Disclaimer: I am proud to say that I do not own Inuyasha and any of the characters here unless specifically mentioned. The plot is mine. This story was inspired by the fanart Her Fate.... by Steph. It is not directly linked to the actual art itself. The art only applies for this first chapter and has no continual reveleance throughout the story, except for the idea that Kagome's fate is binded by the jewel. Please read and enjoy.
That was all there was now! Pain from losing her to the Shikon No Tama.
It had finally claimed her, claimed her life after searching for its scattered pieces for five years now. There would no longer be anything for him. No smiles, no tears. No love from her generous heart would ever be shared with him or any other.
How could they have not seen it? Her life, her very blood was tied to that deceptive pink glass. Every one was gathered now. Kouga and Ayame from the wolf packs of the Northern Mountains, Jinenji and his mother from the Southern village, Shiori and her mother from the Western coast, and Souten from the Eastern Thunder demon tribe. Even some humans were present, the foolish Nobunaga and his lover, the nobleman of some village from the Northern Valley who had claimed Sango as his bride before she had married to the monk Miroku, the now human priestess Kikyo, the monk's tutor Mushin, and the entire newly brought back to life demon slayer's village. Everyone had come to see her passing, even the small group of hanyou children that her group had saved from the Vanishing Island so long ago.
But they did not matter! No. No one mattered now, not even the married Miroku and Sango or the mated Inuyasha and Kikyo. Only Kagome's dead body and the Shippo's crying form mattered to him now. Rin had to be subdued with heavy herbs used for sleeping to calm her down from her grief. Shippo's grief had been to great for such herbs and the young demon refused to tear his small claws from the woven cotton of Kagome's clothes to be hushed down. Jaken was acting most uncharacteristic with his own grief and quietness. Ah-Un was supporting his back as he was leaning on the dragons side for some silent support. His own heart was broken. His love's body stiff and cold, the tenseiga unable to do anything for her unresponsive body.
The old Lady Keade was walking to him now. His claws gripped onto her body tighter, Shippo's small frame in between the two bodies of his adopted parents. He would not let go! Not ever! She was his damn it and no one would claim her before he was willing to let go.
“You must relinquish her body now Sesshoumaru-sama. Kagome's body must be burned with the jewel and her ashes be returned to the well.”
Keade's words meet a low growling from the demon lord. Still bloody from the final battle with Naraku previously, he had not loosened his grip on the miko's body and had refused anyone coming between him, Shippo, and the dead body of the girl.
“I will not surrender her to you. Not to you or that unresponsive well. No one can take her from me.”
“Let her go Sesshoumaru-sama, Kagome cannot be brought back.” The once undead miko spoke, her voice harsh with truth. Truth that had yet to root itself in his mind.
“As a once walking corpse, you have no say on what action I take. Do not presume to share your unwanted wisdom on me.” His tone was cold and precise, his words bringing back the memory of the reincarnated girl's soul moved from her own body and into Kikyo as the body took her last breathe in the hidden depths of Sesshoumaru's hair as he bended his head to touch her lips with his.
“Take that back you bastard!”
“Inuyasha! Stop your foolishness! Do not taint Kagome's death with your rambunctious yelling!” The level headed sound of Miroku's voice permeated the air and Inuyasha stood back, his hand on his sword dropping to his side and yet still ready to unleash it to protect his mate.
“What will you do with her body now Lord Sesshoumaru?” Miroku asked having directed his attention from the loud mouth that is Inuyasha to the awakening horror that would soon be the demon in front of him.
“Whatever I choose would end her in my care. I refuse to give her up to you ungrateful humans.” His decision had left the others open mouthed! A protector of the Shikon No Tama was not to be claimed so publicly!
“Then give me the jewel.” Everyone's attention was stolen by the old Guardian of the Shikon.
“Do not place yourself at the same level as my chosen one. You could not protect the jewel then and you can not do so now!”He roared, his eyes glowing red. He knew very well of the hatred this woman had for the jewel and for Kagome and he would not give either one to her.
“He is right Kikyo! Didn't you die hating that jewel? You never wanted to be a priestess so do not proclaim yourself now as its true protector. The jewel is Kagome's duty and Sesshoumaru had sworn from the beginning to protect both! Leave it alone.” Sango's voice silenced Kikyo's unformed words and drove to heart the issue that now laid before them, the death of Kagome, the power of the jewel's disappearance and Kikyo's enjoyment of both. She would not let that woman speak so wrongly of her sister, Kagome had given too much for her name to be tainted by such hatred.
“When do we leave?” Shippo's hoarse voice sounded across the bloody field! The sorrow laced in left everyone speechless for they could feel the hopelessness they all felt deep inside ring out in the small fox demon's whisper.
He was so tired. His mother had died and now instead of grieving and giving her death its proper due, everyone was now arguing over his beloved mother's jewel, for it was hers now. It was obvious to him that the one who Kagome should now go to was to Sesshoumaru since they had agreed to mate after the death of Naraku. Mated pairing could not live long after the death of one of their partners, the time period dependeding on the species and on the pairs bonding! It was the main reason for them deciding on not matting until Naraku's defeat and the jewel's balanced form leaving this world forever.
“Your not going with him Shippo.”
Sesshoumaru locked eyes with Inuyasha.
“You dare tell my son where he can or cannot do.”
“Shippo is not your son. Kagome would have wanted Shippo to live here, away from your cold and merciless rule.” Inuyasha said, his fists shaking at his sides with fury and the need to beat the life out of Sesshoumaru's body.
“Has it ever occurred to you Inuyasha that as Kagome's son, Shippo is Sesshoumaru's son due to their planning on matting after the defeat of Naraku? Kagome would've had wanted Shippo to be raised by the male she loved.”
The calming ring of Miroku's voice seemed to work on the slowly calming Inuyasha, but that could have also been made by Kikyo's sharp cold narrowed gaze at her mate. No one was entirely too sure.
Silence filled the air.
Sesshoumaru stood, carrying Shippo and Kagome's body in his arms. Everyone starred at him, awaiting his next set of actions that would determine their fates, but he did nothing.
Glancing down, he spoke "From this moment on, the Shikon Guardian and her jewel will be under this Sesshoumaru's protection. Anyone who even dares to think of taking her or her jewel will die by my claws," done with speaking to those gathered around him, Sesshoumaru turned to Shippo and Jaken, "Get Rin and take Ah-Un to the castle immediately. I have business that needs to be dealt with." And with that Sesshoumaru gathered his youkai cloud and spirited away towards the rising sun.