Sexual Healing by Calophi

Sexual Healing

A/N: This was written for oneshot #56 (Seduction) at Dokuga Contest.

Kagome was inverted on the pole when she felt Sesshoumaru Taisho’s youki settle near the bar, and she was so distracted she almost fell off the pole completely. As it was, she only barely managed to keep from cracking her head open on the floor, tightening her thighs and adjusting her grip quick enough to turn a disaster into a suicide drop inches before impact.  The club’s patrons whistled with appreciation.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

She finished her routine and hopped off the stage, collecting tips from customers as she made her way to her boss. Well, her 
other boss. Her day-job boss. She leaned against the bar while he stared at her impassively.

“I don’t suppose there’s any chance of me keeping my job?” Kagome was a psychologist at Taisho Medical Corporation, and she took care of both the staff and those that were a part of clinical trials. She was good at what she did, and everyone praised her ability to help people cope, claiming that Kagome seemed to have an aura of calmness surrounding her.  

Taisho snorted in response, and Kagome sighed with regret.

“If I had known you came here, I would have found someplace else to work.”  She’d danced at The Naughty Miko for two years without once seeing him here, and she enjoyed it. Youkai bouncers were much better than humans at enforcing rules that kept their assets safe and looking the other way when said assets wanted to have a bit of fun on the side.  Plus, when the owner realized she actually 
was a miko, they ordered a special outfit just for her: a small white top, a pair of red boyshorts with a bow tie in the front, long sashes on her wrists to mimic billowing sleeves, killer knee-high red boots, and hair done up in the traditional miko style made her a very naughty miko indeed.

“I do not frequent this establishment, Higurashi,” Sesshoumaru replied with a bit of annoyance. “I am here on business.”

“Oh? What 
sort of business?” Kagome asked coyly. He glared at her.

“I am looking for Karasu. Nothing more.”

Kagome blinked, surprised. “Congratulations. You found her.”  She grinned when he started slightly, and leaned in close, invading his personal space. “You have a problem, don’t you?” she asked knowingly, loving that she was throwing off her notoriously stoic boss.  
Ex-boss. He narrowed his eyes at her, but before he could reply she added, “Don't even try to deny it. You wouldn’t have bothered to come here otherwise; you have way too much dignity."

He growled low in his throat, but she ignored him and stood up straight, adjusting her hair. “Since you were sent to find me, that means I can fix your problem.  If you pay for a private lap dance you can tell me what’s wrong and I’ll take care of it.”


Sesshoumaru eyed Kagome warily when she left to finish collecting her tips, then sighed and retrieved his wallet from the inside pocket of his blazer.  He had no idea that Miss Higurashi was a true miko, though he’d been aware that her family owned a shrine. He’d worked with her for five years and she never displayed even an inkling of power, which made it clear that she’d been through extensive training. Her specialty was the real shocker, though. Miko sensitive to fertility kami were very rare indeed. He would know—he’d been looking for one for the last two centuries.

In short order, a room was obtained and Sesshoumaru Taisho was sitting rather uncomfortably upon the only seat within it.  The room was a small one, barely bigger than an average bathroom. If he had bothered to say something about it, Kagome would have told him that it was just big enough for a girl to do a fan kick.  As it was, the only thing he was managing to notice was that his best psychologist was wearing almost nothing and swaying enticingly to the heavy beat of the music. Schooling his face into a neutral expression was taking up all of his concentration.

“No touching,” Kagome said. “We can do this under the guise of a lap dance, but the bouncers insist on following that one rule for our safety.”  She started dancing in earnest now, putting on quite a show for him. He could feel her miko aura swirling around her as she moved. The inuyoukai stiffened as he sensed it drawing nearer to him, readying for the burn of the purification, but all he felt was a gentle tingle when he was finally caressed by her power. His eyes widened in shock, and Kagome grinned mischievously at him. She’d learned to alter her reiki years ago so that she could aid youkai as well as humans.

“Ah, yes, I see the problem—an impotence curse. It was placed by another miko. Am I right?”

He nodded.  When he refused to submit to an arranged mating, his father, Takehiko Taisho, had tracked down a fertility miko to place a curse on him so that he could not enjoy the pleasures of the flesh or bear a heir.  Takehiko had died two years ago and stipulated in his will that Sesshoumaru would not be allowed to keep his claim as owner of Taisho Medical if he did not mate and have a child within a decade.  
Sadistic asshole. He knew I hadn’t managed to lift that curse yet.

“As your psychologist, I must inform you that you should have confided in me sooner. Something like this can have a lot of negative impact on a man.” She moved to straddle Sesshoumaru’s legs and leaned forward, giving him a lovely view of her cleavage. “As your miko, I feel you need to know that the only way such a curse can be laid is by the will of the kami, and only the will of the kami can remove it.  How long have you lived with this condition?”

“Two hundred years,” he said flatly.  She looked appalled, and he felt her reiki surround him as if giving him a comforting hug.

“Sometimes the kami are cruel. Miko with specializations aren’t that rare, but they cannot be found unless the kami will it. They could have easily left you none the wiser about me. They did so for five years, after all.”  She seated herself in his lap in a most promiscuous fashion. “You’re aware that things are going to have to get a bit personal for me to help you?”

Sesshoumaru swallowed, looked her in the eyes, and nodded once.  She grinned like the cat that got the canary. “Good. Let’s get started,” she said huskily, and then her lips were on his. 


For a moment Kagome thought that Sesshoumaru was going to call the whole thing off—rumor had it that Sesshoumaru despised humans—but after a few coaxing kisses he relaxed and responded.  She was quite relieved. Her power wouldn’t have dissipated easily; it was intoxicating her as it often did when she was called upon by the kami to do their work. She didn’t know what effects an unfinished healing would have on her, and she was glad she wouldn’t have to find out today.

Her hands fumbled to unbutton his shirt as she deepened the kiss, pushing her power down into him. She slid her hands into his open shirt and let her fingers dance across his chest before gripping his sides and pulling herself closer to him. The extra contact was helping to channel more energy into breaking the curse. She could feel it bending under the onslaught, and it wouldn’t take long for it to break.

The next surge of reiki she sent through the inuyoukai elicited a soft growl from him, and out of the corner of her eye she looked to see that his hands were clenched into tight fists at his sides as he struggled not to touch her. Kagome loved being in control, and she loved that someone as powerful as Sesshoumaru Taisho was obeying her. Frankly, the bouncers couldn’t care less if their dancers were being touched as long as they 
wanted it, and youkai bouncers had the excellent sense of smell and hearing needed to be able to tell when a dancer was in danger.  What they were smelling now was her arousal, because her juices were soaking through her boyshorts fairly quickly.

Desperately, she ground against him, but it was futile with no hardness to grind against. She  had to come to release enough power to break the curse of another miko, and she couldn’t do it herself. “Taisho-san,” she said, her breath ragged, “touch me now.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. In a flash, one hand was gripping her hip and the other was rubbing her pussy through her boyshorts. She kissed him hungrily and  lifted her hips to give him better access. He slipped a finger up through the leg of her shorts, and a single stroke from her core to her clit undid her. She cried out as her orgasm ripped through her, and the burst of power she emitted completely crushed the impotence curse.

Power still ebbed and flowed around the miko as she wound down from her climax. She was feeling a bit unsatisfied. It had been a while since she’d had a good lay—or even a client, for that matter—and judging by the growing hardness she was pressed against, this lay would be very good indeed.  She’d never dared to think too hard about what sleeping with her boss would be like, but she’d be lying if she said she never thought about it at all. She decided to take a chance.

Kagome pulled Sesshoumaru’s hand from her shorts and brought it up to her face. “So,” she said, pausing to lazily lick her juices off of his finger. “Wanna fuck?”


What kind of stupid question is that? Sesshoumaru wondered incredulously. He hadn’t had an erection for two hundred years. Of course he wanted to fuck.  He supposed the real question was whether he wanted to fuck her.

He wasn’t sure exactly where the rumour about him despising humans came from.  What he hated was pretty much everybody.  He had told his father that he would under no circumstances mate a vain, bossy cow in order to improve business relations, and since most of those aforementioned cows were human, the rumor had probably sprung from that. Sesshoumaru wasn’t going to dishonor his mate the way his father had dishonored his mother by taking a hot piece of ass on the side, and therefore he would have to have a mate he at least 
respected if he was going to put up with her for the rest of his life.

It was a shame that he didn’t really respect anyone until he had met Kagome, and by then he had been quite unable to do anything about it. Until now, that is.

Some of his incredulity must have made it’s way into his expression, because a hint of uncertainty crept into Kagome’s eyes.  “Well then,” she said, shifting to move off of him. “I’ll just...”

His grip on her hip tightened, and her eyes widened in surprise.  “How much?” he asked, his voice gruff.  She glared at him.

“I’m not a prostitute, Taisho-san,” she bit out. “I don’t get paid for doing the work of the kami and I certainly don’t get paid for having sex with people I like. So if it’s a whore you want, you can—”

He silenced her with a kiss, and growled low in his throat when she melted into it. It was an effective method of shutting her up, and he allowed her to resume her control, knowing this was her territory and thus, her rules. It wasn’t long before her hands had wandered down to unfasten his pants, and it was a wonder that he didn’t come at her mere touch.

“I can help you last, just this once,” she murmured in his ear, and with a swell of her reiki his oncoming ejaculation receded.  She stroked his shaft once, twice, and then Sesshoumaru wasn’t having any more foreplay. He deftly swiped at her boyshorts with his claws and barely suppressed a grin at her look of dismay when they fell off of her.

“You’re reimbursing me for those,” she scolded, and then she impaled herself on him.  He couldn’t keep himself from gasping at how warm and wet and tight she was.  He was pleased that she gasped as well. 
He’d never bothered to be proud of the size of his cock before, but after two hundred years of not being able to brag about it at all, it was high time he stopped taking it for granted.

She started off tortuously slow, sliding very deliberately off his length before sinking back down with a squeeze and a twist of her hips. She’d not yet told him he could move his hands from her sides, and he had to concentrate to keep from digging his claws into her skin out of pure frustration.

Luckily  Sesshoumaru didn’t have to wait long for Kagome to become impatient as well. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he scooted up to the edge of the chair to allow her to lock her feet behind his back.  They surely would have toppled over if the chair hadn’t been bolted to the ground for just such a purpose.

please,” Kagome moaned.

That was what he’d been waiting for. He planted his feet, tightened his grip, and thrust into her with a snarl.  She groaned with satisfaction and rolled her hips into his thrusts, matching his pace as he slowly increased it. 

A slight shift of his weight caused her to cry out as his cock drove even deeper inside her. He endeavored to hit that spot again and again until Kagome screamed his name, her head thrown back and her inner walls pulsing around his shaft.  Her reiki spun wildly out of control, and Sesshoumaru came with a heavy groan immediately afterward without her power holding back his ejaculation.

Kagome collapsed against him, and they sat like that for a few moments until a loud rapping at the door startled them both out of their post-coital haze.  “Everything alright in there?”

“Oops,” Kagome muttered, reigning in her power until Sesshoumaru couldn’t feel it at all anymore.  “Everything’s fine,” she called back to the bouncer. “I’ll be out in a moment.”


Higurashi looks good in my jacket, he decided as he eyed her half-dressed form, although she probably wouldn’t look nearly as good if she were wearing pants. She’d wheedled the jacket out of him since he shredded her boyshorts, but he only put up a fight over because it amused him to irritate her.  He relented when she pointed out that all the youkai in the club would be able to smell what they had just done—did he really want them to see it, too?

He watched Kagome make her way to the door. She paused before opening it, and bit her lip before turning back to face him.  “If you want a chance to be on top, my shift ends at two. I’d like the chance to earn my job back.”  She winked and smiled hopefully at him before slipping out the door.

Once she was out of sight, he allowed himself a smirk. He’d be back to pick her up, of course, and he’d let her “earn” back the job he never actually said she lost in the first place.  After all, there was still the matter of a mate and an heir to tend to...