Forgot-Me-Not by maousama no tsuki

Moon Gazing

This is my first fan fiction so I had some problems to write but I think I went quite well….. but it’s hard to write as sesshomaru ….. I have to try to study more about him.


Moon Gazing

Silence… No one said anything, the only sound came from the wind as it swept the snow across the ground. Sesshomaru looked at his father and narrowed his golden eyes. How long was his father planning to watch the moon? Sesshomaru was displeased and a bit annoyed, had his father canceled his training only to make him stare at the moon.

Moon gazing, his father loved it and could spend hours staring at the moon. The elders also liked it, sometimes could his father and the elders together with the leader and elders from the wolf tribe meet up just to gaze at the moon.

Sesshomaru saw no pleasure in moon gazing, he rather trained with his sword or patrolled the land. The taiyoukai turned around ready to walk away. his father broke the silence just as he began to walk.

“ Patience my son. Everything happens in it’s own pace. Sometimes all you can do is wait.”

Sesshomaru arched his eyebrow, what did his father mean with that. Before he got a chance to reflect on his fathers words, transformed his father and began to howl at the moon. Sesshomaru felt a chill and saw how the sky darkened as the full moon disappeared. His father turned around and glared at him with his red eyes then he was about to draw his sword.

Sesshomaru let his hand fall down from the sword. his father looked up there the moon had been and stepped back without looking away. A silver white light shone up the sky, first was it everywhere then the light began to gather and formed a big circle. A dark silhouette of either a man or woman  with long hair wearing a kimono appeared in the middle of the circle of light. No scent came from the silhouette but he could feel a strong presence. Sesshomaru widened his eyes then he saw how his father bowed down. the taiyoukai did the same then he received a glare from his father.

The silhouette began to speak, it was a mans voice. The voice was like thunder, loud  and clear and everywhere.Sesshomaru clenched his fists in his try to resist the need to cover his ears.

" I  the great Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is greeting you Inu no Taisho"

Sesshomarus eyes widened, it was the moon god, the one his father had sworn to serve. He remembered it like it was yesterday, he had been much younger then his father and the wolf tribes leader and the elders had gather everyone of both the wolf youkais and the inugamis to a meeting. His father had said that from this day they would serve the moon god and the next day had a big  temple to the moon gods honor been built. The taiyoukais flash back was interrupted by the voice of the god.

" My loyal servant, no my friend. Don't bow rise up and look at me.  I have come to you to beg of your help" 

His father looked up on the god, Sesshomaru hesitated to look up, but then the god made a gesture and his father nodded he lifted his head.

"what can I a low being do for you my god". His father said.

" Soon I will get married."

" Congratulations my........". the Inu no Taisho was silenced with a hand gesture from the god.

" Thank you my friend, yes it's a happy thing but a god can't just get married. My bride to be has to take a test, she has to survive on the earth and try to understand the way of the creatures that lives on the earth. The test is normally a pretty easy, but my sister has decided to disturbed the test."

Sesshomaru looked at the horizon. There was a faint light of the sun, the empire of Amaterasu Omikami the sun goddess and the moon gods sister. The sun was on its way up on the dark sky.

" She detest and hates me as you know. My bride to be happens to be one of her best friends. She will do anything to try to stop the wedding. So I beg you to protect my bride to be. I will send her down to you together with her loyal guard" the moon god said.  

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes then a new bright light appeared in the sky. Soon was the taiyoukai forced to close his eyes because the bright light. When Sesshomaru opened his eyes was he in his room. He feared a minute that his father had carried him to his room, but that was not a possibility. He was standing up in the middle of his room. He got to the conclusion that the moon god had with his power transported them back to the castle.




If you see any spelling mistakes leave a review under that chapter. ( im really sorry but eng is not my best subject in school^^’)