The Chalkboard by Yoru_Shakou

What's this face?

OK i have serious writers block for my first fanfic. needless to say I'm stuck. *sigh* however, this came to me as i was hanging with some friends as we tossed around a chalkboard.i know childish not that we cared. hope you get a kick out of it.

DISCLAIMER: i do not, in any form own any part of Inuyasha.


The two of them sat on the coach in the Taisho's den. neither paying much attention to the news that had had come on shortly after they had gotten to his home.

 Kagome sat on the left side leaning against the armrest with her worn yellow book bag at her feet. she wore her customary school uniform consisting of her green skirt that only reached her mid thigh and the long sleeved white shirt with the green collar, having removed her red asscot already. Her shoes tossed carelessly on the floor. Her slightly wavy black hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a few strands left to frame her grey blue eyes. everyonce in awhile her eyes would shift to the right end of the couch were a certian Taiyoukai sat looking as he always did.

Dressed more comfortably in a pair of light blue jeans and a black wife-beater with a white longsleeved button-up collard shirt with a pair of steeltoe boots on. His silver hair had been cut short for the impending summer, but was still slightly long in the front so as to frame his face. His red stripes on his face looked as they always did as did the sapphire cresscent on his brow. his amber eyes, though looking at the TV were not as focused as they usually were when watching the news. HIs frame still sat straight against the back of the pristine white couch.

KAgome's eyes began to wander around the room looking from th etv to the huge bookcases filled with videos instead or the priceless books that were kept in the library upstairs. Toward teh great bay window that allowed them to view the gardens Sesshomaru's mother had planted years back. To him and quickly to her bag at her feet.

Thats when his fone buzzed and caught her attention. Pulling the small device from his pocket he read the text message he had recieved before deftly replying and returning it to his pocket where he once more stared at the poor tv. shaking her head she reached for her bookbag and began to root through it in hopes of finding something to do. Thats when she discovered it.

In her bag stuffed between two of her heavy school books was an eight by eleven inch blackboard. It was the one she used to help teach Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's half-brother, math. Wiping away the smugged algebra problem she drew something and showed it to Sesshomaru. He then scowled at her. Grining, she wiped away the sad face with her red asscot and drew something new.

This time when she showed him her rolled his eyes. Wiping away the the sign that looked like it was rolling its eyes she drew another. This time he stuck his tounge out at her causing her to giggle. Wiping this one away she drew one one, only this time his eyes got wide.

Frowning she turned the chalkboard around.

"Shessomaru thats not the face I drew, it was..."

But before she could finish he had placed his lips on her own and kissed her deeply. shocked she could do little else but kiss him back. When he pulled away she was still speechless and he smirked at her.

"I am aware however, I couldn't pass up such an offer from you." He chuckeld as he left the room.

Kagome looked down at the chalk board at what she had drawn. The less than symbol from math next to the number three. otherwise known as the kiss emotionicon. She couldn't help but giggle to.


okay so that was that. tell me what you all think. i dont know if i will continue this as i said it was for my wirghters block. the faces i used were as follows:

:(                   @_@                 :P                   <3

so read and review.