Across the Sea
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.Rating ...
NC17 Disclaimer: Inuyasha and friends were created and lovingly brought to life by Rumiko Takahashi. This story and plot do however belong to me Parings Kagome/Sesshomaru
It stared simple enough and it was all do to a request. A letter she was to write a letter. Her name was Kagome Higarashi, and She was always some ones pen pal. She had a letter going everywhere Peru, China, Russia. But Now She got a request to write to someone out at sea. Name Was Sesshomaru and was out at sea Stationed in the middle of no wear on a rig. Not surprised at the location or the name she sat down to write.
Dear Sesshomaru,
My name is Kagome Higarashi I am 30 years old and I am your new pen pal.
I have several pen pals all over the world. I just love to write to people and discover various parts of the world. I know you're out at sea on a rig. Are there others on the rig living with you? I have four cats,2 dogs and 2 nephews. Do you have any Pets or family, I am currently living with my mother, little Brother Sota, My grandfather and My older Sister Kikyo, my two nephews are her kids
.I work part time, and I have lots of hobbies. If you need any type of supplies or anything I will happily send you a care package. hope to hear from you soon take care out there
your Friend and new Pen Pal
Kagome Higarashi
Smiling she sealed the letter and sent it out knowing with in just a few weeks shed have a response back the only thing that sucked about the whole Pen Pal thing was the waiting.It was mailed promptly the next day it would take 2 week may be longer before she got a response
( else were)
He knew he was next, his lonely life would soon be filled with a letter from a pen pal, watching the sea he watched the waves and the shore line in the distance waiting and wonder, who this new pen pal was? He would know soon, days passed and the silences surrounded him to no degree un nerved him, he had everything he could hope for but someone to talk to, but then he heard it the distance sound of a horn It had to be the mail had, it would have his supplies and hopefully his letter, cause the boat only came out twice a month. From the Deck he stepped out and watched as the boat slow came his way wonder if they could possibly go any slower.
A grin crossed his face after the ship and the crew came and left, leaving him again to his solitary but left with him was two thing a box of supplies and a letter. Opting to put his supplies away first he opened his letter last eye brows shot up as he stared at the writing with one question on his mind who was this Idiot girl?
Short I know but as the days go on so do the chapters hope you enjoy this chapter has yet to see my beta she done not know that I have started writing again so don't hurt me cause I'm sure she will soon
Night Star