Never Again by Honey22


     Disclaimer: I do nt own Inuyasha or any of its characters.

AN: I have been toying with this story for a long time, and finally decided to go for it. This is my first fanfic so please be gentle. Constructive criticism is always welcome 8o)                  


Passion…it lies within us all. Like a panther crouching low to the ground, waiting patiently to let her long lean muscles stretch forward through the brush at her prey. Passion speaks to us, it drives us, and in reality passion rules us all…. we obey. Do we have a choice? With passion comes love. With love comes anger and pain. Relationships are something you work at, something you work through. After years of toiling, the give and take, the “I’m sorry,” the “I love you” passion reaches its breaking point.   

            The night was heavy; the air was the same thick summer humidity I had come to expect. Something about this night was different though, it was unlike the parties we had hosted before. I had changed. Something in me had grown cold and unmoving. As he entered the room and drolled on with the usual rants and raves of my lack of loyalty and obedience, I did not cringe or cower as I had before. Arguing was pointless, I had come to realize that nothing I said would change his anger and frustration towards me. consequences.

            His drinking remained heavy, and whiskey was never in short supply at our house. Taking my usual glass of red wine I sip the smooth beverage and feel its bitter sweetness slide down my throat, hoping to numb any emotion left within me. I watch our guests with my typical role as the complacent house wife and helpful hostess. The majority of the guests were gathered in the small game room of our studio apartment. The room was dominated by a large red felt tournament style pool table in the center of the room. The area was small but held myself and the seven others who had come for the celebration. Those who decided that pool was not their particular forte gathered in the far left had corner near the back of the room, just past the pool table. At the corner where the guests gathered was a large stereo system perched on a natural pine entertainment stand. A large selection of music with no specific genre stacked half hazard along the four shelves.

The thick smell of cigarette smoke and beer hovered in the air, casting a fog like layer that seemed to split the room in two. The bass from the stereo made drinks ripple in their containers. Over the music his voice carried to me harshly. “Get your ass over here and fix me another drink, wench!” Stunned that he was deep enough into his cups to drop the doting boyfriend persona I jumped, splashing the remainder of my wine down my new satin blouse. “Okay, Inuyasha…calm down there is no reason to yell.” As I move forward I hear him speaking to his friends of how worthless I am, and that I have brought everything down upon my own head. Unsure as to what he is referring to I decide that a room full of close acquaintances is not the appropriate place to ask.

“Here, Inu. I am going upstairs to change.” Forcing a smile as I hand him his new drink and turn to leave. “Keh, whatever wench.”

Holding tight to the railing of the stairway towards our bedroom I catch a glimpse of Kikyo smirking at me from the couch. Although she is my cousin I can never help but feel that she wishes me ill. As close as we used to be in middle school once I began to date Inuyasha we slowly started to hang around different crowds and she began to spend more time making me miserable than anyone else. Well, except Inuyasha now days. We both sport long ebony hair, smooth skin and long legs on an athletic frame, but there is where our similarities stopped. Where her body was about 5’ 8” with sensual honey brown eyes reminding people of a porcelain doll and a personality that says “I’m worth it all”.  Kikyo was signed with CM Modeling straight out of high school, and has had a huge success. I stand about 5’ 5” in height and according to Inuyasha the only thing I have going for me is the unusual sea green color of my eyes. At twenty years old and attending college for business administration I have no sense of fashion and tend to keep my nose stuck in books.  

Lost in my thoughts I find myself staring into the bathroom mirror. With my ebony hair pulled back into a low ponytail and blood red wine staining the front of my white blouse I look like a disaster. Going to my side of our shared closet I pull on a black blouse with white Sakura blossoms decorating the right side.  Praying sliently, “Oh, please don’t let anything happen to this shirt, it’s my favorite.”

“Uh….Kags, I think you need to come down stairs.” I jump falling back into the closet. “Geez Sango, you scared the life out of me. You know I clumsy I am. Why didn’t you warn me you were standing there?” Sprawled on the closet floor I look up into my best friends eyes and notice the twitch above her brow. “What is it Sango?” Clenching her fists, Sango leans down and helps me to my feet, all the while growling about how someone needs to be taught a lesson.“What’s wrong? Did Miroku piss you off again?” Chuckling to myself while thinking of all the times in the last four years Miroku had been knocked out when Sango caught him checking out other women. “No, Kags we really need to get down stairs cuz things are about to get bad.” The tension in her voice puts me on edge as a knot begins to form in my stomach.

Making the descent to the main floor whispers can be heard in the crowd. Looking out over the common area below I notice everyone was turned to face a couple embracing next to the large picture window. Gasping, when I realize that my boyfriend soon to be fiancé is wrapped around none other than my cousin. Shocked I yell out, “What is going on?” My voice echoes off of the brick walls and settles against the now silent crowd. Moving from his embrace Kikyo begins to laugh and entwining their hands Inuyasha turns a mocking eye to my place on the stairs. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t about time.” “We have been waiting for this moment for quite some time. I told you there would be a celebration tonight. Well, we are celebrating mine and Kikyo’s engagement.” Gasps come up over the crowd. Beside me Sango begins to jump forward screaming “BASTARD, how could you do this to Kagome?” Silently I slide down to sit on the stairs my body numb everything. “Feh, Look at her and how pathetic she is. I am finally out of school and have just taken my place within my father’s company. With my new station in life I deserve the best and quite frankly Kagome is old news.” With that said Inuyasha turns to Kikyo wrapping his long arm around her waist and begins to escort her out the door.  Laughter could be heard as the door swung silently shut.

Unsure of what to do, the crowd remains quiet and allows a furious Sango to push them towards the exit. When the last guest had gone Sango wrapped a blanket around me where I still sat on the staircase. “Kagome, I am so sorry. That bastard doesn’t deserve you. You are worth so much more than he ever will be.” Helping me stand and wrapping an arm around me I am lead to the couch. “Kagome say something.”

 “……” Why did this happen? Why couldn’t I  be enough? I did everything for him, I just don’t understand. Pain warred with confusion, and slowly began to morph into something I couldn’t name. An odd sensation began to fill me. I feel like something that has been trapped for a long time has begun to break free.

“Kagome, please say something.” Concern laced her force pushing me out of my reverie.

“Why Sango? Why wasn’t I good enough?”

“Oh honey, it wasn’t you that wasn’t worth it. Inuyasha is worthless; he doesn’t deserve your tears or your love.” Pausing to wipe the tears from my cheeks, “Your goodness and love for everyone makes you….”

Cutting her off I exclaim “THAT’S IT!!!!”

“What is?”