Chapter 1 - Goodbye
Italics = thoughts
"Im gonna miss you gome." Omnigumo hugged her tighter.
"Dont worry we'll keep in touch umo afterall what will i do without my number one drummer." Her smile was fake that much he knew.
"Think of it this way gome, you get to explore and meet new peoples and see your dad almost 24/7."
"Ya and you get to deal with that ho who the gods cursed me with as a fuckin dna sharer."
"Hey i know you hate her for everything thats happened but one day you two are going to get a wakeup call and somethin will happen two make you closer to her." Kagome scoffed at the advise and pulled backk to look at omnigumos face.
"Right and when that happens the hells would be frozen and the apocalypse would be here." He sighed.
"Well you not beclose but you will be tolerant of her i know this gome cuz it happened to naraku and me."
"Well just promise me your not gonna become one of her preppy dolls and that you will make her life her miserable."
"Always do." Both friends smiled and laughed a little.
"Well i will call you when i have time at my dads but other than that i better get going dont want to miss the flight and reunion with North americas most hated slut."
"Aiight gome you let me know how it goes."
"Sure thing." With one last hug, Kagome let go of Omnigumo and headed toward the car.
"Flight 364, Kyoto,Japan has arrived. Flight 364." Kagome, Souta, and their mother Kira walked in silence towards the boarding area.
"I dont even know why Kags is goin mom? Cant Kinky- i mean Kikyo stay with dad? Kags is so much more funn and a lot nicer than her." Kagome chuckled a little under her breath at Soutas slip up.
"Kikyo is tired of japan Souta thats why kagome is leaving. They cant be civil towards each other so one lives with each parent you know all this." The siblings ignored their mother for the option of ipods and psps.
"MOMMY!" Kikyo came wobbling down through the isles of seats in her four inch stilettos. Souta groaned in despair while kagome just sighed and prepared for the worst.
"Hello Kikyo." Kira smiled gently. Her purfume is so strong it sufocating and her outfit makes me wanna puke. Kagome grimaced at the thing related to her.
"Hey sis, her squealing voice is hurting my ears." Kagome could only nodd to the relation and truth of soutas whispered words.
"OMG souta you look cute- uh except what are you wearing?- Oh no kagome has influenced you to become and antisocial freak with her hasnt she."
"Geez Kinky-ho its nice to see you too. And hear i thought your stupid preppyness would have mellowed but i guess with all that built up sexual frustration its the only thing that works huh." Souta laughed under his breath while kagome smirked in victory.
"Kagome still the same old unpopular freak as always. Well i guess you cant help it i mean your ugliness adds to the ongoing list of why no one like you."
"Ouch Kinky-ho was that supposed to upset me? cuz all it did was show me how many braincells you have gained since our last incounted and let me tell you it doesnt look like many if any at all." Kikyo humphed and turned away ready to leave while souta rolled on the ground laughing and sending praise to kagome.
"Flight 364 to Kyoto, japan boarding. Flight 364 kyoto, japan boarding now." Kagome hugged souta and her mother.
"I will see you guys soon aiight? And souta make sure you make her life a living hell along with my friends oh and dont let her in my room and shave her head and dont let her near my car and watch out for buyo and-"
"Kagome! I think i got it but you better go catch your flight i'll see you soon" He let a bright smile fill his face.
"Aiight dude let me know if she does anything to you, my friends or my stuff." She smiled back while picking up the rest of her luggage.
"No Prob. Bye!" Kagome turned and waved before going through the terminal to the plane.
First one up =) I have stories posted on fanfiction including this one so check them out if you want. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.