Perfect Twilight by Princess Luxe

Perfect Twilight

Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha or the characters.

Sesshoumaru was traveling back west to his lands.  It was a silent and beautiful twilight. The trees and grass slowly swayed with the slight breeze. His retainer and constant thorn in his side, Jaken was following close behind holding the reins of the dragon Ah-Uh. On the dragons back was Rin she was laughing about some silly comment Jaken had said. Sesshoumaru stopped in a clearing when he smelled a familiar scent in the wind.  Sesshoumaru was curious as to why they she would be so close.  Then scent was of panic and fear.  

 "My lord would you like me to set camp up for the night?" Jaken asked humbly.  Sesshoumaru nodded curtly with out looking at him never breaking from his cool and icy composer. Jaken set out setting up camp and Rin quickly followed suit and climbed off Ah-Uh.  She went about her chores helping set up and watched as Sesshoumaru started walking farther into the woods.

"Jaken"Sesshoumaru spoke coldly.  He quickly stopped what he was doing dropping the gathered firewood on his feet and trying not to curse.  "I will be back shortly. Watch over Rin" he said walking in a clipped pace towards the forest.  When he was out of sight he broke in to a sprint towards the familiar scent.  He had smelled Inuyasha and the young priestess.  He had not picked up the scent of the rest of Inuyasha pack.  For some reason he felt compelled to go toward the scent. He stopped at the edge of a clearing. Then he picked up another scent, the dead clay priestess. He pulled his aura and scent close to him to keep from being detected.  The younger priestess was quickly running to this clearing.  The dead miko was notching an arrow in her bow. Inuyasha was following seemed to chasing the young miko.  Then he caught Inuyasha scent again. It had changed. His demon blood has taken over, but that means that tetsusaiga is gone.  He looked over at the dead miko his sword tenseiga was violently vibrating. Thats when he noticed that his sword was calling to tetsusaiga. She has it and the dead miko seemed to planning. This is a set up intended for the young miko and the dead priestess wants her dead. When he put the final piece of the puzzle in to place he saw the young miko run into the clearing. Kagome was cut up and bleeding. She looked liked she had reached her limits and was drawling on what little strength she had left to stand up. Kagome eyes seemed to dart everywhere.  Sesshoumaru could smell Inuyasha.  He was stalking in the tree line.

Inuyasha slowed his pace and entered the clearing. He was a predator and his pray was her.  In that moment he looked at the dead miko Kikyo she was releasing a holy arrow at her reincarnation. "Inuyasha" i heard her pleading voice shaking as it formed his half-brothers name. It was then that the arrow made its way to her. Sesshoumaro ran into the clearing only to be forced out by a growing barrier around the miko, Kagome.  Then the barrier receded leaving the girl barely standing. Tetsusaiga was in one hand and the arrow was in the other. Inuyasha and the clay miko were piled together on the ground. He slowly moved toward the miko. She did not seem to register his presences. The wind picked up and he let a little of his power leak to see if she would notice.  

"Lord Sesshoumaru" she said breathless. He moved in front of her but before he could say anything she fainted falling into his chest. His arm immediately wrapped around her waist. For the first time in a long time the Great Lord of the Westerns Lands was at a loss.  The sword was till in her hand.  The one thing he wanted so close.  The sword dropped from her had landied near Inuyasha.  Inuyasha's demonic aura seemed to retreat.  His jagged strips disappearing and his features seemed to relax.   

"She is a strong women" his inner beast said. She is only a girl."A Girl! Look again she is clearly a woman. He paused to consider what his beast had said. Sesshoumaru looked at the girl in his arm. Her hair has grown longer and her body was slender. She was a mess as well, blood and mud were caked on to her body. Right now she was not much to look at. When he took a breath he caught her sweet and lusty scent. She smelled of a warm summer just then the wind picked up the and a light scent of honeysuckle and the musty sweet smell of roses over took his senses. It was very calming and for some reason it pleased his inner beast.  Sesshoumaru wanted to lean down and inhale that sweet scent.   He had to restrain the beasts urge to purr with delight. He looked over to see Inuyasha slowly stirring awake. Its then he made up his mind.  The miko was in danger as long as Kikyo was still alive and had control over Inuyasha.  She was coming with him.

He formed his demonic cloud under his feet and began fly towards camp.