Sex Slave for Hire by Angelic Memories

Sex Slave Lesson

This one-shot is not only a response to Sex Slave for Hire, which was nominated for Best Lemon Scene (Thank you), but also my entry for the GM Challenge 3rd Quarter 2010.

2 923 words used.

Sex Slave Lesson

A week had passed since the night he had brought the woman to his house. A week since he bought her and changed her life forever, and he was beginning to see that she was not as he expected her to be. Slowly she was beginning to show her true colours. She clearly didn’t understand her role, but the mark that she now bore upon her neck rising to her ear meant she was his property. That in itself was apparently a problem.

“Property? You can’t claim me as property. You bought my body for sex but that’s it. Do you understand? Everything else is mine and I will not bend to these stupid rules.”

Sesshomaru narrowed his gaze. Had he not pleased her enough? That night he had taken his time and cared to see to the needs of her body. Her body sought his affections, but now her actions told him her mind did not. Nevertheless he had bought her and so he bit her. When she was able to talk after the pain she demanded to know what he had done. Perhaps telling her the meaning behind the mark wasn’t the smartest idea, but he needed to ensure that no other male would tempt her away from him.  

“Do you not trust me enough to make sure no one touches me?” she hissed dangerously low. “This is because you think I’m going to run off isn’t it? I am not so stupid to go back on my word. I already told you I’m not too impressed with prostitution, so why would I find another annoying man?”

With that she grabbed the sheet off his bed and stormed out of the room wrapping her body as she went. He now knew Kagome was an independent woman and she liked to be in charge of herself. Why couldn’t she grasp the idea that verbal agreements were meaningless? Where humans so stupid as to not realize that you could easily break the spoken word? His mark ensured that she would keep her word and everyone would know that she wasn’t to be messed with.

The next morning at the breakfast table Kagome ate in silence. Usually she would have filled the air with her soft voice. Sesshomaru liked her morning stories but he did nothing to change her current attitude. As he ate in silence he stole glances at the woman as she glared at her plate menacingly.

Another week had passed and the woman wouldn’t comply with his wishes.   She went as far as denying him when he requested her presence at night. Sesshomaru let another week pass before he decided enough was enough. The woman needed to be dealt with and she needed to understand that he was the master. He went to the woman’s room not bothering to knock.   It was his house after all.

She never glanced up. Her eyes focus solely on a toe nail she was painting. Sesshomaru closed the gap, prepared for her to snap at him because he knew she liked her space.

 “Can we talk?” he asked when she gave him no response.

“I guess.   I mean you own me so that means you can do whatever you want, right?” she bit out sourly.

He held back his growl of annoyance. This was why he didn’t like dealing with females. Yet he couldn’t throw her out, even now, despite how much she disrespected him.

“I have no intention of taking away your freedom. I do not seek a weak woman who requires dependence. As long as you are part of my pack you will be provided for and so will your family. I do ask for some things in return. You will stop this job hunting thing you mentioned to the servants. You will notify me where you are when you leave the house. I don’t care about you going out, I just want to know where. You will use my driver when going out, as I don’t approve of public transportation.”

Kagome gave a fierce look in response.

“That being said, I understand that there are things that you don’t understand about my society. So I think it might be best for you to go back to school. You can major in whatever you want, but you will take a class that studies the youkai society and culture. Perhaps this will change your perspective on your current position.”

Sesshomaru turned to leave but the woman spoke out.

“Where are you going?”

The inu looked over his shoulder; he couldn’t imagine the woman wanting him around after his demands. When he told her about the mark she couldn’t wait to put distance between them.

“I have some rules of my own. From now on, I am Kagome to you.   None of this ‘woman’ nonsense. I will see my mother whenever I want and I will get to her anyway I see fit. My friend Sango is used to spending the night every other month and I spend the night at her place the months in between.”

He wasn’t pleased that she dared to talk back like she had right to make rules with a tone that didn’t asked but demanded. However, he needed to establish some form of peace and until she realized how lucky she was, he needed to give a little leeway. Since she didn’t ask for much, and it could have been worse, he let it be.

“Fine,” he agreed.

Sesshomaru left the room and made his way upstairs to his study. There was a lot to do, but he couldn’t focus on his work. Instead he was left to wonder about the woman he couldn’t get rid of. Why did he care? Why not just let her go after the first night. Was it because she was human? He could easily find another human. Or perhaps it was her. Something about her. She was different from others, human and youkai. Yet a part of him pointed out that it was easier to go back to his usual ways.

Not really sure how much time had passed, Sesshomaru stared at the chart on his desk. That’s when he heard the soft knock on the door.

“Come in,” he answered.

The door creaked open. He looked up to see Kagome in the doorway; she held a basic white coffee mug in her hands.

“I brought you something to drink,” Kagome said.

“Thank you,” he said.

Kagome walked further into the room. She looked around, obviously unsure where to place the cup since his desk was covered in paper, folders, and computer items.

“Here,” he said outstretching his hand to take the cup.

 She stepped forward and handed over the object in her hand. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked slowly.

He hesitated, running his eyes down her form for a moment. She wore a robe covering her slender form.

“No,” he replied at last.

“Are you sure?”

Again he paused before answering. His mind was split between taking what he wanted and letting the woman go because he knew his work should come first.  Her body swayed seductively. His thoughts roamed to whether she was trying to hint that she was willing, or were her signs unconsciously made. The act of rutting with an inu could be addictive, but he didn’t think she would feel the affect yet.

“No you can go,” he decided at last. 

The woman started to walk off, but she stopped at the door, hand on the handle.

“You know...,” she began as she turned back around, “I was thinking you should take a break.”

Sesshomaru watched the woman curiously as she neared the desk for a second time. He picked up on a subtle smirk and knew she was up to something.

“You’ve been working a lot this week. You hardly come home. At first I thought you were avoiding me because of what I did.”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” he retorted before Kagome continued on as if he had said nothing.

“Then I overheard the maids say this was your busiest time of year, so I was thinking I could help you relax... by forcing you to take a small break.”

Sesshomaru said nothing. His silence was like an approval to the woman, it seemed, because she inched around the desk and to his surprise stood behind him. He wasn’t sure what she was doing until he felt his hair being moved and cool fingers kneaded the muscles on the back of his neck. Slowly they worked up and down massaging small circles along the way. After a couple of minutes, the appendages stopped and Sesshomaru could feel her arms wrap around him. He looked down to see she was unbuttoning his shirt. Sesshomaru watched as she awkwardly tried to continue. She slung her body over his to gain better access, but he helped her out by unbuttoning the shirt himself.

When he slipped it from his torso and tossed it aside he noticed the woman was twirling his hair around. From the steady yanks back and forth he knew she was braiding it so it would stay out of the way. After she was finished she tossed it over his shoulder.

“You’re going to have to move. So I can have access to your back.”

Sesshomaru stared at the woman who dared to order him so casually. Nevertheless, he stood up and cleared his desk, cleaning it with a quick swipe of his arm.

“What are you doing?” she asked alarmed.

Rather than answering he walked around the desk, sat on the edge, and gave the woman his back. He heard as she hesitated, her heart beat picked up, and then she clambered onto the desk. The woman picked up where she left off. Her fingers slowly working the stiff muscles of his shoulders amazed him. He had no idea he could feel less stress through the simple work she was doing over just his neck and shoulders.  Quite some time had passed and he could feel her fingers work lower.  As his eyes were closing and he knew they should continue somewhere else.  He stood up, alarming the woman behind him, grabbed her wrist and walked out of the study. Down the hall was a spare room, the closest to his study, he opened the door, let the woman go and moved to the bed. Gracefully he placed his stomach to the bed and waited for the woman’s skilled hands to return.   

Kagome took her time then walked over after the confusion left her scent and straddled his back. Slowly she ran her fingers up and down the planes of his back. She used the same technique with her nails, lightly stroking him, before pin pointing a particularly tight muscle of his lower back. She released the knot with smooth circles. Shivers ran up his back every time her nails bit into his skin. Each careful and loving movement awoke areas of his body he didn’t know existed. The woman created pain then pleasure and finally the sensation of numbness ran over the area. She repeated this process over every inch of his back, followed by his arms. Prying fingers then loosened his pants, and he didn’t think she would but she took the boxers with them and tossed them away too. Her work continued over the muscles of his butt. For a woman who was usually a little shy she was taking a brave and bold initiative.

Her fingers ran over each mound dipped into every valley. With each knot loosened he was more and more willing to submit to the woman, something he had never experienced before. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so good, so calm, and so at peace. So he rolled over without hesitation when the woman began to pull at his form. He watched as her still clothed form swung over him so she could sit on his lower abdomen. She brought her lips to his and kissed them softly as her fingers moved to his face and began the small circles there. They kneaded along his neck and followed the smooth planes of his chest as she pulled away. He watched the concentrated look as she begun to search for more knots. She shifted lower and lower not evening pausing when his member, surprisingly limp was taken into her warm hand.

Every place she had numbed in relaxation jolted alive in that moment. Fire coursed through his veins and nerves and blood pooled to his lower regions. Kagome barely gave a stroke before his member hardened in her hand. Her teasing fingers followed the dark veins bringing him closer to the edge that was invisible until just a short time ago.  Sesshomaru was quick to pull Kagome to his level so he could seal his mouth against her. His lips found hers and he growled appreciably as she opened her mouth for his tongue. Clearly the woman wanted him. His claws tore through her layers, not patient enough to deal with her buttons and zippers and ties.

He did notice the way the woman was fighting for air and released her, choosing instead to treat each breast with its well deserved attention. He bit gently upon each nipple, licking each wound carefully afterwards.  However, the last hour he had spent beneath the woman as she de-kinked him was enough of a wait for him. His shaft throbbed with pain and each time it rubbed against the woman he had to bite back the fiery pain. Kagome solved the problem, willingly taking the hot flesh into her hands and pumping a couple times before rubbing his head against her entrance. The juice that coated him was just as warm as he was. He hadn’t even noticed before that she was ready for him. He picked up the scent of arousal that thickly coated the room now that he was paying attention.

Sesshomaru angled the woman’s hips and plunged into her. The walls around him contracted making the push forward a little more difficult but he loved the sensation of being engulfed by her. When he pulled away his ears rang with her small cry of pleasure. He was going to bring her slowly, tortuously, for denying him previously. A slow dive forward was followed by another slow pull and accompanied by another slow forward plunge. Hands on her hips guided the woman, forcing her to follow his speed. Her chest shifted up and down with their movement. Usually he did not approve of a woman above him but he enjoyed the view and it was definitely something he was going to try again.

“Sesshomaru faster,” she begged.

Her hands were at her face, a few fingers slipped between teeth as she stifled her cries. He pulled her hands away and she moaned out. He knew she didn’t like others hearing her. It embarrassed her and brought a blush to her cheeks. Usually they performed at night when the staff was gone, or in his room where the walls were soundproof because he couldn’t sleep with the sound of the city drowning his room.

But today he wouldn’t wait. It would be another form of his revenge.

“Sesshomaru please... I need my hands,” she whimpered.

Instead he flipped them taking the dominate position over her and continuing his careful penetration. he built her up and paused to let her cool down. He listened to her heart for clues and the way the swallowed cries were closer together. He held her hands and continued to suck on sensitive areas he knew would drive her insane. His own aching member wanted a faster speed and release, but he could see to his needs once the woman learnt a lesson. So he continued until her moans couldn’t be held back anymore. She cried out a little more loudly. Begging again but he continued to thrust unhurriedly and brought out more and more of her whispered pleas until she couldn’t handle the pressure. The tension he had held back came forth and the woman screamed out just as he burst unable to hold back his seed. He cursed his timing, if he could have controlled himself further he might have made the woman suffer longer.

Looking down he noticed the woman pulling her hands from his grasp and covering her cheeks. She didn’t meet his eyes as she looked towards the curtains. They were pulled aside and the sun was only just setting.

“Someone probably heard us,” she whispered.

“Indeed,” Sesshomaru replied, quite happy after all with his timing. If he had continued, then he wouldn’t get the chance to see the woman sneak around the house in his shirt attempting to get to her room without bumping into one of the servants.

Sure enough Kagome gathered her clothing and then looked around before realizing... “Your shirt is still in your office.”

Sesshomaru stared at her.

Kagome pouted and Sesshomaru didn’t budge. “If this is revenge, then can it please end. I promise I will never forget my job again. You can have me whenever, okay?”

The inner smile he had vanished. He had nearly forgotten that she saw this as only a job. That was beginning to sit uneasily with him. He got up, dressed and then left the room. He ran into a maid down the hall and she bowed in respect as he passed.

“Bring some clothing to Kagome,” he said lowly, not bothering with eye contact.


Ja ne

Angelic Memories

© 2011