Here's a new story!
Chapter 1:The Problem.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, but the story is MINE! Haha!
Note: Is a story for the Dokuga challenge "Mateing With Mokomoko"
Kagome paced back and forth in the castle library, very annoyed. Sesshomaru's damned Mokomoko wouldn't leave her alone! 'I mean sure when it was giving me flowers it was cute, but now it's got some kind of obbsession!' She's woken up three times to find it laying on her bed seemingly watching her.
To tell you the truth it's starting to creep her out. She's even gone to Sesshomaru, her intended to get it to leave her alone, but even then it'd only stop when he was around. "What am I going to do?" she asked herself. Just then the lunch bell rang. 'I'll think about it later.' She decided, leaving the library and walking to the dining hall.
Well? What'd you think? This will be a drabble challenge! It won't be to long. Probably about five or six chapters. Review! Anything is appreciated! :)