New Roads by Shadow Dreamer

New paths

She boldly walked down the black alley, knowing what was waiting at its end. She didn’t care anymore, what could they do to her that hadn’t been done? She would give them a taste of the blackness they so freely spread. She would rather go out in a blaze than wither away in her safe little room. The thought of what she brought them put a smile upon her face. Her smile was the smile of the sly little fox leading the hunter’s hounds to their deaths. By the time they realized what she wrought it would be far too late.



                                      Kagome hated the drab room that was forced upon her by the hands of fate and her loving mother. Every moment spent here felt like a horrible waste. She could be doing so many things, like running along the beach and letting the sun stream through her body. Instead she lay upon this hospital bed and looked at the sad little sun flowers that peppered the walls, as she endured test after test. They had agreed to let her disease run its course; they had agreed to let her live what little life she had left. But her doctor had called her mother two days ago telling her of a new treatment that was beginning its trial run. One last shot for real life. “It’s all very promising, but a little dangerous because it has only been tested on animals. I will not lie to you Mrs. Higurashi, while this treatment has an excellent chance of curing your daughter; it also holds the risk of altering your daughter in unforeseeable ways. The treatment involves altering her genetic code and such treatments can be unpredictable. But I feel that in Kagome’s case it is the best possible option. In many cases the alterations that occurred included eye-color, hair-color and a few other minor changes in appearance. Other cases included attitude changes and personality changes. Most animals that have been tested so far have been completely cured with no residual side effects. As I was saying before it is a very promising treatment, but I feel you have a right to know that it carries unforeseeable risk.”

                                So, Kagome found herself once again within the confines of her sick bed, a needle stuck into her arm, pumping some unidentifiable fluid into her arm. “Freedom, so close, only to be snatched away once again by the good doctors” she muttered to herself. Just as she was beginning to settle into her own self-pity she heard a snort come from just outside her doorway. Her door sprung open and in walked a girl with an IV trailing behind her like a little lost puppy. The way her nightgown settled about her body and the snarl of her hair gave her a crazy gleam, but the set of her chin and shoulders gave her a dignity that a crazy person could never claim. The girl had a boldness about her, she looked like the kind of girl who walked into places and situations most people would avoid, and loved doing it. “So, they swiped your freedom too? Well you wanna do something about it?” Kagome couldn’t deny a little righteous revenge sounded very sweet right now. “Sounds too good to resist, what did you have in mind?”

                              “Come with me and see!” She said with a vicious little grin. Kagome hoped out of bed as quickly as she could her own IV trailing behind her, she grasped the pole in her hand to keep it from tugging at the point where her arm and the needle met. “I’m Kagome. What’s your name?”   “Sango.” She said as she led the way down the hall to the nurses’ station. As they drew near she began to slow and put her finger to her lips for silence. She peered around the corner slowly, and found the station empty. Since it was the middle of the night this was not uncommon, they usually only kept one nurse on their floor for night shift. She motioned Kagome into the nurses’ station and quietly told her to begin un-alphabetizing the files, while Kagome was doing this Sango walked over to the supply closet and took out what looked like little, slim pieces of metal. She began placing them into the lock and moving them around until the lock popped. She went into the closet and walked back out with a few, small, boxes.

                                “Let’s go.” Just like that she started heading back. Kagome had never seen someone move that fast without making any noise. ‘She must be an athlete’ she thought. Kagome felt like a klutz in comparison. Her IV banged into the nurse station’s table so loud she could swear she heard the dead in the morgue moan.  “Hey, wait up!” Kagome yelped out. Sango whirled around and hissed “Quiet, are you trying to get caught? Just act normal and go slowly if you can’t be quiet.” Kagome felt like a dejected child “You don’t have to be such a jerk about it.” she grumbled. Sango turned around and headed back to Kagome’s room with a shake of her head and a markedly slower pace.

                                Finally they made it back to the sanctuary of Kagome’s room, and they flopped down on the far side of the bed to look at their stash. “What did you grab anyway?” Kagome asked

                              “What are these you ask? These are some of the best pain killers money can buy, I’m going to sell them when I get out of here and since you helped me I’m going to give you a cut.” Sango exclaimed, with a devilish grin plastered on her face.  “Whaaaat? Whadya mean sell them, isn’t that a big no, no? Like felon, as in years in jail if you’re caught?” Kagome was looking around in agitation as if someone could come in at any moment and accuse them of their sin. “Well, ya, but the key word here is caught and as long as you don’t open you’re big mouth we won’t be. Don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal, you don’t have to do anything. It’ll be great, I know a guy who’ll buy all four boxes in one go and we’ll each make a couple hundred bucks. We’ll be able to buy little of that freedom you were moaning about. Come, on don’t be a baby! If anyone finds the boxes I’ll take the blame, please it’s gonna be so fun spending that money, just imagine all the things we could do.” Kagome could feel her nerves ebbing away as Sango spoke. ‘Maybe she’s right, it wasn’t very hard to get those boxes, and I bet this hospital is full of those pain killers, they probably won’t even notice they are gone. It would be fun to have some money.’  “Okay, let’s do it, we deserve some fun. What are you going to do with the boxes until you sell them?”   “We’ll, this is where you come in, I can’t fit them all in my bag. Would you put two of them in yours?” Sango’s brown eyes got all big and doe-like.  “You, know you should really be a saleswoman or something, because you’ve got this persuasion act down to a tee!” Kagome huffed.

“Is that a yes then?”Sango’s already famous grin forming and brightening right before Kagome’s eyes.

 “                           I guess it is, just put them away before someone walks in and catches us.”     “You’re alright girl! Listen I’m really tired and I should really put my boxes away, but I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll finish hashing this plan out then, okay?” “Ya, alright I’ll see you tomorrow!” Kagome yawned out.  Before she could finish her yawn Sango had already slipped out the door. ‘I really have to make her teach me to move like that. I wonder where she’s from and how she knows people that will buy this stuff.’

I love reviews as all authors do! Let me know what you think! How can I improve? Is the dialogue realistic? I feel like dialogue is the hardest to write. Also i have no beta, so if anyone wants the job let me know! Thanks hope you enjoy!