Destiny Divergence by Vou-sama

Prologue: A History of Blood

A/N: Greetings readers. I am back with another story at last. (: I've had a lot of ideas floating around in my brain and I think that I finally found a way to bring everything together as I know that I do not have the attention span to do multiple stories at once. I mean...remember how long it took me to finish A Miko's Ultimate Expression of Love? Exactly. I will try to update as often as possible on this one! And for those of you who may be curious, I was inspired a bit by a certain Roleplaying game that I won't mention, but I will admit when a concept was used from this game.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and Co.


"There are things that we don't want to happen, but have to accept.

Things we don't want to know, but have to learn and people we can't live without, but have to let go."

- Unknown -


If you asked a Kami where they came from, s/he would reply that there was no answer. They simply were. How hard was that to comprehend? If you asked an Immortal Being about a certain scroll mentioninng the Time Before Written History, they would stare at you blankly or sneer and walk away, believing you to be ingorant. It was the fact that they knew of it, but had forgotten that they knew such knowledge. It was something that the Kami had not thought of on for centuries.

They could not remember where they were from. Their first memory was looking upon the Earth as a newly developed world where islands and continents formed. The land was desolate and lifeless. Scars of an age were long gone as the land had shifted and reshaped itself.

This scroll that mentioned the Age of Sorrow was found by Izanagi and Izanami. They entrusted its care to Amaterasu when she was born. And it is Lady Amaterasu who locked it away, letting it fade away into the memory of her fellow siblings and children.

The Youkai were created from a magic of old. The Moon Goddess found herself wanting children that devoted themselves to her. Faintly, she could recall a time when she had such children all over the world, but it was a fuzzy deja vu feeling. So, she descended to the Earth, into the body of a InuYoukai female the who was in a comatose state. The soul had long ago left the body, leaving plenty of room for the Goddess. This female, known as Kimori, was mated to a Inu Lord that went by the name of Taishou. He was one of the Four Great Youkai who now desperately fought for land on this new continent to which they had discovered as comrades.

The Dragon King wanted the land in which to expand his empire.

The Ookami demanded land for the humans had forced them to flee the Forests of Old on the Mainland.

The Kitsune simply wanted a place to raise his growing family without threat.

And the Inu fought to bring peace between the former comrades.

The Moon Goddess thought the InuYoukai's cause was just and so decided to give his growing House more power by giving birth to an heir that was to be very powerful. The "divine intervention" went unnoticed for the time being, and so the bloodline grew powerful very quickly, just as the Moon Goddess knew would happen. She gave the Inu Lord more children, whom were not overly powerful, but had the power locked within their blood. And that iis all that she wanted. This intervention of hers helped the Lord Taishou become the Inu no Taishou at the end of the Great Youkai War. 

A treaty was established between the Four Lords.

The Dragons claimed the South.

The Ookami to the North.

The Kitsune to the East.

The Inu to the West.

Peace and prosperity reigned for a few centuries until the Kami realized that the Moon Goddess was not amongst them.

To say Amaterasu was angry was an understatement. She learned that her sister had given power of an Immortal to a bloodline of Youkai who were already powerful enough with each passing generation! Amaterasu felt that the balance of the world was in disarray and decided to choose a Kami to give their own power to one of the Great Youkai Houses. It was their choice, but it was the only choice that Amaterasu had since the bloodline of the Moon Goddess had already extended to many generations.

And the Lady did not want to disrupt the peace that had been achieved by slaughtering an entire Youkai House.

Amaterasu bore a daughter in which was her gift to the humans for they were starting to fade away in the shadow of the powerful youkai. She blessed many males and females with the abilities of purification. Again, it was another way to balance out the world.

While the world had Amaterasu's attention, a traitor managed to find out about the scroll and steal it from the Heavenly Archives.

By the time Amaterasu realized what had happened, it was too late. There was no way to track down the traitor.

The great Parents were not happy, but knew it was apart of what was to come.

Though, Izanami would never tell her daughter that. . .