Midoriko deserves peace after so long.”

“Keh,” he grumbled.  By this time, they had entered the village and could see Shippo playing with the other children.  However, he soon smelt her and bounded over, launching himself into Kagome’s arms.  All three entered Kaede’s hut to find lunch ready.  It was a quiet meal and over quickly.  Not putting it off any longer Kagome starting explaining what her plan was concerning the jewel.

“As you guys know I’m going to make the wish today cause I can’t in good conscience leave Midoriko in there nor leave it to endanger future generations. I believe I have found the correct wish so once we’re done here; I’ll head back to the clearing by the well. Just incase something doesn’t go as planned; you all will stay here so that everyone will be safe.  I would never forgive myself if something happened to any of you because of me so please don’t argue.  You too Inuyasha.”  Kagome said with heaviness in her heart.  

Sango had tears in her eyes as she stepped over to her sister of her heart.

“Kagome, you don’t know yet if the well will close or not don’t give up hope that it may stay open and you will be able to continue going back and forth through time.  I will always love you sister of my heart no matter what happens.” Sango said while wrapping Kagome in a hug.

Shippo sniffled and clung to her, murmuring, “The Kamis surely have a purpose for you beyond the jewel.  I bet you’ll be able to stay.”

“Lady Kagome I’m sure everything will be fine. The Kamis would not harm you after all you have sacrificed for the will being of the world,” Miroku calmly stated.

“I believe the monk has said it well child,” Lady Kaede chimed in.

Inuyasha gruffly said, “Keh! You worry too much.  Of course it will be fine.”

Kagome looked at each of her friends in turn a small smile gracing her face.  She wanted to memorize this moment; even if she was able to stay, it was a lovely instance of friendship and hope.  Standing, Kagome gave each of them a hug before heading out and to the well.

“I mean it Inuyasha, stay here.  They will need you if anything goes wrong.” called Kagome over her shoulder.

The afternoon sun cast the clearing in light and shadow, eerily so.  It felt off somehow, leaving a chill in her spine.  Warily she glanced around searching for danger as she spread her reiki out trying to sense what she could not see.  The birds were silent as were the small animals and insects; even the wind seemed to feel the need to stay calm.  It was driving her crazy she knew something bad was going to happen but waiting like this, senses flared, made her want to scream.  

She didn’t want to take the jewel out to make the wish while threatened from some unknown.  Now of course she wished that she had not told Inuyasha not to come nor could she yell for him, not knowing if it might spur this thing into killing her outright with out giving her a chance to fight back.  Running was out of the question too.  The well however, was not fifty feet away, within reaching distance.  Slowly so as not to alert what ever was watching her,  Kagome made her way to the well.   

Not five feet away, Kikyo stepped out of the shadows bow drawn pointed right at Kagome’s chest.  Kikyo’s eyes were filled with hate and envy, finally her reincarnation was alone and with the jewel no less.  Kagome had her back to the well focusing completely on slowly inching back while watching for any sign of movement.  Deciding to break the silence and hopefully distract Kikyo, enough to get away, Kagome spoke.

“So Kikyo, what is it this time? I thought Inuyasha made it clear the last time we saw you that he wasn’t going to hell with you.  I haven’t done anything to you.” Kagome called out exasperated that Kikyo was yet again going to try to kill her.

Sneering, Kikyo answered, “I’ve come for my soul, silly copy, it rightfully belongs to me.  The jewel as well, with its help I will truly live again.”

“I thought you were smarter than that Kikyo!  Such a wish will only taint the jewel and you.  More than likely creating more evil that the world doesn’t need after Naraku.  You are no better than him!” yelled Kagome getting angry.

The back of her legs hit the well at that moment unsteadying her just a bit.  Kikyo choose that moment to let her arrow fly.  Eyes widening, mouth opening to scream, Kagome could not believe that it would end this way.  Her scream echoed through out the forest, alerting Inuyasha to her dilemma.

Kikyo’s arrow hit her in the middle of her chest, knocking her back into the well. Pink light lit the clearing, blending with blue as the well activated.  It blinded Kikyo and Inuyasha as he slid to a stop not twenty feet from her.  Kagome thought the arrow would hurt more, only to realize she wasn’t bleeding, unmarred even.  Shocked she realized the arrow had hit the jewel, which was cracking before her very eyes.  ‘NO! Not again.  Why does Kikyo have to be so bitter?’ Kagome thought as the familiar warmth of the time slip surrounded her.  It was different though, the pink gave it a harsh electric feel and it seemed to take longer.  She began to get worried as the seconds ticked by and she remained floating.  Suddenly, with a hard push, she was thrown to the ground as shards shot out in all directions.

a/n: I’m going to need a beta for this story.  It is my first time so I’m sure it’s going to need some work and I would definitely appreciate the help.  Reviews are always welcome, let me know if anything didn’t work or was unclear.  The rating was for later chapters and of course just incase.  Thanks