Some smutty goodness.
He kissed her before she could finish what she started. He lingered, softly pulling against her lips as he slowly undid the buttons on her shirt.
She watched him place his lips softly on the swell of her blushed breasts. Her silent moans met with his need to touch and taste her. His worn hands replaced his tongue as he moved slowly down her navel, only to tease her softly with his fingers.
Her hips lifted as he slid the cotton from her shapely legs. Her own hands explored and stroked as his lips slowly moved up, reaching her neck.
Their hips moved of their own accord.
Kagome shifted beneath him as those long legs wrapped around his waist. The twisted bodies encompassed the bed, filling the room with the gasps and moans of the shuffling sheets beneath them. Her hands reach his silk hair and twisted as she closed her eyes as she neared completion.
His frantic movement of his hips matched the arching of her back, sending her deeper into her climax. Sesshoumaru’s lips and teeth nipped her neck softly as his hips dug into hers, jerking frivolously as his own completion came to an end.
Their legs twisted and tangled in another as all was quiet in their world.
Nothing heavy in this story. Probably just smut to pass the procrastination of studying for finals.