The Unknown by KnightsLover


 like i said this is my first fan-fic story so go a little easy on me. Also i am dyslexic so there will probably be some spelling problems if there are please just point them out and i will go back and fix them when i get the chance thank you.



Why do these dreams seem so real? its as if i've lived them before. an unknown part of me that somebody is trying to keep from me for my safety.


"Inuyasha!!!" yelled an angry kagome, while she threw down the last outfit she had left "how is it every time I!!" Kagome emphasized pointing to her self "come here my outfits some how mercilessly get ruined and you don’t know who does it!" Kagome finished with a well finished growl that would make any dog demon happy...if they went on the shity end of the rope that is.

"Wench! how many times do i have to tell you i don’t fuck with your skanky outfits!"Inuyasha yelled getting pissed that he was the one that was getting blamed for this attack kagome whenever we can game he can admit he has wanted to do it. but this was Bull- Shit as Kagome thought him

""Kagome growled eyes flashing from blood red to ocean blue hands clenched in a fist. all that was running threw her mind was wanting to kill who ever did i and if they did step up then she would get to the bottom of it because this has gone to far. yes a week is Ok but past is to far going all the way to four months is plain BS

"i don’t know, and i really don’t give a dam. got it" growled Inuyasha while whirling around and going back to talking to Kiko, Sango just sat there quiet knowing that was the best that you could do when kagome got this angry it has been happening a lot lately and inuyasha seems to be the scape goat in it all Shippo luckily wasn't here or pour thing wold be scared again

" then who messed with lady Kagome’s outfits" Miroku asked in all sympathy this was he last outfit her mother was angry with her

"if i here one more time who did it I’m going to kill them got it" Inuyasha growled

"no your not" Kiko and kagome said at the same time with there hands on there hips glaring at him

will i ever know the awnsears that i seek. these dreams that are not dreams. will somebody save me from this never ending dream so that i can know the real me the me that people really loved and didn't compare or fear

"oh and why not you two cant stop me" Inuyasha laughed

"Inuyasha we can stop you more than you wish" Kiko hissed out knowing that would get him started

"why you traitor" hallored Inuyasha then with that he was gone

"well that was wearied"Sango laughed knowing someone was going to happen just not that

"it could have been worse" kagome stated still a little upset over the last pair of clothes she had that where gone

"there is a village not that far away let go get you some kimonos for travel,Ok?" kiko and sango asked at the same time

dance with me till i wake for i have somebody with me incase i don’t. i don’t know what happened but this dream it seems as if i should now these people but i cant remember where, help me please me

"kagome you ok" asked sango with the kimonos in her arms as well as the most worried look on her face ever

"Hu..oh..sorry just this place looks so familiar" Kagome trailed of and started to space of again

"kagome" Sango said this time more worried

"yeah?" asked a confused Kagome

"look you really don’t look well why don’t we find a place to make camp out side of the village,please" sango begged really worried about kagome and her well being this was crazy really it was

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IN THE NORTH~~~~~~~~AT THE CASTLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"so its done then" lord Taryn said looking at his spy

"yes milord" he said with a smirk on his lips

"everything is falling into place" Ai Stated with a smirk "my sister thought she could hide her forever hahaha what a laugh" with that she got up and walked out of the room

"if i may milord" spoke the spy

"you may" answered Lord Taryn looking at him

"Princess Kagome has started to show signs of waking up from her slumber that her parents pet on her" the spy stated while trailing off hoping the princess would wake up really soon they really needed her and so did her family

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT CAMP SIGHT IN SOUTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kagome’s asleep finely" sango whispered while feeding the fire

"i still think that there is something that she isn't telling us" Kiko said with a fair away look in her eyes

"kagome wouldn't do that to use!" yelled sango standing up to defend her adoptive sister " yes she acting wearied but she will tell us when the..."

"I'm sorry but can we join you"




i know the stores going a little slow but i plan to make the next chapter a little longer and also i plan in the future to to a flash back chapter to explain every thing thank you