Clock Hands by Cloudess


Disclaimer: InuYasha solely belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Word Count: 300


Every new adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem. - Eric Hoffer 


As the chilly wind of November blew and puffed throughout the city, she was reminded once more of the memories from the distant past. Memories that were hers for as long as she could remember, buried in the deepest pit of her mind. The young lady eased her way through the bustling sidewalks of Tokyo, walking on a cautious manner as to not bump on the ever fast-paced crowd.

She arrived on her condo unit minutes before eight o'clock. 'Just in time for dinner.'

Letting out a tired sigh, Kagome hastily pulled her scarf off, then her trench coat and hanged it on the rack at back of the door. Deciding that she needed more comfort, she shred off her doll shoes as well.

She sauntered her way to kitchen and busied herself on cooking a meal. A ring from her fax machine broke the peaceful silence of her flat but she did not bother on picking it up. There was a beep and her own voice telling to leave a message. Less than a second later, Kagome heard a familiar pitchy voice that made her smile.

"Kagome-chan! You're such a meanie. I know you're there 'cause it's Saturday, eh! Anyway, Yuka and I decided to have a date tomorrow. You should come, too. We missed you so much. Call back soon, ne?"

Still wearing that silly smile, Kagome rinsed her hands and quickly went to the fax machine. She hit the numbers and was not surprised at the receiver's fast reply.

"You don't have to call me a meanie you know... and about the date, I'll join."

Hearing the happy 'Yey!' from the other end, she thought that this isn't such a bad idea.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I missed you too, Eri. See you tomorrow. Bye."

No, it wasn't a bad idea at all. Change.


A/N. Oh my God, did I just post my very first fanfic of InuYasha? No way! So guys, how'd it go? Review please and criti-slash me. I need them badly. This story will be told in short chapters (drabbles) and are interconnected to each other. This fanfic is CANON. Check me out in          

Paalam! (Means Goodbye.)