The legend that severed fate by Tenshi Villiers



She was walking through the Hallowed Halls of the Dragon wearing a black dragon embroidered dark puple furisode with zori sandals. Her chin length golden brown hair shone brilliantly in the sun. Her silver eyes and alabaster skin were in stark contrast with the kimono she wore. Her black hakama and her rapier were both hidden by the dark purple furisode. While her silver obi looked like it was tied in an inticate knot it actually wasn't. If she pulled the hidden silver string, the obi would untie and the furisode would open revealing a black backless kimono top with the hakama.

She pulled a dark purple orb from her sleeve and it began to glow. She lightly smiled as she put the the orb back into her sleeve. She raised her hand to her lips and thought to herself,

'I smiled? How long has it been since I smiled? I only hope to see you all someday. Midoriko, while you were my polar opposite in all aspects of life, I was glad to call you friend. Sweet Nazuna, you were so innocent but when the sea called you answered with ice cold determination. Tsubaki, like the element you represented, you were also unpredictable. Kohaku, unrelenting and powerful, graceful and kind, truly if no one else represented their element better than you. Tsukyoumaru, the grace of the wind was at your beck and call, once that power was yours you spoke with wisdom beyond any of us. And my precious Tsuki, you were everything to me. The light of your fire broke through my darkness and showed me love. That is one thing i will never forget. I swear on my sword and my honor as the Dark Dragoon, I will make sure that the world we strived so hard to liberate is kept that way. May you all find peace in my words.'

As she exited the towers, she transformed into her dragoon form and took flight vowing to never again look upon the place she once called home. She came across a proud wingly city that promoted peace.

"Hello child, how are you?" an elderly wingly said as she enveloped the young brunette in an embrace.

"It's time. I must do what I can to ensure the peace between the species and that this world does not fall into chaos."

"Child, be careful."

"I have lost everyone I care about. All because your stupid brother wanted to be a God. We had to take him down a few pegs. Now, where is my armor, I have a duty I must fulfill. When that jewel shattered, my fate was sealed."

The young woman put on her dark purple knee high boots, her matching bustier and leather skirt, and finished with putting on her headband that made her look almost demonic. The elderly wingly came out of the room she was in and said,

"The necklace you wanted is here."

"Good. Thank you."

The young woman took the necklace and put it on. The dark purple gem that dangled from the necklace began to glow and it faded just as quickly. She then transformed and took flight.

As the years rolled by, she seemed oblivious to the passage of time. She heard a rumor that a dragon was being used in a war.

"The dragons were wiped out during the Dragon Campaign and yet there is one who clings to life? This is most unusual. I must go investigate."

As she traveled the border of the country she was in, she scaled a mountain cliff and it was then that she saw it.

'The Green Tusked Dragon Feyrbrand.'

She then hopped off the cliff to follow the dragon. It was then that she met a young man with red armor and long silvery gray hair running away from the dragon. She grabbed him and they hid behind a rock outside of the dragon's line of vision.

"Who are you?"

"Quiet. If you want to live."

As the dragon left the scene, the woman and the man got out from behind the rock.

"What was that?"

"A dragon."

"A dragon?!"

"They could have easily destroyed that village with out the need of a dragon."

"You mean Seles? Shit thats my home."

As the young man took off to the west, she took out her dragoon spirit to transform when it began to glow.

'The hell? But how? I thought that they all disappeared but hers. It seems that there is another out and about. This is most interesting.'