Moon Fairy by Syndril

Fairies Exist?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Inuyasha. Only ones that are not recognized from the anime/manga series are dubbed my own.



This follows only Sesshoumaru and his pack. Kagome is not a time-traveling miko. Inuyasha and Co. are not represented.


Winter had swept across the land, covering the ground with a powder white blanket. Trees are left barren and open to the harsh winds that brought with it a chill that sent humans and demons alike sense enough to huddle indoors and not venture out. However, where this is conformity and common sense, there are those who go against nature's instruction and do as they please.


One such person is the Lord of the West, who rarely stop his travels simply because a change in the weather. This lord does not travel by himself, no, he is accompanied by his most loyal albiet annoying retainer, Jaken and the ever cheerful young innocence of the human ward, Rin. As well, there is a two-headed carrier dragon named Ah-Un. Each head with a personality of its own, was sometime given the task of carrying Rin as she slept the night away on long journies.


"Master Jaken!" Rin called cheerfuly, "Why does Lord Sesshoumaru go away in the morning?" With a slight tilt of her head, her side-ways ponytail bobbed cutely, she portrayed ultimate curiosity.


With the question posed, the green toad demon snorted and hugged his two-headed staff to his chest knowingly as he scoffed. "Lord Sesshoumaru has business to take care of, you stupid human girl. Always bothering Lord Sesshoumaru with your questions and your foul smelling flowers. Thank the gods it is winter and all those things are wit-" During his tirade young Rin had wandered off ahead. "Don't run off you!" With that, he waddled as quickly as he could after Sesshoumaru's ward.


Rin, who had little care for what Jaken had to say, continued to skip in the light snow that formed a pathway between the dense trees. Disappointed with the winter season, for there are no flowers to be picked, Rin still found happiness in knowing that with the snow brought new life in the upcoming spring. New animals to be born, more flowers to be picked, so it was no wonder she could still hum a happy tune as she looked for something to bide her time with as she awaited her lord's return.


She could picture the once plethera of flowers that resided there. Ones of all shapes and sizes, colors and smells. She giggled joyously at the memory she had of when Jaken was forced to let her play dress up. Sesshoumaru had aided in this by tying him to a tree with the warning look of 'If you do not do as she asks, you will wish for death from what I have planned for you as punishment should you fail.'


Upon opening her eyes, she blinked rapidly in shock. Had her eyes decieved her? She blinked several times more only to see that what she thought was an illusion was infact still there. Over in the distance was an orb of glowing green. Curiosity peaked, Rin carefully walked over, each crunch of the snow made her pause in hopes that she didn't scare the orb away, unsure of what it really was. Once close enough, the green glow reflecting on her body, Rin carefully reached out.


To her dismay, the green orb buzzed just out of her reach. Finding it as a game, Rin laughed as she jumped around the field reaching for the orb as it barely moved out of her grasp. "Rin will get you!" She called happily, her smile bright as the sun that hung over head indicating high noon. Just as she spoke, Jaken came stumbling into the field, tripping over himself and landing face first down into a pile of snow. With a muffled curse he picked himself up and grumbled something about pathetic humans and how he should look for a new line of work before she becomes the death of him.


As he looked up, he saw Rin running around chasing a green ball of light. Not knowing what it was, he made a sound like something being strangled, high pitched and spine shuttering. This caused Rin to stop and look at Jaken who closely resembled a fish out of water, flailing his arms, yellow eyes more bugged out than usual and mouth gaping open and closed before sputtering out. "G-Get away from that thing, human! You don't know what kind of curse or disease it can bring upon you!"


As anything with feelings out feel, the green orb flashed a darker shade as if offended to be called a curse or disease. It then proceeded to simply vanish from sight, causing Rin to become distressed for the poor thing and angry towards the rude Imp. "Master Jaken, you hurt it's feelings! You should apologize!"


Being told to do so caused the Imp to be enraged. "Like I would apologize to something like that. What I said is true! Lord Sesshoumaru would have my head if anything happened to you. Come along, girl, before Lord Sesshoumaru comes back and finds us missing." The mere thought of the Lord of the West finding both retainer and ward out from the saftey spot they were left caused Jaken to shudder and feel slightly ill.


Turning on his little heel, he began to walk away, knowing Rin would follow soon enough. Sad to leave, still feeling bad for the green thing, whatever it was, she begrudgingly trotted to follow Jaken back to their camping spot. Unaware to Rin, the green orb had simply dispelled its bright green glow in favor of sneakily hiding in the sash that was wrapped around Rin's small waist against her back.


By the time the duo, secret trio, made it back to camp, the sun was starting to set. The colors of the sky changing to striking shades of purples ,reds and oranges. Ah-Un had been waiting patiently, the fire pit devoid of flame until Sesshoumaru returned from where he had gone to since early that morning. Jaken, relieved to find no sign of his lord about, plopped down against the base of a tree and sighed with utmost gratefulness for his luck. Rin, still mad about the days earlier upset, sat down against the warm belly of Ah-Un who simply allowed her to do so without so much as a complaint.


It was this time that the mysterious creature who stowed away on Rin's sash made itself take on a better hiding place. It seemed as if it was rather curious as to why this odd band of people were gathered. Taking a new hiding place in the pocket of the satchel that hung off of Ah-Un's saddle, it waited for something exciting to happen. It didn't have to wait long as a tall being stepped forth from behind a large tree and into the campsite. Jaken immdiately scrambled to his feet and took a formal bowing position, face in the snow and hands spread out before him. "Lord Sesshoumaru! What a pleasure it is to see you return earlier than your previous nights!"


Rin simply rushed to Sesshoumaru's leg and proceeded to hug it. "Rin has missed you, Lord Sesshoumaru!"


At this, Jaken rose from his bow and threatened the girl. "Release Lord Sesshoumaru at once! How many times have I told you not to touch him with your filthy little human ha-" That was all the poor Imp was able to get out for Sesshoumaru had shifted his foot ever so slightly and with minor force, was able to propel a rock aimed right between his retainer's eyes successfully knocking him back and head first into a tree. He would not be bothering anyone with his grating voice for the rest of the night.


Sesshoumaru looked down at little Rin, who looked back up at him with such adoration it caused a stir in the great demon's heart. Pushing it down, he simply patted the girl's head, he found that it was the only gesture he could give that would convince her to dislodge herself from his person without having to say anything at all. Once she moved, the wind had shifted to let her scent brush against his sensitive nose. His silver brows furrowed as he looked at Rin once more. Something was different in her scent. Normally she smelled of fresh spring flowers but this time, it was more than that. A secondary scent that barely mingled with her own, it smelled of something sacred and ancient.


Following the scent, he now stood before Ah-Un who simply lifted both its heads in a sleepy fashion up at it's master. The creature inside the satchel shrunk downward in hopes of not being seen. Unfortunately for it, Sesshoumaru's relfexes were much faster as he quickly grabbed a hold of the small thing, consumed in the great size of his hand. He felt something prick the palm of his hand, though it didn't hurt, he still refused to release his hold, should whatever he caught be dangerous despite its non-threatening scent.


In a panic, the creature that was captured in the menacing grasp of Sesshoumaru released its aura causing it to glow a bright shade of green. At the sight of this, Rin gasped and called out. "Lord Sesshoumaru, thats the same color of the thing I saw earlier today! Don't hurt it, please!" The small child begged, tugging on the silk pantleg he wore. Looking down at the small girl, he deduced that whatever it was, if it wanted to cause harm to him, it would have done so already. Without much more thought, he released his hold, ever so slightly to make sure whatever it was didn't slip away without an explaination of why it was hiding in the satchel of Ah-Un's saddle and what it wanted from his pack.


Once opening his hand up enough to see, his golden eyes widened a fraction of a second before sliding back into their normal stoic state. The creature would not move, it could not. His apparently careless grasp has caused one of the seemingly fragile wings, they appeared to closely resemble a dragonfly, of whatever he now had hold of to crumple and twitch haphazardly. Rin pulled Sesshoumaru's hand down more to see what it was and tears immediately filled her brown depths. "Lord Sesshoumaru, you killed it!" As soon as the words fell from her lips, the tears began to pour heavily from her eyes. However, Sesshoumaru did not know what to do with it, in all his many years of life, he had never once come across a creature such as this.


He stood there, his long silver tresses billowing in the gentle breeze as Rin cried against his pant leg in loss of whatever it was Sesshoumaru had killed, the thing she had played with in the field earlier. Jaken remained unconscience, oblivious to all around him and Ah-Un peacefully snoozed knowing it's master was in the area. The relative 'peace' was quiet enough for Sesshoumaru to shift over every creature he has ever known to grace this land. Demon, human and lore creature alike and came up with only one possible explaination of the thing that lay helpless in his palm. Pale pink lips parted as he breathed upon the wind his findings. His voice a deep rumble in his throat as golden eyes remained fixated on his upturned palm. "A fairy."


Author's Note: This is my first story.. ever. I've attempted and failed at coming up with a plot I could stick with without having so many ideas pop into my head at once that ends up sending the story in many directions all at once. I hope you enjoy Moon Fairy. More to come if I do not shame myself with embarassment at someone reading my first piece of work. Please, read and review. - Syndril



*Edits* A review from my other story 'Command Me' suggested I break up the paragraphs so that each one would would be a better indicator of who was speaking or thinking and to put it in a paragraph by itself. Though I'm used to more novel like writing, I do admit, especially when reading on a computer, smaller paragraphs are easier to read. Please let me know if you like the change. - Syndril

 *Edits* In the second to last paragraph I added a quick note of just why type of wings she had. It seems a lot of people were confused as to why type they were. I hope this clears up any confusion. - Syndril