The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Kittie

intro of chapter one

Long long time ago, there was a little settlement known as Sleepy Hollow. 

You may be thinking of the normal, original story but mine is with a twist.

There is a dark secret the towns folk hold, it is about a headless horseman that rides in the mist.

He looks for his head, and for a bride to follow him to hell.

So hide your wives, hide your daughters once the sun sets,

he will ride out with his ghostly horse.

Say your prayers when you hear the church bell.

So, keep your lights off

and your blankets close as you read my tell.

Try not to shiver when you hear a sound,

this is my legend of a ghostly town.


It was a cold day in Autumn, children were in the school house. The parents were out working on their farms, the old men were at the tavern their wives fixing a Sunday dinner in-front of the church. This would be a usual Sunday for the town but today it was cloudy and dark. Instead of smiles and laughter, there was whispers and crying. Mr Kane Higurashi was found outside this morning with his head gone from his shoulders. His wife found him like that near their barn doors, he left his widowed wife, his youngest son, Souta and his eldest daughter, Kagome.

The children did not see their father's body, they were forbidden. Their Grandmother Kaede, brought them to the church to pray and for comfort. There was the richest man and his family who lived in their town for ten years, he was in charge with the Higurashi funeral. His name was Inu-no-taisho, he was a good friend of Kane and so when he first heard of Kane's passing he rode towards the Higurashi farm to comfort the family and to start an investigation.

Once they buried Kane's body, and the sun started to go down. The men went to the tavern for a meeting while the children and women stayed at home behind locked doors. "Taisho, there is no need for a investigation here. It was the headless horsemen!" Taisho sighed and brought his old, callous hand down his face and rubbed his stubble. "I see what your saying here, Thomas. But It may bring comfort to the Higurashi's souls." Outbrust formed in the tavern then it hushed to the sound of a horse whining.

Candles were blown out, and guns were stuffed with powder. Everything was tense and hearts raced in the dark, galloping soon were heard out side the door. No one breathed and no one make any sound, they waited for something to happen and nothing did. The meeting was over but the men stayed there till the sun came back up. Never have any grown man ever felt fear shoot through their whole being till that night.

Sitting in his chair by the fire side of his home, his wife Izayoi sat down near his legs and rested her head against his right knee. Sighing he brought his hand down upon her head and patted it, "no one is safe in this town, my dear. You cannot kill the devil, and you can not run either." Izayoi looked up at him with concern, "shall the whole town live in the church then?" Taisho looked out the window and swallowed his glass of gin, licking his lips he hoarsely coughed out, "we may have to."