The Green Child by Violetcarson

Lie To Me

A/N: Hey peeps! Thanks for actually giving my fic a chance. If you want to watch the trailer that I made for this (which isn't that good, but it might give you a clue as to what's going to happen *wink, wink*) here's the link, just take out the spaces: http:// .com/watch?v=BW5F7TU_hgw

Disclaimer: This is the universal disclaimer for this fic. I claim no ownership of InuYasha, the manga/anime. It doesn't belong to me, but the plotline of this work of fanfiction does. I also do not own any of the songs that will be mentioned throughout this fanfic. No copyright infringement is intended. I hope this clears up any confusion.


Chapter One: Lie To Me


You said you were there for me

You wouldn't let me fall

All the times I shared with you

Were you even there at all?

No where to run

And no where to hide

You're scared of the truth

I'm tired of the lies

Cause who I am

Is where you wanna be

Don't act like an angel

You're fallen again

You're no superhero

I've found in the end

So lie to me once again

And tell me everything will be alright

Lie to me once again

And ask yourself before we say goodbye

Well goodbye

Was it worth it in the end?

"I'm not taking this anymore! I've had it!" Kagome's piercing yell shattered the peace of the forest. Birds took flight, small mammals scurried into their holes. The relatively minor boar demon that had been approaching the aura of multiple jewel shards with determination thought better of this idea and turned back the way it had come, tail metaphorically and literally between its legs. Nobody wanted to mess with the owner of that voice.

"Oi! Come back here, ya idiot!" The red-clad hanyou hollered after the retreating figure of the girl. "It was just a measly bit of food!"

Ignoring the comment, Kagome lifted her nose in the air and continued on, forgetting that her bag and bow were hanging from a branch several feet behind her. InuYasha wasn't having any of this, though. He leapt in front of her, and grasped her arm tightly. "Did ya hear what I said, wench?" The brash hanyou shook her arm for emphasis.

Kagome glared at him, refusing to answer.

"I don't know what you're getting all pissy about. It was just some food, and besides, it tasted like shit!" InuYasha growled in annoyance.

Tears welled unbidden in her eyes, and her voice was pained as she said, "It was not just some food, baka! It was a special meal to celebrate Sango-chan's birthday." She nodded towards the stricken slayer, who was watching her two friends argue warily. Miroku was beside her, clenching and unclenching his hands on his staff. Shippo was hiding behind Kirara, who sat on the ground by Sango's feet, watching the pair with a rather annoyed expression.

"Let go of me InuYasha, you're hurting my arm." Kagome pulled away from him and walked a couple of feet away, her back to him as she took a deep breath. She had to compose herself; she refused to break down in front of him.

InuYasha huffed and crossed his arms. "It was a stupid waste of time anyway." He hid the surprise he felt behind his gruff voice. He didn't understand why she seemed so hurt by this seemingly simple thing.

"You really don't get it, do you?" she said, her voice very quiet. She didn't turn around. "I don't know why I thought you'd ever understand." She sighed, and looked back at him. Her eyes were filled with sadness, so much that InuYasha took a step back.

She began to walk back the way she'd started, towards the well, determinedly not looking at him as she passed. He reached out to stop her and say something, but her voice was sharp as she cut him off. "Don't InuYasha. Not right now. I'm not very happy with you at the moment." He huffed again, obviously not caring. "Don't make me say it. I really don't want to." InuYasha scowled at her back, but made no other move to stop her. He turned and leapt into a tree, and turned away from everyone else. His ears flicked back to listen to the rest of the conversation.

Kagome sighed in relief. She really didn't want to make the situation any worse than it already was. "Bye, everybody. I'll be back soon." She flashed a small smile at the rest of the group, before turning away as they bid her farewell, and disappearing down the path.

Sango glared at InuYasha as soon as Kagome was out of sight. "Honestly, she's right. You really don't understand anything, do you?" She turned her angry glare to Miroku, who had been contemplating certain ways that he might be able to lower the tension. "Don't even think about Houshi." She sat down underneath a tree opposite InuYasha's perch and pulled Kirara and Shippo into her lap. Her hands were tender as she stroked the kit's hair.

Miroku decided it was best to listen to her. Both the women seemed rather testy at the moment. He settled down next to her, but kept his hands on his knees in a gesture of peace. He turned his gaze toward InuYasha, who was sulking. "I wouldn't dream of it, my dearest Sango. I wouldn't dream of it."


Kagome gazed into the depths of the well. Somehow, she didn't want to go back to the future just yet, so instead she followed the path that lead to the Goshinboku. She gazed up at the scar on the tree where InuYasha had been imprisoned for 50 years and sighed, sitting down between two large roots with her feet curled underneath her.

I shouldn't have just stormed off like that. Yes, I'm mad at him, but still. We don't have enough spare time that I can just go off to sort out my emotions whenever I feel the need. We've got to get to figure out how we're going to defeat Naraku. He's got practically the whole jewel. She sighed and leaned her head back against the trunk, taking comfort from its familiarity. There was just something about the tree that always made her feel safe. It seemed almost as if the tree was welcoming her, like a long-lost family member.

I don't know why I should be surprised by how he acted. I mean, it's always been obvious that he doesn't really deal with emotion that well. But I always hoped that maybe, he'd eventually... She smacked her head lightly against the Goshinboku's rough bark. I've been an idiot. He'll never feel about me that way. It's been over two years, almost three! Seriously, it's not gonna happen. Then again, I'm not sure if I even want it to anymore. I mean, we fight so much, over the tiniest of things. What would life be like if we were actually together? It'd be like a living hell. Kagome looked up at the small wispy clouds tracing their way slowly across the sky.

And I'm not sure I even love him that way anymore. Did I even really love him in the first place? How should I know? Unconsciously her hand crept to her chest, and felt her heart beating beneath the flesh. I have to move on, anyway. I will not abandon any hope of love to spend my days pining after a man who loves another. The image of the dead priestess flashed before her eyes. It'd been several months since the group had heard anything of Kikyo. If he will be happy with her, I don't think I should stand in his way. They both deserve happiness. Hopefully she'll realize that she doesn't need to drag him to hell. I refuse to lose him; he's still one of my very best friends.

"I will not pine over InuYasha any longer!" she said out loud, hitting her fist into her hand with conviction. "He is free to live his own life, and I will live mine." She nodded. Ooh, I hope nobody heard me. She flushed red in embarrassment, and looked around sheepishly. There appeared to be nobody there.

Hm, I wonder though. If not InuYasha, then who? Hojo popped into her mind and Kagome shuddered. Ugh, no. He's way too normal. And this era is so much a part of my life now, I would never be able to be with someone that I couldn't tell about it. So, that rules out the future, what about this era? Kouga? Nah! He's already got a girl, even if he won't admit it. And I don't think I could ever love him that way. Definitely just a friend. Who did that leave? Well, I suppose there's always Sesshoumaru... She giggled at the thought. As if! That guy has got serious issues, even if he is absolutely gorgeous. She grinned. She'd always thought that the Western Lord was good looking. Seriously, who wouldn't? She just knew he had to be ripped underneath all that white silk, the guy was a fighting machine. And his face was perfect in every way, with everything in just the right proportion. And his markings were amazing, with that huge blue crescent moon, and those two stripes on each cheek. Who knew what other markings he had, elsewhere on his body?

But the guy was seriously lacking in personality. His "holier-than-thou" attitude was irritating beyond belief, and it was unnatural for any living creature to show so little emotion. I seriously doubt that the guy has ever smiled! And he had made it perfectly clear how little he thought of humans from the beginning, apart from the little girl he traveled with.

Although, he hadn't been acting quite the same the last few times they'd met. There was something different in the way he acted, especially towards her. Kagome could distinctly remember their last meeting, and it had been very odd indeed. Sesshoumaru had shown up, flying on his weird demonic cloud thing. As soon as InuYasha sensed him there had been the usual cries of insults and challenges and such, but Sesshoumaru hadn't reacted beyond a couple disdainful comments about his heritage. He had landed, keeping a safe distance from their group so InuYasha (who was being held back by Miroku and Sango) wouldn't feel too hard-pressed to attack, and had merely told them some information about a Naraku incarnation carrying a jewel shard nearby. And the whole time he was there, he had kept glancing towards Kagome. He showed no emotion on his face, but there was something in his eyes that unnerved her. It was like he knew something about her that she didn't, the way his eyes had sparkled slightly. And then he'd left, without issuing a single death threat. It was very odd.

Well, it's still probably foolish for me to even be thinking about him. He's way out of my league. Ah well, a girl can dream, can't she? She smiled softly to herself as her head leaned back against one of the tall roots. Her eyes searched the sky above her.

Unbeknownst to her, three pairs of eyes watched in the shadows of the forest.


"It is time. Both of you know what to do. The portal has already been dealt with. You must both do your part. Am I understood?"

"Hai!" two voices chorused in unison.

"Good, then I will leave you to it. Wait here for a few hours before you do anything. She is obviously quite tired to have fallen asleep in so exposed an area." Without waiting for an answer, he departed, disappearing almost instantly.


Come on, we need to get this done.

But, are we sure it's her?

Of course it's her! Look at her face, feel her aura. Surely your memory isn't that bad!

I know, but still. Look at her! She seems so young. She's just a child really.

Child? Surely you recall how easily this so-called "child" can defeat us. You've still got the singe marks to prove it.

Hey! You have just as many scars as I do!

We are wasting time.

I understand that we have to do this, but I still feel terrible about it. We know what she's going to go through! I can't bear to put her through it again.

Ah, but there you are mistaken. She has not gone through it yet, herself. And at least this time we won't have to be left with the aftermath.

Oh thank God for that.. That was one of the few times I actually thought I was going to die. He was terrible there for a little while after it happened.

Quite true, now come on. It's time. We have a duty to perform.

Very well then, let it begin.


Kagome groaned and reached for her head. Her entire body felt stiff. Well, that's what you got for using a tree root as a pillow. Her eyes blurry, she sat up yawning. Raising her arms she stretched, feeling joints popping. Suddenly she grasped her back. The excruciating pins-and-needle sensation told her that at least part of her back had decided to fall asleep. Groaning she stood, more joints popping, and absent-mindedly adjusted her clothes while blinking towards the sun. It was hovering just over the horizon, and lit up the sky with streaks of red and orange. It'd probably been hours since she'd stormed away from camp in a huff.

Out of the corner of her eye Kagome caught a flash of movement. Spinning around her eyes searched the branches of the tree before her. A small flash of brown drew her attention to the forest floor. Before her on the ground, rearing back on its little haunches was what appeared to be a small chipmunk. It looked up at her, beady black eyes staring, and chirped. Then it spun around and raced off through the grass.

Intrigued, Kagome followed it, without even thinking of why she was doing so, or of the possible consequences. But she couldn't keep track of its location in the tall grass. Confused, she paused, gazing around for the small rodent. A loud screech made her look up. There was a raven circling overhead. Once she noticed it, the raven abruptly wheeled and flew off, Kagome racing after its shadow.

The raven darted through the trees, flying slowly enough that she could keep it in sight. Whenever she lost track of it, a loud screech would erupt from somewhere in treetops, and she would see it, perched high above, before it took off and the chase was on again. After a short period the bird circled and landed on a familiar wooden structure. From the rim of the Bone Eater's Well came a chittering, as the chipmunk scolded her. Its beady little eyes watched her approach more cautiously.

Now that she was here, Kagome realized how foolish this was. She was blindly following unknown animals around, and it was very near to sunset. Her friends would expect her to have left to the future by now, and wouldn't come looking for her. This was madness. She shook her head and turned away. The chipmunk scolded loudly and the raven screeched in protest. Sighing she faced the small creatures again. This was so stupid. Feeling utterly confused and bewildered she walked forward again. The well was black, spooky, and smelled just as weird as she remembered. "Alright," she attempted to sound stern as she looked away from the darkness to face the two little creatures. "I don't know why you brought me here. Hell, I don't know why I even followed you, but..." her words petered out as she realized neither of the creatures was there. "What the hell?"

Suddenly something collided with the back of Kagome's head with a solid thwack, and she stumbled, falling forward and losing consciousness as she fell into the well. There was a flash of bright green light and she disappeared.

Oh, did you have to hit her so hard? That sounded like it hurt!

Come on! We had to do it. It is our duty

I know, but, don't you think that was a bit much?


Fine, you're right. I'm wrong. Let's just get out of here okay? He'll be angry f we don't report that we were successful soon. And the fleas are unbelievable in this form!

Well, you're right about that at least. Come on.


Kagome groaned and opened her eyes. She had one hell of a killer headache. Clutching her head she sat up and winced. She had been curled into a small ball and her muscles protested the action. She rolled her neck and stretched her back, twisting back and forth sideways. There were several very satisfying pops. Then she examined her surroundings, rubbing her eyes.

She appeared to be in the well. It was odd, because she couldn't seem to remember how she got there. What had happened? She seemed to remember something about InuYasha being a dumbass, and a chipmunk. Or was it a squirrel? Did it matter?

Kagome laid her hand on the side of the well and stood up. Strangely, there were vines growing on the walls, and no ladder. If she'd fallen in somehow, she should be in the future. But this was how the well was during the Feudal Era. Startled, she craned her neck up, and a drop of water splashed on her nose. High overhead the bare branches of a tree spread over the well, and behind them was a stormy gray sky. Another drop of water splashed onto her face. There was something very wrong here.

Okay. This is very strange. Maybe I'm still unconscious? Then again, maybe not. That rain is cold! Okay, whatever's going on, I need to get out of here. With a determined nod she grabbed at one of the vines tracing the walls of the well and began to haul herself up. It was slow going, as the rain made the vines slippery. Several times she almost fell. When she reached the top she was panting. I guess I've gotten spoiled with InuYasha usually being there to help me out of the well. She sat on the edge for a moment, catching her breath, before looking around her.

The clearing was not as it should have been. There were far too many trees, and the underbrush was much thicker than she remembered. There were no visible paths between the trees, as there should have been. And there was no Goshinboku. It should have been directly in front of her, visible over the tops of the trees. And it wasn't there!

Okay, now it was time to panic. The Goshinboku had always been there. Always. As a child she had grown up living under the majestic tree. It had been the most familiar landmark when she had arrived in the Feudal Era, besides the well. It had led her to InuYasha. It had connected her to the past, even when she was trapped in the future.

And it was not there!!!

Kagome was frozen for a short moment, but was soon racing towards where the tree should be. It has to be there! It has to! She repeated over and over, her mantra of hope. She stumbled as she pushed through the trees, her face and exposed legs being scratched by the branches. When she burst out into the clearing, her legs slowed, and she very slowly walked forward to the center of the clearing. The ground that should have been broken from the roots of the great tree was covered with foot high grass, waving gently in the breeze.

Kagome collapsed on the ground in a dead faint.


A/N: Alrighty, there's chapter one. So, what'd you think of it? I would really appreciate some reviews. I won't bother posting the next chapter if nobody liked the first one. Anyway, as I said before, you can watch the trailer if you want to.

The song I used at the beginning is Lie to Me by 12 Stones. All of the chapter titles are going to be based off of song names. Right now I'm listening to From the Inside by Linkin Park. I love that band, they rule! So, next chapter is going to be: Away From the Sun (3 Doors Down). Have a nice day!!